Convivial Venus in Gemini squares off with Saturn in Pisces, which could find us in in a contrary mood with a tendency to be alone.
This may be a day to be kind to ourselves and to enjoy some self-care and pampering. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 14th April 2023 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 14th April 2023
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Much as you might prefer an easy time, you could find yourself put on the spot and required to help. Do you really want to? You may feel guilty if you don't, Aries. If this is the case, perhaps you're being manipulated. If this person has a habit of doing this, you may need to set boundaries in this relationship. Don't feel bad, as this conversation might be long overdue.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Are you being given the cold shoulder? It may be by someone you look up to, and whose opinion you respect. The coming days could find you wondering what you might have done wrong. Your horoscope suggests it may be nothing at all, Taurus. This can be a call not to let their moods or issues dictate how you feel. You have a lot going for you, so move ahead with confidence and plenty of self-belief.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Not getting along with someone in authority? The coming days could see your relationship reaching a low point. And yet there is a sliver of hope. You can put yourself in their shoes and try seeing things from their perspective. You might also consider a compromise. If nothing looks set to work, lay out the facts and be honest. They may not like it, but it could be a turning point.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Need help with a tricky situation? You may already know what to do, but just don't want to go ahead. This means you'll likely come up with all kinds of reasons why it just won't work. The current line-up could be a call to be honest with yourself, Cancer. What is stopping you from taking the course of action you know to be best? A courageous step forward might do it.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Need to make peace with someone, Leo? If so, you may become aware of just how important this is, and how moving forward could be difficult if you don't. Whatever the nature of the issue between you, it's best if you take the initiative and be the one to make amends, as it will pave the way for a better relationship. Ready to learn a new skill? It could change your life.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Much as you want to push ahead and take things in a new direction, you could be held back by someone who would prefer that things stay as they are. With Venus angling towards karmic Saturn in your sector of relating, it's time to consider why you feel so restricted. What would happen if you did move forward, Virgo? They would have to deal with it one way or another.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
There's no need to put too much pressure on yourself, no matter how much you want to expand and explore new options. There is only so much you can achieve in a day or week, and giving yourself more to do could leave you overwhelmed. Some sparkling options are showing up for you right now, but easy does it! If you tip the work/life balance too far, you might regret it.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
How do you feel? If you analyse a new relationship, you could find a few things you dislike about this person. You'll see the pros, but you will also be aware of the cons. This does not substitute for connecting more often or going on a date or two, and seeing how it all pans out. Of course, if you sense deep down it really isn't going to work Scorpio, don't hesitate, just move on.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
There could be a conflict of ideas between family members, especially if the ideas or views they hold clash. This can make matters uncomfortable, unless you find a way to resolve it. Whatever plans you have, key influences suggest putting them on hold for a day or so. People can change their minds from one day to the next. What seems impossible now could still work out.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Finding it difficult to get through to someone? If you usually have no problem, it may be that awkward influences are making it hard to agree on the way forward. As this issue can continue for a few days more, hold fire! Could you be more flexible, Capricorn? Saturn in your sector of talk and thought suggests that being willing to compromise might solve this in no time at all.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Cautious Saturn in your financial zone, can make you wary of spending too much money. And yet with Venus making you curious about the many options open to you, you may be ready to invest in a hobby, art or craft course, or a new relationship. Still, the idea of parting with your cash, unless it's going to bring a good return, could mean you miss out on an opportunity.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Sometimes it helps to bend with the wind rather than stand firm. With an edgy line-up on the go, you could push against a decision that may be the wiser choice. In the end though, it might be more stressful to resist than go with the flow. Life may have other plans, and this can be one instance when letting go of control will be helpful. Something better might be on its way.