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Horoscopes, what are they?

Open most gossip magazines, and you will find a study of the stars, with who is wearing what Designer, and who is going out with whom? While sandwiched in-between these pages, you will most likely find your star, smack bang on the free Horoscopes page. However, you may not be on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, but in a sense, these stars are not dissimilar. For when the Sun sets at night, the sky becomes its very own Walk of fame; you could say a Sunset Boulevard! With the night sky illuminating these patterns of stars in their very own celestial identity parade!

I say identity parade, as the science of Astrology is founded on the belief that these stars influence our identity and future path. So put simply, if Astrology plays the detective unlocking the key to our individual character and latent potential, then the Horoscope is the evidence, that vital witness statement taken at the scene of the incident, when we were born!

As like a fingerprint at the scene, a blueprint is created at birth of our intrinsic nature, possible talents and clues to our future ahead. This set of ideas about one’s character and life including predictions about the future, is based on the relative position of the stars or Planets when we are born. For the exact position of the heavens’ above are documented in this astrological birth chart, containing our Rising Sign, Sun, Moon and other personal and outer Planets, and how they aspect each other. Consequently, for this astrological birth chart to be the most accurate representation it can be, an individual needs to know not only their exact birth day, but the exact time and place they were born.

However, not everyone is privy to such information. While there are methods an Astrologer can use to ascertain an individual’s Ascendant, and therefore draw up an accurate Horoscope without knowing their exact birth time, most do know the day they were born. So, it follows that they are then usually familiar with the Sun/Solar Sign they are born under. Thus, it is no surprise that Horoscopes have generally come to represent a regular forecast of each Sun Sign in the popular media, whether it be daily, weekly or monthly.

You may think it seems all Greek to me, but no need to worry, as you would be on the right lines, as the word ‘Horoscope’ originated from the Greek word meaning ‘one who observes the hour of a birth’. For Greek and Egyptian ancient civilisations placed great significance on astrological thought and practice. However, it is difficult to credit who found what in this ‘whodunit’, as little was recorded at the time. Although what we can say, is that ancient civilisations as far back as the Babylonians, studied the skies, becoming keenly aware that movements above corresponded with changes here on Earth, particularly regarding the Seasons. Subsequently, following these movements aided practical everyday matters, from harvesting and hunting on land to navigating treacherous waters.

Therefore, time and methods may have moved on, but the sentiment that the Science of Astrology and producing Horoscopes remains a valuable tool in dealing with our day to day matters still adheres. Whereas World Leaders and celebrities may regularly consult Astrologers for advice, even asking them to draw up charts before embarking on a particular course of action, for many a regular glance in a magazine or newspaper normally suffices. Hence, you could say in a way Horoscopes are on par with checking the weather forecast. For we habitually check upcoming weather conditions, even though we may not always take heed accordingly or treat these predictions with total seriousness. Nevertheless, they do still aid us on deciding what plans to make for which particular day, and the precautions necessary to face these impending elements.

Well, the same can be said of Horoscopes, more a forecast for the soul than snow, these are our ‘whether forecast’, in whether we should do this, or whether we should do that? As this month’s Horoscope may tell you not to lend money to friends or steer clear of overspending, but whether you choose to follow this suggestion is your free will! Although, as you would expect, a delving Scorpio might be able to guess that a fretful Virgo friend may be more careful with their finances, than that of an impulsive Aries.

For your Sun Sign exalts an immense influence over your character, the upshot of this being that glancing at a Horoscope gives not only a quick and easy, but by and large effective way of clocking what generally makes you or another person tick; what broad issues they may be dealing with at particular times, and second guessing how they choose to tackle these instances. Why, you may say, is the Sun Sign of utmost importance in the Horoscope?

Well, just think it is the Sun which gives life, its rays enabling living forms to flourish, and thus it is where we shine, particularly career-wise. In addition, we now acknowledge; largely credited to German Astronomer, Joseph Kepler, how the Earth and other Planets revolve around the Sun, so it makes sense that our ego is represented by the Sun, as literally the world does revolve around us. So, in view of the fact that all other Planets journey around the Sun, the revelation that the Sun has an effect upon these Planets seems obvious.

For like the Sun ripens that apple to rosy red or our skin to a golden tan, it in turn colours the energies of the surrounding Planets. Thus, it is for this reason that all these planetary energies in an individual’s Horoscope must be interpreted in relation to the Sun. As the Sun is at the core of you, your basic personality and consciousness and regardless of other noticeable planetary influences in your free Horoscope, you will never wander far from your Sun, home. Therefore, in a sense to understand this Sun Sign, is to essentially understand you as a person. Of course, it is not as simplistic as this, as many factors make each individual unique, without even beginning to consider our inherited nature or the way we are nurtured, even being born a couple of seconds apart can dramatically alter our blueprint for life. However, what we cannot ignore is that our Sun Sign is the main ingredient of the recipe of our creation, flavouring our entire Horoscope, and as a result us as a living being.

Thus, in an ever-changing world, instantly categorising others and they in return being able to typify us, gives everyone an impression of control in an uncontrollable world. In essence, a Horos-‘cope’, a coping mechanism for everyday life. The categorisation of Sun Signs being classified into twelve Zodiac Signs, each Sign formed when the Sun passes through the sets of stars in the band of sky we call the Zodiac. This voyage of the Sun being linked to the Seasons of the year, as its journey begins at the Spring Equinox, marking the astrological year at 0 degrees of Aries, whilst making Aries the first Zodiac Sign, and appropriately a Fire Sign. For in ancient Astrology, the Sun is believed to be hot, dry and positive in nature, as it is the start of Greek God, Apollo’s fiery chariot ride through the sky, endowing the universe with heat and humanity. Therefore, Aries is the first of the Fire Signs and the initiator, as these twelve Zodiac Signs are further subdivided in reference to their nature and style of applying this nature. These twelve Zodiac Signs being filed under the four elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water. While again, much like the weather’s elements, they are all necessary for the universe to function, and you may find an overemphasis of an element in individual Horoscopes, as you do in a particular country’s climate.

For instance, those who inhabit Greece might view their everyday life as mostly sunny days, sometimes overly hot. While akin to this, those who inhabit a Fire Zodiac Sign will view their life and relate through the prism of that Sign. Thus, Fire Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; will act in an instinctual and inspirational manner, they are the doers, often impulsive, quick to react even in temper. Whereas, that of Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; will be more pragmatic in nature, practical and material matters are important to them, but they are wholeheartedly involved in the physical world. Conversely, Air Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius; live more through the mind, life being more an intellectual process for them, with communication of utmost importance. While finally, Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces; feel all that occurs, relating emotionally to events and affected by the moods of others.

Furthermore, once filed away in these four categories, these Zodiac Signs can be cross-referenced in terms of the fashion in which they apply their nature, into Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable modes. The Cardinal: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn; are the initiators, those with the original momentum and inspiration to start the train of action off. While the Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius; provide stability, keeping everything chugging along nicely. However, if there is a problem on the tracks, count on Mutable Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces; to quickly find a workable solution, as they are flexible in temperament, the Zodiac’s adaptors.

While it is worth mentioning for those born on the cusp of a Sign, as the Sun moves from one Zodiac constellation to another, the nature of both Sun Signs present must be considered in the kaleidoscope of an individual’s Horoscope. For together, these Signs will help form the lens through which the individual views the world and is observed. So, with these observations, are you ready for your close up?