Mercury in Aquarius aligns with Jupiter in Aries, so we'll be open to ideas and opportunities, even those that may be a bit daunting.
This is also a great aspect for socializing and for gatherings and get-togethers, as we could have a lot of fun. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 17th February 2023 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 17th February 2023
Aries 21 March – 20 April
This is one of those pleasant days, when a lucky break or unexpected event can leave you upbeat and optimistic. If you've felt cautious about embracing an idea, you'll be less so over the coming days. And if your friends think it can't be done, you'll be ready to prove them wrong. In fact, the more they challenge you and insist you're being unrealistic, the more you'll relish being right.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Ready to make a decision, but don't know what to do? Before you make your choice, it's a good idea to think about what's important to you and what leaves you fulfilled and happy. And even more so if this is related to a job or career move. If there's something you're doing that you just know you're cut out for, go with it, even if others don't approve. After all, it's not their life.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You may be ready to have words with someone whose views you don't support, but they likely won't budge, so it could be pointless. Your best bet is to switch your attention to plans that can broaden your horizon, and that leave you excited about life. If travel is involved so much the better, Gemini. Pull out all the stops today to focus on opportunities rather than negatives.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
This isn't a good time to take risks with finances or possessions, but to make the most of what you have. Still, a buoyant Mercury/Jupiter tie could give you a push to make more money. This might involve taking on extra responsibilities at work, looking into a promotion or thinking about a side-hustle based on an untapped talent. It's time to implement positive change.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Don't want to encourage a relationship further? You may be keeping a distance from this person, if so. This is not the case with someone else, who you could probably chat with all day long. An uplifting link suggests that the more you get together, the more you'll enjoy each other's company, and this doesn't look set to change anytime soon. You could make a great team.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The Capricorn Moon along with a sobering tie, could coincide with what others may like to call constructive criticism. Still, it's possible that there is a touch of jealousy involved, and this is their way of showing it. A more expansive aspect puts you in touch with an unshakeable inner confidence and strength. No matter what people say, you know that you're on the right track.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Lunar ties to Neptune and Uranus, suggest that some of your ideas may be off-the-wall, which you'll be excited about, but could make others nervous. This theme repeats itself, and you'll be ready to take a leap of faith that might leave friends or family worried. And yet your horoscope suggests it's possible you've never felt so alive, and so ready to explore options and ideas that could be your making.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Feel you need to prove yourself? The lingering Sun/Saturn tie, suggests you'll jump through hoops or bend yourself into a pretzel if it will encourage others to see you in a good light. You don't need to go this far, Scorpio. You may be experiencing a lack of confidence when there really is no need. Don't look to your failures, but think of all your victories and successes.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The Mercury/Jupiter merger encourages you to find something positive to put your energy into, Archer. If you've felt let down, today's line-up encourages you to take it in your stride. There's a good chance that an event will occur that puts you in a much better frame of mind. The more you look into it, the happier you'll feel, as it may coincide with something you've wanted for a while.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The thing you've worried about might not come to pass Capricorn, which is why it may be a wasted emotion. A positive aspect involving dealmaker Mercury in your financial zone, could coincide with good news that leaves you assured around money, material goods or property issues. Want to be more proactive? Follow your intuition, as it could be a game-changer.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Does the effort you need to make seem beyond you, Aquarius? The lingering Sun/Saturn link may have sapped your energy, but today's upbeat aspect can find you entertaining a more optimistic mood. A chat with someone could chase away those cobwebs, and leave you quite animated and ready for anything. Something they say may put you in the mood to celebrate.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You could reach a point where you're ready to give in and let fate take its course. The moment you stop turning this matter over and over in your mind, the sooner you could see an improvement. This is often known as getting out of your own way. You'll make room for things to come together naturally. And the way it all works out could be so much better than you hoped.