With lovely Venus merging with Neptune in the sign of Pisces we may be keen to reach out to others and offer support where necessary.
Yet, this aspect can also be quite romantic whether we are single or in a long-term relationship, and could add a golden note to a special date night. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 13th January 2017 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 13th January 2017
Aries 21 March – 20 April
With Mars in a more subtle part of your chart linking to Pluto the planet of transformation, there may be an opportunity to use this dynamic focus to make one or two changes on an inner level. If you feel that you're not accomplishing as much as you might, then this aspect can see you considering how best to harness aspects of your personality for success and greater happiness. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If you are in the mood to celebrate the start of the weekend, then the current backdrop can see you spending time in good company. Over the coming days certain friends might seek to empathise with you and to support you in whatever you feel or decide. Even so, it may be those friends who challenge you or who draw out your best qualities that can really spur you on now Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The Leo Moon adds a livelier spin to events, and combined with other key aspects can put the emphasis on communication and trading ideas. But with Mercury, your ruler, now back in the ambitious sign of Capricorn and an intense sector, you may find you are more inclined to look beneath the surface, and by doing so to spot opportunities that might not be obvious otherwise.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
While your horoscope can reveal a yearning for faraway places and an escape from everyday life, someone close can put a more realistic take on things, with ideas that may be more doable. You don't need to let go of your dreams though, as with a fresh perspective it may be possible to enjoy them. On another note, pairing with another for a travel adventure can make it memorable.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
It may be easier to take the path of least resistance, especially as Venus's tie to Neptune can encourage you to be very accepting, even of things that might require a more forthright stance. If you consider your mood though, you could find that deep down you feel piqued and this might encourage you to take action in order for you to bring things back into emotional balance.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Although you may seem determined on the surface, a softer and very pliable side can be revealed if someone needs your assistance. But some reserve may be necessary over coming days as a way to protect yourself from those who could take advantage. At the same time, if you feel someone is worthy of your help, your generosity can be inspiring and make a real difference.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Events in your day-to-day life could seem personal and perhaps touch you at a deeper level than usual. This can be because your relationships with others may be enhanced by an awareness that allows you to empathise with their issues and moods. Mind, you could feel a compulsion to set an example regarding someone close if it encourages them to reflect on their own actions.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
This may be one of those times when a firm decision can lead to you accomplishing more than you might. You may have to push yourself though, as the stellar backdrop can encourage going with the flow. Even so, your horoscope suggests that by making a move you could latch onto an option that might be perfect for you and that caters to a talent that you could be ready to tap into.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The planetary setup suggests that a leading idea or skill could begin to bear fruit now, especially if it is something you have been working at for some time. This might be due in part to the planet Uranus getting more firmly into its forward stride and liaising positively with other key energies. Although this focus is ongoing, you could feel pleased at your progress and eager for more.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
With the weekend nearly here, Venus's delectable link with Neptune can see you taking time out for a romantic date night with your partner or perhaps a love interest. But this subtle aspect can also encourage more cultural activities such as a concert or perhaps an exhibition. You can also find that by airing your passion for a subject you may get some valuable support.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You may be motivated to take a closer look at your outgoings, especially if you hope to save for something special. With a rather indulgent influence showing up in your money zone though, it can help to be watchful if spending over the weekend. Check prices and value for money as some things may not be as great as they seem. Formulating a new budget could really help.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You could fall in love with an idea or perhaps yearn for something that may be beyond your reach at this time. Not that it is completely unattainable, but you may find that by being flexible and willing to look into other ways to gain similar experiences you might find the satisfaction you seek more quickly. The influence of a friend though, can encourage you to be quite bold.