Venus Direct, Jupiter Retrograde, what an important day the 4th is. Yet these two combine for the first three weeks suggesting that some light relief will be in order. Romantic vibes are also boosted from the 12th as Venus then links to the months end with Mars. The 15th is also an important day as Mercury goes Direct and the New Moon links well with Uranus. But the biggest of them all the Autumnal Equinox of the 23rd and Cardinal Quadrant three begins, with the emphasis on relationships. For your in-depth Monthly Horoscope Forecast September 2023 for each sign, please see below…
Monthly Horoscopes for September 2023
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Lovely Venus forges ahead from the 4th, which is helpful if you've experienced difficulties with creative, romantic or financial issues. Upbeat Jupiter rewinds on the 4th too, so it's time to make your own luck and seek out opportunities to earn extra cash. Ready to change your lifestyle? The midmonth New Moon in Virgo, encourages you to set achievable goals and to look to your work/life balance if things are unsettled. Relationships become more important from the 22nd, with a Full Moon in your sign enhancing feelings. You could say more than you mean to, Aries.{copytag:[827]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Venus your personal planet turns direct on the 4th, after her retro phase. If you've hesitated to redecorate or get on with another household project, you'll soon be on the move. Mind, with chatty Mercury turning direct midmonth, this may be the ideal time to start, as you'll avoid further delays and confusion. The Sun's move into your lifestyle sector on the 22nd, enhances your energy and encourages a balanced approach to work and play. And the Full Moon on the 29th is great for dreaming and meditating. Your intuition will be spot on, so listen to it, Taurus!
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Experienced ups and downs with key discussions? As Venus forges ahead, you'll find it easier to negotiate and reach your goals. There's a lot of emphasis on your home zone too, and with Mercury rewinding until midmonth, this is a great time for decluttering and selling or trashing items you no longer need. The Sun's presence in Virgo, encourages you to nurture yourself and connect with family. However, you'll also be keen to kick back and enjoy life, and with the Sun joining Mars in Libra on the 22nd, learning a new skill or sport could be part of this, Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Money will flow more easily as delectable Venus pushes ahead on the 4th, on the same day that upbeat Jupiter turns retrograde. If financial affairs have been delayed, things should pick up over the coming week or so. When it comes to your social life, what you give to others may be more important than what you get. With Jupiter in reverse, be generous with your time and you'll certainly be rewarded during the coming months. From the 22nd, home and family affairs move to the top of your agenda. Enjoy some self-care and relish being with close ones.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The planet of appearance turns direct in your sign after her six-week retro phase. If you've struggled with your image and confidence, you'll soon be back to your charismatic self. And you'll have learnt a few lessons along the way. Plus, as Jupiter reverses in a high-powered zone, the coming months bring a chance to tap into inner resources and skills you never knew you had. This can be a very rewarding time. And communication zips up with the Sun and Mars in Libra. While you can be incredibly tactful, you'll also be determined to win those golden opportunities.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With the Sun in your sign until the 22nd, you'll be keen to showcase your talents. Chatty Mercury rewinds in Virgo until midmonth, so there may be a few delays to contend with. Once this phase has passed, it's full steam ahead. The New Moon on the 14th is excellent for initiating plans and projects that are close to your heart. Want to ditch a bad habit and adopt a better one? Now is the time. The Sun glides into Libra and joins feisty Mars in week four, so finances take precedence. The desire to splurge could be strong around the Full Moon on 29th, so go easy!
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Although Mars in your sign makes you courageous and competitive, the Sun in Virgo encourages you to tie up loose ends and find closure on matters that have been holding you back. You're in luck too as Venus turns direct on the 4th, bringing an end to any disagreements with friends or groups. Keen to learn a technique that can bring peace of mind? The New Moon on the 14th is the time to make a start. Finally, the Sun enters your sign on the 22nd. You'll be in the driver's seat and ready to forge ahead with key plans. Showcase your leadership skills, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Experienced difficulties getting your message across? There'll be a positive shift this month, as Venus and Mercury turn direct on the 4th and 15th. This can skyrocket the number of opportunities that you encounter and your ability to make the most of them. Your social life sparkles, but as Jupiter reverses, you'll put more effort into making a key relationships work. The Sun's move into Libra from the 22nd, encourages you to relax and recharge. Let go of whatever no longer serves so you can free up energy and put it to much better use, Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The Sun in Virgo until the 22nd, encourages you to shine your light and focus on getting yourself noticed. You may have to deal with a few hiccups and delays as Mercury won't turn direct until the 15th, but little by little you'll see positive progress. Mind, Jupiter your guide planet turns retrograde on the 4th in your lifestyle sector. During this time, you'll be moved to tap into a rich vein of inner resources. You'll realize how talented you are. Ready for some fun? A powerful emphasis on your friendship zone encourages you to be more socially adventurous, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
A desire to visit new places and try new things could take you on wonderful adventures. The Sun in Virgo encourages you to be bold and enjoy fresh opportunities. But with Mercury rewinding until the 15th, be extra vigilant to avoid mistakes. The New Moon in Virgo on the 14th is perfect for any new projects or trips, getting them off to the best possible start. And as the Sun enters Libra on the 22nd, this is your time to shine. Showcase your best side for all the world to see. The Full Moon in Aries on the 29th may highlight tensions at home. Don't leave things to fester.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Lovely Venus turns direct in Leo on the 4th, which can help resolve a relationship issue that's had you on tenterhooks. Recent weeks may have encouraged key insights, and now you'll be ready to make a few decisions. Plus, the Sun in Virgo for three weeks, is perfect for sorting out issues associated with finance and for dealing with emotional blocks. Letting go of whatever no longer serves can be very freeing. You'll be ready to explore new territory once the Sun enters Libra, and a desire for new experiences can spur you on to bigger and better things, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You'll be communicating and socializing as the Sun continues in Virgo until the 22nd. You may be keen to spend more time with your partner, or to work on a team project. Thinking of a collaboration? Go for it, Pisces! The New Moon on the 14th is perfect for taking a key bond to a new level or firming up a deal or business partnership. You'll be in deeper territory as the Sun enters a private zone. This is your chance to release anything that's been holding you back. Even so, the Full Moon on the 29th, could see you splurging. Instead, opt for a soothing massage.