The Leo Moon aligns with Venus in Aries, highlighting our charismatic and attractive qualities.
We'll be in demand and if we do attend an event our warm and positive outlook can work to our benefit. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 4th March 2023 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 4th March 2023
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Be prepared for an opportunity that could come and go in a flash. The Moon's angle to energising Uranus, hints at the chance to increase your income and your reputation. If it shows up and feels right, then go for it, Aries. The Leo Moon encourages you to do something fun, rather than get stuck into weekend chores. Something that gets you out in the fresh air is perfect.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If you feel restless today, it's very likely due to a lunar tie spurring you onwards and upwards. Getting bored of your everyday routine and lifestyle? If so, you may wonder why you put up with it. With electric Uranus ongoing in your sign, the call to embrace change has been ringing out loud and clear for a while now, and every step you take is forging a new you.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
There's a convivial atmosphere showing, that makes this a great day for social events and get-togethers of all kinds. The Moon in charismatic Leo adds a buoyant note to activities, especially as its uplifting ties suggest most people will be in a good mood. If you have a plan or project on the go, this is a great time to connect with others for help and advice, or to market your work.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
As the Moon glides through Leo and your shopping zone this weekend, you may be ready for some retail therapy. With some positive aspects on the go, you'll be very happy with what you get as it's likely something you've been looking for, for a while. The Moon then goes on to angle towards Uranus, and it's at this time you might make an impulsive purchase you'll regret.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
As the Moon triggers trendsetter Uranus in a prominent zone, you may be reminded of your mission to accomplish something remarkable. Do you want to stand out from the crowd? If so, this might spur you on to get moving on a key ambition. Is something holding you back? It may be that you haven't set a definite goal or made a plan. Do so, and everything can change, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Have difficulty understanding someone's motives? Mercury, newly in Pisces, could bring a few revelations. Wondering if a relationship is good for you or not? You may soon be about to find out. Once understanding dawns, don't wait around, Virgo. You have an uncanny ability to root out secrets by getting people to open up. Someone may share something that delights you.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
This looks to be a good weekend for a party or big event, as the fun-loving Leo Moon can coincide with a delightful atmosphere. And if you're going on a special date, it looks to be everything you hope for and more. The Sun and Mercury in your wellness zone, could inspire you to get into shape. With a plan and some discipline, you could do well and reach your targets.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The Sun and Mercury in your leisure zone, put the emphasis on self-expression, creativity and romance. If you get an entrepreneurial idea, then go for it Scorpio, after all what have you got to lose. Plus, the Moon in a prominent sector, suggests you'll stand out from the crowd. If there's something you want to promote or you have a message to share, this is a good time to go ahead.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Ready to reshuffle your priorities? The Moon/Uranus tie, can inspire you to rethink your day and make it more interesting. Perhaps you prefer to study more, are keen to start your own business or work towards a promotion. Maybe you're looking for better health or time to relax? If you have an inkling to move forward with anything, thinking out of the box can make it a success.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Today could be a tad distracting, but you'll discover something that might be a bonus. Your horoscope reveals you'll be led on a trail to new opportunities, information or an understanding that enlivens and ramps up your potential. Mercury in your communication zone, brings many opportunities to liaise with others. And by using your intuition, you'll get the best deals or win during key negotiations.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Stoic Saturn moves out of your sign and into your money zone next week. For now, it's in the last degree of Aquarius, so you may be feeling some pressure to resolve an issue or get closure on a situation. There might also be an urgency to get something completed that's important to you, and can help enhance your reputation. There's plenty of time, but it might not feel like it.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Trust your gut, and doors could swing open for you. Upbeat lunar ties encourage you to talk about ideas that may be different to anything you've discussed before. Whether these relate to your money or to other equally important issues, getting them out in the open can net you support from unexpected quarters. Every connection you forge could be a source of treasure.