Aries 21 March – 20 April

With Saturn and Neptune continuing their joint deep dive in your sector of mysteries and endings, this is a year when coming to terms with strands of life and your past history, that are more in the past, is going to be part of the celestial plan. Concurrent to this, the fabulous North Node, back with you again after an eighteen year absence, and the glorious Aries Solar Eclipse of the 8th of April, beautifully align with the healer Chiron, and can bring huge potential for new beginnings and so much goodness. Embracing that part of your nature that likes freshness, new initiatives and getting on the front foot, means you can juggle between these two contrasting sets of energies. Just be aware however, that with Mercury, the planet of communication, rewinding in Fire signs, for all but ten days in the summer, not everything you try will go exactly to plan, but do keep trying! Indeed, the second Solar Eclipse of the year of the 2nd of October can repay your bravery, and particularly around your relationship sector, when a significant development is possible. Ironically, in the dying embers of December, your ruler Mars slows down, but this simply urges you to double down on expressing your talents.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Jupiter, the planet of growth, opportunities and good fortune, starts this year in your sign, and in a really positive alliance with the Sun, in one of the best angles possible in astrology. This suggests that you should have maximum faith in what you set out to achieve. May can turn out to be a particularly upbeat month for you, and sees your ruler Venus merge quite wonderfully with the electric energies of Uranus on the 18th and with Jupiter on the 23rd. This could coincide with a new romance, developing an exciting creative project or a dazzling new look. A slice of fortune linked to finances or resources is also possible. But it will be important to stay mindful of your inner world throughout 2024. You may surprise yourself after a very vigorous past few years of feeling the need to throttle back and have moments of complete tranquillity and peace. Your professional world could also be set to go through some kind of big shift, and to support these moments of rest and giving yourself permission to recharge, can be key. You may even find yourself keen to embrace a new kind of diet, exercise routine or job from early October, but one that gives you a better work/life balance. A desire to make changes at home are possible, even as late as in December.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Mercury, your ruling planet, takes on a fiery vibe in all but one of its three, ten week Retrograde cycles, which are always important. This is sure to add intensity to your natural talent for discussion, ideas and technology. But this could also mean that not everything goes quite to plan, and especially around relationship matters. Why might this be? Well, Mercury starts 2024 in retreat, and in one of its less favoured locations, and close to the planet of action, desire and instant gratification, Mars. This combination will likely impact on your interactions with others, but you can find yourself keener to set firmer boundaries all year, and push back where you feel people don’t take you seriously enough. But you can turn this into a positive too, by being more go-getting when it comes to your love life. Singleton? This duo can see you rethinking your approach, but also being more daring and proactive. Involved? You can be more in need of sparky debates and flirty challenges. Still, the two Solar Eclipses this year in April and October, and the helpful North Node in Aries, urge you to mix and mingle, and socialise where possible. With the luck planet Jupiter joining your sign on the 23rd of May for the rest of the year, this can also help to galvanise a new cycle lasting for the next twelve years, and bringing greater hope, optimism and daring, with the following seven months of the year bringing all sorts of new opportunities your way.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Many of us start each new year making our resolutions, and with the intention of sticking to them. And how many of us actually do so? Well, the big news Cancer is that your determination to do so as 2024 begins, can be strong. This is because Mercury and Mars are bonded in the part of your situation which will see you wanting to get fitter and more active, or shake up your work situation. With Jupiter in your sector of friendship and group activities, also being urged on by the Sun, your competitive streak will also be aroused but in a fun way, so great for renewing a gym membership or upping your activities sports-wise and perhaps with a friend. In fact, your connections to others can be really strong, be it socially or professionally, right through to the early summer. The New Moon in Cancer of the 5th of July, emphasises the social whirl, but then you may find yourself wanting a bit more time for yourself, and the second half of the year, primed by the Lunar Eclipse of the 18th of September in Virgo, could see you researching topics that appeal to you, travelling more and just taking stock. However, your instincts for quiet and peacefulness can be aroused by early October. Some Crabs may redecorate, move home or start a business from the comfort of their abode. But crucially, chances are you’ll still be upholding those January pledges!

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Your creativity is set to bubble away all year, a time for big shifts in terms of how you interact with others and your closest relationships. Those that are working well can get deeper and more committed, but what you’re craving is a sense of connection. January and February could prove to be particularly auspicious if you’re a love seeker. But possibilities to expand your professional situation may be true of this year too. As Jupiter works its magic in your sector of success, there could be plenty of opportunities to find new and exciting roles, but you may have to consider giving up what is safe and familiar in order to grasp something that is more meaningful to you. Key to all of this is going to be an openness to new ideas and broadening your knowledge base. Some Lions may decide to sign up for an online course, others scour the internet for more information, or apply to a higher education institution. Professional training courses which expand skills, will also be an attractive option. However, if you don’t feel the pull towards these, travel, either for adventure, pleasure or work, is a very real possibility. Yet with the Mercury Retrogrades this year, all but ten days in Fire signs, chances are there’s going to be disruption to rail or air movements, so contingencies will be needed. A new mode of transport can appeal to you, or the chance to learn to drive. Mars might see you going, it seems, over old ground in December, but see this as the hand of fate, in a positive way.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

As an Earth sign, you apply practical solutions to situations and seek tangible outcomes. The fortunate link between the Sun and the expansive Jupiter, also in Earth signs, as the year begins, can therefore be particularly meaningful. Why? Well, it provides you with a solid realistic platform as a backdrop to the whole year, but one that has opportunities to use your discrimination and attention to detail, but in a more creative way, utilising your flair. But home, family and personal strands, can’t be rushed. Someone close may not be as attuned to what you want to do as you’d like, and with stern Saturn continuing in your sector of relating all year, if you can be patient, it might work better than getting overly frustrated. Mind, with the Solar Eclipses and the Nodal axis accentuating your approach to finances, personal or shared, that might be the area that you look to find a greater balance around. Jupiter can bring you particular rewards on the 18th of May, with a fabulous holiday or agreement on a potentially lucrative contract or agreement. Your career sector is blessed in the last seven months of 2024, but with the Lunar Eclipse in your sign on the 18th of September, you’ll likely need to feel really at the heart of things to get truly excited, and self-employment can be a great way to achieve this, or working in a role where you have plenty of latitude to do your own thing. The last month of the year could though see you feeling quite tender, and resolving any old outstanding personal issues.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Your home, family and emotional life has been impacted hugely by potent Pluto over the last eighteen years. He does start the year impacting this area, and revisits in the Autumn for eleven weeks. But as he moves into Aquarius for the second time in this phase on the 21st of January, it will be a change that you’ll likely relish. With your ruler Venus and the feisty Mars also connecting well in February, there can be some early sociable moments in 2024, but also a time when you regain a lot of your joie de vivre. You also surf the powerful energies of the Solar Eclipse in your sign of last October as the year begins, and this will be augmented by one in your sector of relationships on the 8th of April, Jupiter moving into the expansive 9th House on the 23rd of May, and a second Solar Eclipse in your sign on the 2nd of October. All this is going to spark huge positivity throughout 2024, with you feeling that you’re driving events, rather than as in recent years, other people’s dramas have stacked up on your doorstep, or have been projected onto you. Think of all the exciting things you would like to bring to bear, visualise them powerfully, and look to manifest them into actual reality. Snags? Well, do try to get as organised as possible, and if you do have a job which requires supporting others, look to create hobbies and interests outside of this that will give you time out to recharge and balance the energies that you invest.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Your ruler Mars combines with Mercury, the messenger planet, as 2024 begins in your second Solar House of money and resources. However, Mercury is in a Retrograde, therefore, working on your finances is likely to be a theme at the start and end of the year, when Mercury retreats once more in this area. When the Winged Messenger retraces its steps, it can cause glitches, as you likely know, but it’s essential that you see this as an opportunity to get better value, squeeze more from your existing resources, and be creative with your expenditure. One area you may find yourself investing in, is your home. So, if you’ve long

wanted to improve things decoratively or do some upgrades, or even move altogether, your nose for a bargain will be ideal. With luck bringer Jupiter in your relating zone until near the end of May, relationships look promising for single Scorpions. Involved? Restless Uranus, also in your sector of partnerships, and the dour Saturn in your 5th House of romance, asks you to work hard at revitalising things, if a bond has become distant, strained and predictable. New approaches to diet, routines and organisation can be blessed by the Solar Eclipse of the 8th of April. If you’ve long thought about working for yourself, your home could be your base. And from the start of June, your entrepreneurial skills will really start to shine. The Virgo Lunar Eclipse of the 18th of September, may see you rethinking sorting long term plans, and even your links with people in your friendship circle.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Saturn and Neptune continue to ask you to look at the base of your existence, where you live, who with and how, but also continue to explore your inner world and emotional perspectives. Sometimes your innate positivity means that you put to one side setbacks and power forwards regardless. However, this may have seen lots of unresolved strands build up deep in the depths of your being, and this may be having more of an impact than is obvious. So, with the penetrating energies of Pluto in your sector of everyday conversations and information for much of the year, the more you share how you feel and open up to embracing this part of life, the better it will be. Further, the Eclipses in Aries and Libra are going to bring lots of bright and bubbly new people into your world, and this is emphasised when your upbeat ruling planet Jupiter powers into your zone of relating in late May. Singleton? The following twelve months from that time can hold much promise. Existing relationships could be rejuvenated, but especially where you’re becoming more in touch with the deeper you, your needs and responses. Travel linked to a job in August might see some snags, but the Lunar Eclipse of the 18th of September can help you to re-evaluate and figure out the type of role that will bring you true fulfilment and satisfaction. That side of you that likes action will be to the fore in 2024 too, just be conscious that if not every plan goes exactly to, yes plan, it’s all part of life’s rich tapestry, and there will be bigger reasons that see you take the direction that is truly right for you.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The Sun, as ever, is located in your sign as we herald the new year, but as 2024 dawns there’s a special component to celebrate, it’s his link to the planet of plenty, Jupiter in your sister Earth sign of Taurus, and in the area linked to life’s pleasures, joys and your self-expression. With Pluto set to move to Aquarius on the 21st of January soon to be joined by Mercury, Venus and Mars, all the hard work you’ve invested over many years can come back to you as soon as February, and you’ll be delighted to gain greater recognition, see your income stabilise or improve, or feel better about yourself or self-worth. Everyday communications, and especially using technology, could though prove to be an area where there may be the odd misunderstanding. Any anxieties about how people view you could come up from time to time, so extra care taken with text messages, emails and chatting to those you encounter, can help to reduce glitches. Sometimes, whilst many of us do have different perspectives, it does boil down to the old adage, it’s not what we say that counts, as much as HOW we say it, so do bear this in mind. You’re a sign known for your steadfast application, and as long as you feel truly invested in your career, and find personal validation from what you do, the Solar Eclipse of the 2nd of October could see you really gain the recognition and respect you deserve. Jupiter strengthens your vitality, resolve and enthusiasm in the second half of the year, and this can also give you added pizzazz to impress those in the know, or a line manager.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

This year can supercharge your purpose in so many ways. And you could kick it off in style, with plenty of opportunities to do what you do best, and that’s networking and building connections. Your friendship circle will expand this year, and after a turbulent time for many Water Bearers, when you’ve felt more tentative and reflective, now a new cycle really starts to take hold. True, the transformative Pluto will have one last brief sojourn in Capricorn in the Autumn, but by the 20th of November it will be with you for many years to come. This can be argued to be the true beginning of the Age of Aquarius. And as Pluto enters Aquarius along with the Sun on the 21st of January, followed by Mercury, Venus and Mars in February, your personal New Moon though clashing with your modern ruler Uranus, suggests that whatever no longer serves your true purpose needs to make way. And to truly regain your power and a full sense of autonomy, it will be important to be totally single minded about what you want to achieve. This could lead to some turbulence from time to time, and with the restrictive Saturn, your traditional ruler, in your sector of self-worth and everyday money, patience and persistence will be key. Family news can be bright on the 18th of May, and a new addition to the family is possible too. The Solar Eclipses of April and October will definitely be springboards, but the arrival of fortune bringer Jupiter in your sister Air sign of Gemini on the 23rd of May, ushers in a year of supreme opportunities for the first time in twelve years. Gemini represents your 5th Solar House, perfect for bringing all things joyful into your world, be it romantically, creatively or in terms of your self-expression. If you have children, their talents will see you brimming with pride.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Saturn and Neptune continue to journey through your sign, the former a dash of reality, the latter, your co-ruler, bringing dreamy mystique, dreams and a need for escapism. To manage the very contrasting vibrations these have, target your year towards the strands that are really crucial. Do not spread yourself too thinly. You can be one of the most sacrificing of all the zodiac signs, and your idealism and compassion are the stuff of astral lore. But you can’t pour from an empty jug, and the big mission of 2024 is to maintain your values and standards, and know where you do want to help others and assist, whilst maintaining your boundaries. The North Node will arrive in your sign at the end of January 2025, but until then, this crucial life influence and the Aries Solar Eclipse of the 8th of April, urge you to prioritise what gives you a sense of personal worth and value. Your traditional ruler, the giant Jupiter, will add zest to your communication in the first five months, and along with Pluto newly arrived in your 12th House of deep life lessons, suggests the more information and knowledge you read and absorb, the more you will gain. If you have an interest in personal development or counselling, as a service provider or user, this will be a life enriching asset. A stroke of serendipity is possible around the 18th and 23rd of May, when a chance conversation or meeting could prove profoundly fated. With Jupiter moving into a homely sector from then, where it radiates ever more powerfully, a mixture of ideas and emotional security call out to you in the following twelve months. A new Eclipse series begins on the 18th of September and features Neptune, but this is a sensitive influence and asks you to be totally realistic in all relationships, but especially if you meet someone romantically through the last half of the year.

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