Today’s Horoscope
Monday 24th March
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Prepare for a revelation disguised as a mistake. What seems like an error could unveil surprising insights and be a positive game-changer. The Sun/Mercury retro tie-up can coincide with unexpected twists that hold the seeds of change. Sometimes big discoveries emerge from apparent blunders. This unforeseen spark of brilliance might reveal a new path forward.
Yesterday’s Horoscope
Sunday 23rd March
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
News or information could act as a catalyst that inspires a new beginning or encourages you to get moving on an idea or plan. A potent aspect involving your sector of communication, may find you ready to share your message with the world or to liaise with another to work on an idea. Deeper stirrings can also inspire you to consider what you really want on a very soulful level.
Tomorrow’s Horoscope
Tuesday 25th March
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Are you doing the right thing? A key aspect suggests a rethink, not a retreat. Pluto craves a positive shift, but Mercury’s backspin demands insight. If your words or actions carry weight, ensure they land with purpose, not just passion. Pause for a while and trust that the right option will reveal itself. Ideas are your strength, but timing is your ally. When you’re sure, go all in!
Weekly Horoscope
WC 24th March
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The Eclipse invites you to rewrite your inner script by swapping doubt for confidence. Your mindset shapes your reality, so make it a masterpiece. With Neptune gliding into Aries this weekend, your words hold power. Whether through social media, creative writing or storytelling, your voice can inspire and attract a growing audience. Yet staying savvy is vital.
March Monthlies Horoscope
March Monthlies
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
March bursts with possibilities Aquarius, and the side of you that’s passionate about ideas and connecting to people, comes to the fore. But there can be some crossed wires, and you may find that not everyone is receptive to what you believe in. And yet that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stand firm when you feel it’s right. Shared finances could prove complex for the next six months, but from the 20th, you can feel inspired, and some very important and fated conversations could follow. Single? A date and a meal could be very enjoyable as the month comes to a close.