Horoscopes Sunday 25th June 2023

Mercury in Gemini squares off with Neptune in Pisces, which means that our perspective on many things could be skewed.

It's wise not to presume we are right about things, as this approach could get us into trouble. It's better to ask a lot of questions. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 25th June 2023 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 25th June 2023

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Ready to share that secret? Perhaps not! Today's meandering tie between talkative Mercury and dreamy Neptune, suggests you might be happier to keep something hidden, especially if it would cause a strong reaction. This can be a time when nothing is quite as it seems, and yet you could be taken in by various notions and plans that seem to hold great promise, even though they do not.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Tempted to splash the cash? You may have a very rational reason for wanting to splurge on something, even though doing so could be a bit of a stretch. A nebulous aspect can cause you to dissociate from reality and feel that purchasing an item or experience might be in your best interests. Wait a few days Taurus, and you'll realise you don't really need this after all.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Are you doing what it best for you or what is expected of you, Gemini? Mercury's angle with Neptune can resolve an issue that has confounded you. If you've changed your mind often and are getting nowhere, you might soon see a way forward. After a time of uncertainty things can shape up, and the path you should take may become clear, especially over the coming week or so.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Ready to invite change into your life? You may be keen to adopt a new philosophy or set of beliefs that can help you live happily. However, today's Mercury/Neptune angle suggests you might be very taken in by it. Everyone is different Cancer, and it's important to find a path that works in a very practical way as well as spiritually, for you to be at peace with the world.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

A financial opportunity may seem like the best thing ever, but it could turn out to be a bad investment. Even if it comes recommended by a good friend, take it with a pinch of salt. Scrutinize it in detail, especially the small print, and be sure you know what you're getting into first. Ready to commit to something, Leo? Double check all is okay before you agree.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

No matter how many people tell you what you're doing is wrong, it might make you more determined to prove you are right. As eager as you could be Virgo, don't launch into your bold idea too quickly, but allow some time for preparation first. This is important now, as the Sun in Gemini puts you in the spotlight more than usual, and any mistakes will be there for all to see.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

New ideas can provide much food for thought. But some may offer genuine inspiration, while others could muddy the waters. If you're looking for an opportunity or want to learn something new, don't jump at the first thing that comes along, as it might not be all it seems. If you wait a few days, you'll get a good idea of what's best for you now and over the long-term, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Have feelings for someone? They could change very quickly, Scorpio. If you've put someone on a pedestal, they may appear to be very special. But be warned that they will have flaws, and you might find out about them sooner than you would like. If they do or say something that you truly hadn't expected, then you'll be taken aback. Still, it's better to know now than too late.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Someone may sound convincing, but if your instincts tell you otherwise, then trust this. Be ready to act on your intuition rather than be too accepting. If you've been undecided about this matter, the coming days can be a turning point, inspiring you to speak out and clear things up. There's also a restless streak showing that could make you careless, so watch out for this too.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Have a busy time ahead? Be prepared for things to pan out very differently to what you'd expected. With an ethereal aspect on to go there could be confusion, with others getting times and dates wrong or being generally unmindful. Go with the flow, and accept that not everything will go according to plan. That way you can relax into the day and make the most of it.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

With Mercury angling towards hazy Neptune, you may realise the true cost of something. Even if money didn't seem an issue at the time, you might now wonder why you didn't put two and two together. But this realization brings a chance to put things right. Don't let this drift Aquarius, your horoscope suggests you act now to put a stop to anything that is far more expensive than it's worth.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Feel that someone is keeping something from you? If so, the coming days could be a turning point. With Mercury linking to hazy Neptune in your sign, you may be ready to address this matter and sort it out. An in-depth conversation might reveal all, Pisces. But what if they are innocent and were perhaps hiding a big surprise from you? This can be a real possibility.

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