The Moon in Scorpio syncs with Mars in Capricorn, preparing us to act on any insights we receive.
We'll easily see beyond the superficial to the heart of important situations and because of this we'll do the right thing. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 3rd February 2024 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 3rd February 2024
Aries 21 March – 20 April
There are many reasons to feel good about life, especially if you feel you've been scraping the surface of what is possible for you. The Sun in Aquarius encourages you to explore ideas, like those that attract your attention most. The Scorpio Moon encourages you to dig deep and not to take anything at face value though, Aries. If you do, you could come across a real treasure.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Intense influences are at work, so why not slow down so you can take things in your stride. You may not want to Taurus, as the excitement around an opportunity that could change your life might be urging you forward. Still, if you're in too much of a hurry you may do something rash. If you spend more time researching your options, you'll do the right thing first time around.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You enjoy being with people who have a sense of adventure. Still, lunar ties could encourage you to take a break from too much activity and relax for a while. The Moon in your wellness zone reveals that a few hours at the local spa or a massage may be just what you need to unwind on a deeper level. It's not your usual style, but taking it easy could be good for you today.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You like to be thought of as useful, and you do have a soft spot for those in need. Yet there are times when it's best to keep your distance and let others work out how to do things for themselves. This is an opportunity to let someone fail, as by doing so, they'll learn very quickly and be able to succeed in the future. They may be annoyed now, but soon they'll thank you.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You dislike taking no for an answer. And with assertive Mars in Capricorn, your ambitious side could be rearing its head. You'll be ready to do whatever it takes to get a result, even if it means stepping on another's toes. You'll also have to deal with the consequences, so think carefully about what it would mean if you did get the result you want. Could feelings of guilt spoil it?
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The Scorpio Moon puts a more intense spin on the day, but this won't make it any less enjoyable. Ties to dreamy Neptune and dynamic Mars suggest romance, fascinating discoveries and some intriguing conversations. And the focus on your leisure zone hints that you might enjoy attending exhibitions, learning a skill or spending time with someone deeply interesting.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Impressed with the things a friend has accomplished? Just one conversation with them could be enough to get you started too. A seed may be planted that encourages you to review your plans and aim for activities that push you out of your comfort zone. In fact, this can be a great time to experiment by tweaking as you go. Keep at it, and you'll be amply rewarded in the near future.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With the Moon in your sign making some potent links, you'll be busy connecting with key people for business and pleasure. A fun outing looks very promising, but so does a chance to chat about something that has so far been difficult to discuss. If you promised you would get this over with soon, today may be the day. Try not to overthink it, just do it, and feel the relief, Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
There's no point in complaining that you have too much work, as it won't make any difference to your situation. If you agreed to take on certain responsibilities, then you'll need to see them through. Once you get started, your horoscope reveals it might not be as hard as you think. With upbeat Jupiter and sparkly Uranus cheering you on, you'll soon find a way to make it an enjoyable experience.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
This looks to be a busy day, with many outings and opportunities on the cards if you want to take them up. There's plenty of interaction and a chance to catch up on news and share opinions. If an edgy issue flares up Capricorn, your best bet may be to do nothing much even if you want to get involved. You'll find that it resolves itself faster if you let others handle it. Steer well clear!
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You have a choice where you can follow the path others have trodden, or set off into unknown parts and blaze a trail that no-one has yet dared attempt. The choice you make depends on what you hope to accomplish and how deep this desire runs. If it's something truly heartfelt then no obstacle will be too big. You'll enjoy the journey from start to finish and count yourself lucky.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
It may be tempting to dwell on issues that have proved uncomfortable over recent days. But at the same time a blossoming friendship, romance or a fresh discovery can lift your spirits. Even though it might be wise to avoid impulsive moves Pisces, you could discover that giving time to any interesting developments brings you excellent opportunities for personal growth.