Weekly Horoscopes 8th January 2024

The confusion and lethargy which has dominated the change over of the years peaks on Tuesday, and this can turn out to be a week of really solid progress. The key to this is being systematic and ordered in our approach. But with an array of planetary support, including a vibrant Capricorn New Moon on Thursday, with an open mind and application, traction can be gained, and will be more evident by the week's end, and Mercury's arrival in Capricorn. For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for WC 8th January 2024 for each sign, please see below..

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Ready to embrace an opportunity? This week's New Moon is a lively one that can find you in an impatient mood and eager to get involved. Do your research, as a confusing Mercury link could muddy the waters, and you don't need that. Still, with dynamic aspects on the go, you may be made an offer you can't refuse. You'll also be enthused by an idea and ready to act on it.{copytag:[827]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Your mind is geared towards the extraordinary, and with the Sun in an expansive zone, you're keen to see what you're capable of. Don't get mired in confusing ideas early on, if you have a goal and you want to succeed at it, just do it! The New Moon inspires you to take a step forward towards becoming better, stronger and greater. And if you're ready, an exciting opportunity will show up.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

This week's New Moon offers the chance of a fresh start. Willing to let go of something that's not working? This theme is echoed in other ways, as sizzling aspects indicate a desire to start out on a new path. Need to get something off your chest first? Talk to a friend or link with a counsellor or coach. Once you've processed through this you'll feel clearer, happier and capable.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You'll be delighted by the possibilities ahead, and eager to let others know what you've decided. Worried about being criticized? It's time to take charge of your life, and this means becoming immune to their words. A fresh start is on the cards, and tapping into your inner strength will enable you to get up and running. Plus, it will be easier to talk about the things that matter.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Ready to do whatever it takes to change your life? If so, you'll be eager to push ahead despite any obstacles. But what do you really want? You may be torn between following your own path to success and security, or joining up with others who are doing something that you find inspirational. You can do both, but engaging with new ideas anyway will be deeply rewarding.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

This can be a belief-busting time, when you'll realize the limits of your mindset. With a change of attitude, you could move to a new level which brings happiness and success. The urge to be creative or to get involved in a heady romance may take over. You might swing from old ways to fresh ideas and back again. Yet this journey of discovery will change you for the better.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

A new beginning is possible concerning a family issue, and with determination something that's troubled you could shift. The relief may be immense. The New Moon brings a chance for a fresh start, but you have to want it. Energizing aspects will come to your aid. And if you act now, you'll be carried along to the point where you turn things around, despite any ups and downs.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Clarity is essential at the start of the week, especially if you're purchasing a big-ticket item. Don't be fooled by sales-speak, Scorpio. Check out reviews and head for the best deal. This can also be a decisive time, as you'll be ready to make a decision that changes everything. The New Moon and its tie to Uranus, hints at an offer that brings you and another together in a constructive way.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You'll be focused on earning money and making it go further, Archer. Check prices and small print at the start of the week, as a confusing aspect could muddy the waters. The New Moon is great for initiating a side-hustle, kick-starting better financial habits, and pursuing your biggest dreams. Other influences can get your plans off to a great start. Progress looks swift and easy.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Ready for something different? This week brings a fabulous New Moon in your sign that aligns with electric Uranus, so it's perfect for a new beginning. And with dealmaker Mercury heading into Capricorn, your natural ability to strategize will be greatly enhanced. With potent influences pushing you to aim high, this is no time to accept anything except the very best. You deserve it!

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

This is a time of self-discovery and self-improvement, when you'll learn a lot about yourself. You'll also have an opportunity to tie up any loose ends and let go of emotional baggage, all of which can be freeing. In addition, the New Moon might inspire you to enhance your inner game, to learn yoga or to be more mindful as a way to ease stress and approach life with confidence.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The New Moon sends a signal that it's time to move in new circles and connect with people who can support you in being the very best version of yourself. This is going to be important over the years ahead. Make a point of linking up with groups, clubs or people who are positive and supportive, as you'll be fired up to challenge yourself and excel in more ways than one, Pisces.