This week really is a celestial blockbuster with some big planetary shifts and if we grasp the nettle it can see some positive developments. Life is likely to pick up speed in a number of ways, especially with Mercury going Direct and Jupiter arriving in Taurus. Socially, a much more interactive period begins for us all. For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for WC 15th May for each sign, please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
A new phase begins as Jupiter moves into Taurus for around a year, bringing a positive boost to financial affairs. Have big money goals? Friday's New Moon is the perfect time to make a start. And your energy and charisma are on the rise, as fiery Mars your guide planet enters Leo. The coming weeks can see you enjoying life to the full and forging exciting new connections, Aries. {copytag:[827]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Has life been frustrating lately? Mercury pushes ahead this week, so you'll soon notice the difference. The big news is Jupiter's move into your sign for the coming year, which can bring good luck and golden opportunities. Your enthusiasm and confidence will attract others to you. Plus, the New Moon is excellent for bringing your dreams and key goals into reality, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The Sun enters your sign over the weekend, which might feel like a rebirth and a fresh start. Even so, there's a lot going on behind the scenes. Mixed messages and misunderstandings will soon be resolved, and Jupiter's move into your spiritual zone ramps up your intuition. Listen to it, and life could open up in wonderful ways. Plus, Mars in Leo makes you a savvy communicator.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Abundant Jupiter moves out of top spot and into your friendship zone for twelve months, which means your luck comes from socialising and moving in new circles. Have a big dream? With a New Moon egging you on, this is the week to make a start. The Sun glides into Gemini over the weekend, so the coming four weeks may be quieter. Use this chance to reflect and recharge.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Feeling edgy due to a lack of progress? As Mercury turns direct, your affairs will soon shift to the positive. There's more good news, as confident Jupiter enters your sector of career and ambition for a stay of a year. Put in the work and success can be yours. To top it off, warrior Mars moves into your sign, giving you courage and charisma. You'll certainly have the attractor factor.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Have key plans unravelled? Mercury turns direct, which means positive developments are on the way. And bold opportunities are lining up, as lucky Jupiter moves into your adventure zone for a year. There's no limit to what you can accomplish if you take a leap of faith. You'll be in the spotlight too, as the Sun glides into Gemini, encouraging you to showcase your best talents.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Have business or finances gone awry? You'll soon see a difference as Mercury forges ahead, bringing an end to any confusion. You'll also get a significant lift as Jupiter moves into Taurus, enhancing your income and encouraging exciting opportunities and collaborations. And you'll be the life and soul of the party, with Mars in Leo and your social zone giving you extra sizzle.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Expansive Jupiter enters your sector of relating, bringing a buoyant optimism to your friendships, love life and business connections. Good things come from socializing and teamwork. And a collaboration could be very lucrative. Ready to take a bond to the next level? Friday's New Moon can help. Plus, as Mars hikes into Leo, it's time to promote your skills.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Have recent upsets taken the wind out of your sails, Archer? Mercury's forward motion can change this. More productive times are ahead. And with Jupiter entering your lifestyle sector for a year, you'll have the knack of turning your best ideas into solid cash. Ready to go exploring? Mars's move into Leo can find you eager to travel and dive into some exciting experiences.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Kick back and start enjoying life, Capricorn. Jupiter's move into your leisure zone hints at fun times, creative opportunities and plenty of romance. And if you do want to take a relationship further, this week's New Moon is perfect for going ahead. As the Sun glides into Gemini over the weekend, you'll be keen to get organized. Ready to initiate better habits. Go for it now!
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Home and family life get a positive uplift, as exuberant Jupiter moves into Taurus for a stay of a year. It's a great influence for buying or selling property, and if you have a home-based business this could excel too. Mind, a feistier aspect might find you clearing the air with someone, which may be a relief. Want to relax and enjoy life? The Sun's move into Gemini mean's it's time.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You'll have the knack of attracting opportunities for exciting projects. You'll also make some wonderful friendships, as Jupiter enters your communication zone for twelve months. Share your thoughts with the world and you could be rewarded. Ready to get fit? Mars's move into Leo can enhance energy levels and encourage you to tweak your routines for greater productivity.