Today’s Horoscope
Monday 24th March
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
With the Sun and the retreating Mercury merging in Aries, your family’s past beckons. Reflect on key experiences, as they can hold valuable lessons that might reshape your present reality. And there may be wisdom hidden in your ancestry which could well be a roadmap for your journey forward. As you know, the roots of a sturdy tree run deep, so draw strength from your heritage.
Yesterday’s Horoscope
Sunday 23rd March
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The Sun’s angle to the radical Pluto can usher in fresh ideas and opportunities, especially if you’ve been thinking of starting a business from home or have other big projects planned. Don’t forget about the cost, as this can be the key to getting things off to the best possible start. The more resourceful you are, the easier it is to be creative and to get started for a reasonable cost.
Tomorrow’s Horoscope
Tuesday 25th March
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Be alert, especially when it comes to spending on household goods or services. A deal that seems too good to be true, just might be. Someone or something isn’t quite as they seem, so read the fine print, ask tough questions and trust yourself. You’re eager to uncover hidden truths, and to dig deeper before paying up. A little patience now could save you from a costly regret later.
Weekly Horoscope
WC 24th March
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Ready for change concerning home and family life? The Solar Eclipse brings the potential for a major shift, such as a move, renovation or emotional breakthrough. Change can feel unsettling, but may also lead you to something better. As Neptune sails into Aries, a home-based business could be the perfect outlet for enhanced creative flare. A family secret might be exposed too.
March Monthlies Horoscope
March Monthlies
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Your ruler Saturn is the wise guy of the zodiac, and as he merges with the Lunation of the 14th this month, he’s asking you to choose your words with care over the next six months. And with Venus and Mercury, the relater and the communicator planets respectively, both in retrograde, what you text, message or email could prove very important. You may also hear from someone from your past, perhaps a person you knew locally or in your family. It may not be easy to open up, but there could be a chance of some kind of reconciliation.