Lovely Venus in Leo turns retrograde early on today a little while before the Sun moves into Leo, which can find us in a reflective, yet creative mood.
The coming six weeks or so can find us thinking about our image and what we can do to improve it. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 23rd July 2023 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 23rd July 2023
Aries 21 March – 20 April
With potent Pluto forging an angle with two powerful points, you're moving through a phase in which it's time to release aspects of the past and move confidently into the future. You may feel an urge to let go of something or someone that no longer works for you. And yet as you embrace fresh options, you'll sense you're becoming the person you were always meant to be, Aries.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Healer Chiron is turning retrograde in a subtle sector of your chart, which could put you in touch with feelings you never knew you had. Along with this, issues could rise to the surface that were never resolved, and you might feel moved to do something about them if it would bring you inner peace. Need to talk? Connect with someone who can be a source of support and encouragement.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Outgrown old friends? With Pluto forging a tense aspect with key areas of your chart, you'll realize that if you want to move forward, you're better off seeing less of certain people. And if you want to blossom, then linking up with those who are on your new wavelength could be a positive gamechanger. As Chiron rewinds, it's bringing the same message but in a different way.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Ready to take a new path and embrace bold ambitions? A dynamic blend of energies involving Pluto and your point of destiny, suggests you may be poised between the past and the future, and wondering what your next steps should be. And it's possible you'll need to detach from the influence of someone or a group who are too dominating. It's time to be your own person.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With healer Chiron in reverse from today in your sector of far horizons, the coming months can be a call to reflect on what you really want. This issue is again highlighted, as Pluto angles towards a fated point in your chart. It may be time to let go of a job or focus that's keeping you playing small. Over coming months, you'll realize you're capable of so much more, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The emphasis on your lifestyle zone can stir up ideas about how your days should pan out. Current influences hint at a radical shakeup that might change things for the better. And yet if some things aren't working out for you, an attachment to them could cause you to hold on. If you stay as you are Virgo, it won't be long before you realize that unless you take a risk you'll go nowhere.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Celestial body Chiron regresses from today in Aries, so the coming months can be an opportunity to reflect on why you attract the relationships that you do. Another intense influence which is peaking can also encourage similar musings. You might be drawn to someone who is quite different from previous associations, and this may be because you've radically changed.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Your horoscope reveals that Pluto your personal planet angles towards your point of destiny, which could present you with a dilemma. You may be ready for something different, but you'll also need to change your mindset, so you're better equipped to embrace new opportunities. This is easier said than done. Yet by visualizing daily what you want to accomplish, your thinking will shift to the positive.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Should you follow your own ideas or go with the crowd? The current tense line-up suggests this might be an issue right now. Pluto's edgy angle to a potent point, piles on the pressure to make a move. If you've had a brilliant business idea or are keen to do something creative, the cosmos encourages you to follow your own star. Shine bright and develop your natural skills and talents.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Chiron turns retrograde in your home zone from today, which can bring your attention to what you might do about any emotional issues you've experienced around home and family. You'll be prepared to do whatever it takes to resolve such matters, which might involve liaising with a counsellor or therapist. If this has been a lingering dilemma, now is the time to act, Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You may feel an inner push to clarify something that has bothered you for a while, and that you might not have spoken about. Bringing it out into the open can be a bold move, even if it seems a step too far. But the consequences could be very positive and may change your life for the better. It's time to discuss this and get some support and feedback. You might feel reborn as a result.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With Pluto angling towards your point of destiny, a desire to upgrade your financial situation could get stronger. This unusual aspect can push you to rethink your current set-up and find ways to increase your income. You may decide to go into business or find a novel way to earn the kind of money you feel you deserve. The more passionate you are about it, the better the outcome.