The Moon in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus, so we may feel restless and be easily irritated by minor but frustrating events.
While exercise can channel such energies, a soothing massage might help release knotted muscles and help us to relax. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 26th October 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Wednesday 26th October 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Mercury's link to Mars, suggests your friends and social network could be a source of enrichment. There's potential for a golden opportunity to show up, as the result of a promising discussion. Things might not take off immediately Aries, but if you keep doing what you can, the outcome further down the line, may be everything you hope for and more, so try to stay the course.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
An encounter could leave you excited and eager to see more of someone, especially if you're wowed by their presence, which can be powerful and magnetic. Something you learn from this person might be the answer to an issue or provide telling insights. There is also the chance of romance, or at least of a lively attraction. Get ready, as this bond may be intense from the start.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Playful and passionate conversations are on the menu if romance is an issue you're pondering, especially if you and another seem to be getting along well after an awkward start. And with Mercury in the final degrees of your creativity, leisure and entrepreneurial zone, you still have a chance to get more involved in something you enjoy before a major project takes over, Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Some conversations are meant to heal, so with Mercury moving through your domestic sector, discussions you have today could help clear the air in a positive way. In addition, an alignment with Mars suggests being the one to break the ice on an edgy subject, can pave the way for positive change. Ready to socialise? A friend's company may be delightful and therapeutic.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Whatever bright ideas you have over coming days, this is not the time to keep them to yourself. Lively and communicative influences encourage you to talk them over with others and get their take, especially close friends. Thinking about promoting your work? Decide on the best approach, then go for it. In need of a retreat? Pamper and nurture yourself, and you'll soon feel reborn, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Need to talk to someone about finances? With Mercury in your money zone, this is one of the better times to get the advice you need. And with dynamic Mars working on your behalf, even if slowly, you'll soon be able to take advantage of an opportunity that could bring in some extra income. Curious about something? Don't hold back, as you stand to profit if you make a move soon.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Thought and action are in harmony, meaning if an idea grabs you, you'll be ready to run with it, even if it means moving out of your comfort zone. You are ripe for new challenges, and for change that can see you heading into open waters. If this has been brought on by recent difficulties, the coming weeks could see you willing to fight to reach your chosen destination.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
What's bothering you, Scorpio? If something is on your mind that you've kept to yourself, then today's pairing of talkative Mercury and Mars retro, may encourage you to speak out. If it's something personal, choose someone you can confidently confide in, as doing so could leave you feeling much better. Ready for something different? An encounter might give food for thought.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You never know what you might learn by making a call to a friend, or by connecting with someone who could be a promising contact. Your horoscope encourages you to get involved in group plans and projects, or to join in on social media, as you'll be planting positive seeds for the future. Need assistance with a key plan? Inviting someone experienced on board may help.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Planning and organization can be the key to success. And with a chance to be in the spotlight, this is an opportunity to show yourself at your best. Ready to share something of importance? Think about the best way to make it as meaningful as possible. There is also romantic potential with someone who you're very drawn to. An encounter with them could sizzle with chemistry.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
While it's always good to let others know how enthusiastic you are about an idea or issue, it pays to think about how you will put your message across. The current line-up can see you succeeding in communicating exactly what you want to say, as long as you give some thought as to who your words are intended for. Avoid the hard sell, and you might achieve nothing.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Don't be too proud to bare your soul to someone who cares about you. If feelings about something have been building, don't push them back down. Instead, talk this matter over and you might find that in doing so, a solution begins to form. Not to mention that there could be a release of emotion, which could be very healing. Letting your vulnerable side out is a sign of strength.