Today's Full Moon in Aries could find us becoming emotional, frustrated, happy, sad and perhaps indulging a range of feelings.
Exercise could be cathartic in this respect, enabling us to channel the energy of this potent lunar phase in a way that heals and grounds us. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 9th October 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 9th October 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Have relationship issues left you feeling despondent recently? If so, today's volatile Full Moon in your sign, could help you tap into your natural urge to sort things out once and for all. This might involve some venting and dramatics, but it may also be a relief, especially if levels of frustration have been building up. Once it's all out in the open, you'll suddenly feel much better.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Need some time out to relax and recharge, Taurus? With a buoyant lunar phase on the cards, a retreat may seem like a great idea. Not so much to hide away, as to tackle issues that you haven't had time to deal with in the normal course of events. With just a little peace and quiet, answers can show up, especially if you opt for a nature walk or a visit to somewhere pleasantly healing.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Lunar energies influencing your social sector, can add a buoyancy to the coming days, especially if you're ready to enjoy yourself. Plus, your horoscope suggests this could be one of the best times to promote your work, as this potent phase may put you in the spotlight regarding your creative skills or an entrepreneurial idea. Wondering what others might think? Forget being modest, and go for it!
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
A Full Moon in your sector of personal goals, encourages you to make your feelings known. This might inspire a fruitful discussion that gets results. As this lunar phase aligns with celestial body Chiron, this is an opportunity to discuss something that may have been a source of misunderstanding and perhaps hurt. Sorting it out can free you up to focus on your ambitions.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
A lively Full Moon in your sector of adventure, can shed light on a desire or an opportunity that may be important for the future. Are you being led in a certain direction? If signs and coincidences seem to spell out a path or course of action, then run with it, Leo. This lunar phase brings with it a sense of excitement at the new possibilities that are about to open up for you.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
It may be wise to monitor spending over coming days, especially if you feel you deserve a few treats after a busy or difficult time. With a powerful lunation on the go, desires can be stronger than usual, and this could tempt you to splurge regardless of the consequences. As a down-to-earth Virgo, you can usually quell such urges, but this time you might give in and spend away.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If you've wanted your relationship to be more passionate, then today's Full Moon in sizzling Aries, can work wonders. You'll easily share your feelings, and whether they are negative or positive, getting them out of your system could perk things up between you considerably. Going on a first date? It might be very memorable. You'll either click instantly, or decide it's not for you.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You are known for your efficiency. But if you've been busy, the last thing you need is more on your plate. Whether you're putting pressure on yourself or someone else is, it's time to listen to your body, especially if you need some downtime. Take a break now, and you can be up and running soon, and ready to take the world by storm. Don't push yourself more than you need to.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Today's Full Moon highlights greater sensitivity to criticism. This lunar phase links with celestial body Chiron, which means you may go to great lengths to avoid situations where you feel vulnerable, such as dating or putting creative work on display. Others might love you and your ways Archer, but unless you can gently move beyond this, it could begin to cramp your style.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
A potent Full Moon in your domestic zone puts the spotlight on family matters, and might see you seeking some quiet time in which to unwind. Will this be possible? If there are any dramas brewing, the chances are they could come to a head. A heart-to-heart concerning such matters can help diffuse tensions. Positive solutions may show up that will be welcomed.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You'll be no pushover today! A blazing Full Moon in Aries means you won't mince your words, and could easily get the better of others, whether you're in an argument or negotiating a deal. If you're trying to impress someone, don't hog the conversation. You have one speed when it comes to talking, and that's full on. If you want to make a big splash, be sure to listen too.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Current influences shine a light into your wallet, purse or bank account, spotlighting those dark corners where all kinds of secrets are nestled. If you've been spending too much or have been conscientious and paid off a debt or a bill, your actions can come home to roost. You may feel elated or a tad down in the dumps. But this could be a spur to actions that leave you better off.