Today’s Horoscope

Tuesday 25th March

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may get a second chance at a fleeting connection. Someone you met briefly resurfaces, and suddenly the conversation you had previously carries weight. Could this be a coincidence? Likely not! That opportunity they mentioned might be more relevant than you first thought. Revisit the idea with fresh eyes and renewed interest, ask questions and explore where it leads.

Yesterday’s Horoscope

Monday 24th March

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Aiming to get things done? Don’t rely too much on the assistance of friends as they’ll complicate matters. If you have something important to attend to, do it yourself. Planning a trip? With the Moon in Aquarius linking to Pluto in your sector of travel and new experiences, stepping out of your comfort zone may seem very inviting. Embrace the challenge, as rewards await you.

Tomorrow’s Horoscope

Wednesday 26th March

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Keen to take a closer look at a relationship that’s been stirring some concerns. Is it lifting you up or weighing you down? Mars pushes you to take action but a sensitive influence reveals this is more about understanding. Pay attention to how this connection makes you feel at your core. Does it nourish your spirit or drain your energy? Honest reflection will reveal the truth.

Weekly Horoscope

WC 24th March

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

A potent Eclipse can be game-changing concerning a fateful encounter or a decision to step into new social circles. You’ll be introduced to fresh ideas and opportunities that can take your life to the next level. As Neptune eases into Aries, you’ll be more idealistic and drawn to causes that stir your soul. Just be sure your energy goes where it truly matters. Discernment can be vital.

March Monthlies Horoscope

March Monthlies

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Your ruler Mercury rewinds from mid month Gemini, and you may find yourself revising some of your long term plans. In fact, the Lunar Eclipse of the 14th suggests world and work pressures can ramp up in the next six months, and finding a balance between your personal needs and this, is going to be a test. And yet the Spring Equinox of the 20th and Solar Eclipse of the 29th, can help you to reset your compass, and in a way which is more fitting for you. Your network and connections to others will be at the heart of this.