The Sun in Sagittarius faces off with Neptune in Pisces which can distort our perspective on key matters.
This isn't the best time to make decisions as we may not have all the facts and what we do have could be wrong. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 14th December 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 14th December 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You may not be sure what you believe due to a misleading aspect. And while you usually have no trouble tuning into your intuition, it might be hard to trust it today. This can be one of those times when nothing seems to make sense and when you can't fathom what to do next. It's best to tread water for now and focus on making small gains. You'll get your bearings in a day or so.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You could be in a romantic mood and certain that a developing tie has the kind of potential you've been dreaming of. Don't rush into anything too fast, as this person is human, which means they also have imperfections. You might not be able to see them just now, but give it time and you will. The question is whether they're acceptable? Give yourself plenty of leeway, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You might experience feelings of uncertainty concerning your abilities, and wonder if you'll ever make the grade. And yet others have total faith in you and are expecting you to work miracles, or as close as you can get. Still, this is a time when your perception of things may be skewed, and that includes your thoughts about yourself. Wait a few days, and you'll take the world by storm.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Your sixth sense may kick in, alerting you to an issue that needs some detective work. The Sun's nebulous tie suggests the truth is there somewhere, but you'll have to find it. You could ask someone what's going on, but they may be every bit as confused as you. Getting some distance from a slippery matter might allow insights to bubble up, helping you make wise decisions.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The steadying Virgo Moon and its tie with lovely Venus, could coincide with an opportunity to increase your income using your natural skills. Perhaps this is something you haven't thought about, but today's lucky break might see you tapping into a new source of income that's ongoing. Avoid schemes that promise fast money or that seem too good to be true. Don't be fooled, Leo!
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You have a lot going for you Virgo, and now is the time to prove it. Just don't listen to others if they seem to criticize your work or your ideas. The Sun's angle with Neptune, suggests this could cause you to hide away rather than shining your light. As this is a temporary aspect, don't take anything personally. People are fickle, and soon enough they will have a change of heart.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may think you're making sense, but are you? There's plenty of room for confusion, no matter how hard you try to get your message across. This isn't the best time to delegate tasks, as you're better off doing them yourself. There's a chance that trusting someone with a project or important task will only end in tears. Your horoscope suggests that leaving it for another day may be the better option, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If money is burning a hole in your pocket, today's influences won't help matters. This certainly isn't the best time to buy holiday gifts, as you could be very disappointed once you get them home. Remember that all that glistens isn't gold! And something that seems expensive might be quite tacky. Take a break from shopping, and in a few days you'll have much better luck.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Energy levels might not be as buoyant as usual, which is down to an influence that can be draining. If you feel tired and not up to much, then it may be that you need to rest. And while this isn't always easy, at least try to relax this evening and have an early night. In a day or so you'll feel much better. You'll be ready to hit the ground running and get those big tasks done.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You may have no qualms about helping a friend if they really seem to need it. But you might also have matters of your own that require attention. If their neediness has become a habit, gentle encouragement to become more self-reliant could help. There is nothing wrong with setting firm boundaries, and this week you'll realize why they are so necessary for your peace of mind.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If you've been caught out once, then it's unlikely you will be again. But with some confusing aspects on the go, stay alert regarding financial matters. If you get a sense that something is not right, do some detective work. A desire to be charitable could show up, and while this is commendable, can you really afford to be so generous? Do the maths first, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
While sassy Jupiter at the tail end of your sign can spur you on, an ethereal Neptune angle could have the opposite effect. And it might be this that wins the day. You may go with the flow rather than proactively row your boat to your intended destination. Over the coming days, this dreamy phase will dissipate. You'll be back on solid ground and able to make things happen.