Year of the Rooster 2017
The Year of the Fire Rooster begins on 28th January 2017 and has a very different vibe to the last twelve months, which were under the Monkey. Rooster nature is brash and bold but extremely sensitive underneath. Luckily, while Roosters do love to promote their public image they get things done too, and are indomitable in the face of difficulties.
Big Projects, Space Race
The Rooster Year will be filled with big projects. Taller and more space age buildings will spring up in many of the world’s leading cities. Huge cruisers and warships will be built, and the advanced nations will compete in technology, satellite building and a fresh plethora of space programmes. The colonisation of Mars and other grand projects will be back on the agenda. Of course, Mars will not be colonized in the next twelve months, but there will be a lot of talk, and if you live on the moon, watch out we’re coming back!
Blockbuster Movies and Fashion
The film industry will make bigger blockbusters and spend more money. Everything will seem more grandiose. Another of our rock ‘n’ roll legends will bite the dust, and the media coverage and general fuss will be enormous.
Fashions will be classier but increasingly showy at the same time. The now ever present celebrity culture will go into overdrive, but there will be a growing backlash, especially in music.
Economy, more and the same
The British economy will dip and dive and boom in certain sectors. It will seem that there is more money around, but for many it’ll be the same old grind.
On the world stage there will be much posturing and warlike noises. Fortunately, although some trouble might kick off, a Rooster year is about sabre rattling rather than long drawn out conflicts. Roosters don’t really like getting down and dirty.
Iran will suffer internal political conflicts, revolving around the old battle between reformers and the old guard conservatives. North Korea will be in the news regularly, with tensions building between them and the United States and Japan.
Syrian conflict, end game
The Syrian conflict will enter its end game, with the death toll rising and further infrastructure damage. Russia and its leader Mr Putin, will also be a centre of attention for a short while. There’s an old saying, and that’s, ‘Don’t poke the bear. Just leave it alone.’ Alliances between Britain and Russia and even Europe and Russia would benefit everyone. There will be more trouble in Nigeria and some other African states, alongside the spectre of famine and disease.
Brexit, May shows mettle
The one drawn out conflict of the next twelve months will not feature a single shot being fired. This will be the battle between Britain and Europe once Brexit begins. Theresa May will show her mettle, and Europe had better watch out. Fault lines between several other European nations will appear as a result. Our prime minister will do a good job, but will face growing criticism from the left wing media as they and certain political forces continue to try and scare monger Britain back into the EU. They will be sorely disappointed.
US, Trump presidency?
According to current Celestial energies and Earth energies we do face a Trump presidency. It will of course be controversial and fractious, with sections of American society divided against themselves. However, Trump will be more conservative than currently realised, and could prove effective. Oddly, he will prove a sound ally for Britain. The only sour note is that Mr Trump needs to ensure his personal security arrangements are effective, as there will be attempts at immortalising him Abraham Lincoln style.{copytag:[611]:copytag}
Ex-president Obama, will continue to poke his nose in, although this will largely be unwelcome, particularly in Britain. Expect further question marks over Hilary Clinton’s health.
Strong and Conservative
The Conservative party will become stronger under Theresa May’s leadership, despite some back bench whinging. She will continue to introduce radical policies, and at least one budget will cause surprise.
Labour still in disarray
The Labour party will continue to be in disarray. Jeremy Corbyn will of course still be in charge, but further rebellions will be rumoured, tried, stopped and the whole weird mess will rumble on. My Corbyn’s personal support among the population at large will grow, and he will actually emerge as a proper statesman, speaking with authority and commanding respect. He will learn on his feet and grow in front of our eyes.
UKIP, changes
UKIP will re-emerge as a force at a later stage, but most of their 2017 will be wasted in infighting and dealing with the fallout from self-inflicted foot wounds. A new leader will rise, but the ghost of Nigel Farage will be ever present, as will the man himself. The tide of Earth energies surrounding the party suggests several different leaders over the next few years, one of them female, but it will be a man who leads them most effectively. Nigel Farage’s public and media profile will grow again.
Security, UK and Europe
Terrorism will return to mainland Europe, and Britain will not be unscathed. Luckily, the British security services will successfully continue to protect us from most jihadist aggression. As usual it is the airports that need guarding.
There will be elections and a change of government in Germany. Merkel’s days are numbered as a leader and as a respected voice. Internal troubles concerning Islamists and refugees will be Germany’s voters’ prime concerns. There will also be a surprising and for some worrying result in the French elections. The tide of politics is changing in Europe, and the old traditional parties will increasingly look out of touch with what voters they have left.
Tragedy and violence will surround the migrant camp in Calais. It will eventually cease to exist, being eroded slowly. French public opinion will demand action from their government, and this will be supported by ours.
Corbynism growing
Trade Union troubles will dog both Britain and France, and with Corbynism growing among the left in Britain, there will be an increase in trade union activity. Certain unions will extend their membership and remit, which will actually be a good thing for certain sections of the workforce.
There will be huge and eventually positive changes within the National Health Service, but they will of course cause a stink at the time.