Free Tarot Card Reading

Thank you for joining me for your Free Tarot reading. Sometimes Tarot tells us things that we don’t necessarily want to see, but it is all about looking at our situation in a more insightful way. Good luck…
How to use

Quieten your mind & focus on your query. When you’re ready, press ‘Click to Deal’ below.

Three Completely Unique Cards will be dealt.

For your in-depth interpretation of each Tarot Card’s meaning, please Click Here.

Please Choose a Tarot Reading below…

10 Card Tarot Spreads

Relationship Tarot Insights  
How well suited you are for each other. What you can accomplish together.
Mending Fences Tarot Spread  
You don’t know what to do. You don’t like where you are, but you have no clue how to progress.
Romantic Relationship Moving Forward Tarot Spread  
Is this the person for you, not just romantically, but for ever after?
Partnerships Tarot Spread  
How you will function with a specific other person and how well it will work out for you.
Money Tarot Spread 
Insight into your financial situation and how you manage money in general.
Attracting Prosperity Tarot Spread 
Understand and improve your approach to potential prosperity issues.
Career & Success Tarot Spread 
Understand what you want to do professionally so you can be happy with what you are doing now.

Classic Tarot Card Spreads

Horoscope Tarot Spread 
This most comprehensive and informative Tarot spread covers important aspects of your life and the likely outcomes.
Horseshoe Tarot Spread 
Gain insight into a situation as it evolves and make choices that will bring about what you desire.
Celtic Cross Tarot Spread 
Examine a situation in depth by looking at a varying number of influences affecting it.
Making Choices Tarot Spread
Different possibilities. Maybe a choice between jobs, lovers, living situation, or any other A or B possibility.

Free Tarot Card Readings

Cheap and cheerful is great but free and fabulous is simply fantastic. And the Patrick Arundell Free Tarot Reading develops this form of divination a stage further and brings it to you in a lively and informative way. We live in a modern world and use technology to find out what you need to know quickly and efficiently which enables you to move quickly to make the most of a situation. Use this wonderful service to complement the work of my Live Tarot Readers. Of course face to face readings were the preferred when The Tarot first appeared in Europe during the 14th century or when people had or still have a complex problem that requires in depth scrutiny, but it’s not ideal when you want a simple and accurate reading – fast. My Tarot Reading follows the tradition but develops it in a new way. Our tarot card readings maintain a connection with the tried and tested formulae of the past, such as using the Major and Minor arcana (so don’t be surprised if during your reading which uses the 21st century technology you recognise ancient and familiar cards such as the amorous Lovers and the lusty Devil) but combines it with modern technology. If you have been put off by complex readings that left you reeling in a miasma of mystical jargon you’ll be delighted to know my Three Card Tarot Reading is written in clear, modern language, so that it seems more like a chat with a savvy pal than using an ancient oracle – just as you would expect from any product associated with me. Our tarot uses computer technology so there is no risk of the tarot reader being tempted to give you an answer they think you want to hear. Furthermore, with no other human involved, you can be sure that your reading is totally confidential. This tarot service does not seek to ruin your day by mulling over the negative aspects of some cards as certain tarot readers may have done in the past, rather, seek to show you the light at the end of the tunnel and to empower you to take the steps that will help you make the most of your situation. Our three card tarot spread will show the root cause of your position, the situation you find yourself in at present and the likely outcome of your actions. Remember, our fate lies in our own hands and, if you use the tarot wisely, it can help you to move towards a sensational future. My step by step instructions are simple and guide you through the process easily, all you need to do is think about the issue that concerns you and press a button, yes it is that simple – and don’t forget it is a totally and wonderfully FREE Tarot Reading.

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