Today's Quarter Moon in Taurus means we may have reached the point in a project or plan when we're ready to make a decision.
If we've passed a significant milestone then continuing looks to be a great idea. If things are't working out well we'll need to reflect on what's next. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 28th January 2023 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 28th January 2023
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Getting stuck into a big project? The Quarter Moon can be a call to check the costs in case they spiral. If you want to make this a sound investment, use this lunar phase to see if you can lower them. Streamline the pricing and keep control of spending, and the whole project could be so enjoyable that you'll look forward to completing it, and basking in a happy afterglow of success.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The Quarter Moon in your sign, is a chance to make sure that everyone is on the same page before you commit to the final stages of a project. If there are any objections, this might be an opportunity to discuss them and find a way forward before completion. Plus, you could be drawn to collaborate with a friend concerning an opportunity that may positively transform you.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Your beliefs about something may be on the verge of change, and today's lunar phase could help you move forward by jettisoning those that no longer work for you. Whether you're contemplating asking someone on a date, going for a new job or doing anything that requires you to move out of your comfort zone, you'll be ready to take a risk rather than stay as you are.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Today's Quarter Moon in grounded Taurus, coincides with an opportunity to let your friends in on something you have so far kept to yourself. You might hesitate, but it could be the first step in gauging the popularity of an idea and perhaps gaining support. If someone offers a practical perspective, it's worth considering it. With one or two tweaks, you'll be ready for take-off.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
While a side of you may be willing to work hard to accomplish something, a more impulsive quality could see you looking for a short cut so you can get back to more exciting activities. Perhaps the answer lies in maintaining a healthier work/life balance, Leo. Plus, a potent lunar phase hints that if you need to make an announcement, you will get everyone's attention.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Something that happens could bring about a change of heart, and inspire you to be bold. If you doubted the wisdom of going ahead with a course of action, you'll do so no longer. You'll feel ready to make your move, no matter how challenging it might be. And over the coming week or so, you'll realize that you needn't have waited so long. You were more than ready a while back.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The very thing you feel like hiding could become public over coming days, unless you are careful what you say and to whom. A focus on a sensitive sector, hints that even if you do trust close ones, issues around this matter might be too personal to share. And yet others may read the signs, or you yourself can let something slip. If it happens, you may feel a sense of relief, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
This is not the best time to make promises, even though you may be very sincere, as the coming day or so can bring unexpected events that make it difficult to fulfil them. It might be better to simplify your life as much as possible, as this way you won't let anyone down. And with a focus on a homely sector, your horoscope reveals that some pampering or a healing massage could help you deeply relax, if needed.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The Taurus Quarter Moon puts the emphasis on your schedules and routines, and finds you ready to make a few changes to smooth the way ahead. Perhaps there's something you're doing that is stopping you from feeling as good as you would like! You may see this very clearly, and understand which habits you need to change in order to enjoy more energy and productivity.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Don't ignore a creative urge if it shows up today, as it could be a turning point. Have a brilliant idea for a small business? Want to develop new ideas related to your art or craft? The Quarter Moon suggests you'll go from strength to strength if you act on your impulse to move forward. A compliment or coincidence can leave you upbeat and certain this is meant to be, Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
What's cooking, Aquarius? The Quarter Moon can see you preparing for a family celebration or other event, and perhaps finalizing the details. Just to make it exciting, you might want to surprise everyone with a special touch they hadn't expected. And if you are considering a reunion, then it could be a very poignant occasion that brings you closer to someone and rekindles a friendship.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The urge may be to rush through your to-do list. But the Sun in a private sector encourages you to try the opposite, by slowing down and allowing yourself to unwind. If you take on too much you might end up dissipating your energy and getting very little done. The healing that comes from quiet reflection could help recharge your batteries and make the most of the coming days.