Pushy Mars in Aries forges an edgy angle with potent Pluto in Capricorn, which can put us in the frame of mind to create dynamic change.
There may be a sense of urgency about this, but we should not manipulate situations or people even if we are keen to attain a particular outcome. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 1st July 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 1st July 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
If making a move on a key plan seems one step too far today, then a strong alignment could help you blast through any complacency. As Mars in your sign angles towards Pluto, you'll notice a new determination that brings your emotions together like a laser beam. If you know what you want, then no-one can stop you. Avoid arguments though Aries, as they won't do you any good.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The Mars/Pluto angle reveals you may have to show your more ruthless side. And if this is the case, it means something or someone, has already wound you up to fever pitch. It pays to nip this matter in the bud, but it's also wise not to lose your temper. If you can channel this energy into a vigorous workout or a task that's been a cause for procrastination, you'll fare so much better.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A potent blend of energies can see you keen to mix in new circles. And in the process, you may make supportive new friends. But with an edgy link also showing up, assessing one social connection objectively might help you see it in perspective. If there's a niggling issue with someone that highlights certain insecurities, you can gauge what to do next to resolve this.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may need to spend more time with people who you don't really get along with. This is down to the temporary Mars/Pluto aspect, which suggests that if you're to keep your cool, a lot of patience might be needed. You could always see this as a test of your ability to be kind and tolerant in a difficult situation. And if you can empathize even a little, you'll do very well.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Don't just go with the latest fad, Leo. With feisty Mars in your exploration zone, it's time to take the path less travelled, and start a new trend. With a potent line-up on the cards, you may wonder if you'll experience a backlash if you refuse to conform. You are a natural leader and innovator, and this is your chance to make your mark. Others will believe in you, if you believe in yourself.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
There may be more to an awkward matter than meets the eye, which is why it's best to keep your thoughts to yourself and observe things from a distance. While it can be tempting to wade in and get involved, it might make matters worse. Intense emotions, such as jealousy or resentment, could play a part, Virgo. Understanding why this is, may be crucial to sorting this out for good.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may be pushed into facing up to issues that you'd hoped to avoid, Libra. The sooner you deal with this, the happier you'll be. And although you might face an awkward time for a day or so, you'll know that you've done the right thing, and this can spur you on to continue taking action until it's resolved. A constructive conversation could see you making rapid progress.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If you need to connect with someone in authority, then making a bold move and reaching out to them, can serve you well. What might hold you back is the fear of being rejected. Yet if you don't ask, you'll never know, and your sense of frustration at failing to do anything will leave you feeling worse. This is your chance to prove yourself, and to go from strength to strength.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Ready for new adventures? You might feel frustrated, if you can't stretch to a more exotic vacation. But there may be hidden treasures closer to home that are waiting to be discovered. For a lot less, you could find a way to enjoy a break that allows you to unwind and relish new adventures, and it can be so enjoyable you'll want to repeat the experience, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Resisting change can be a futile exercise, as clinging to aspects of the past may keep you stuck. Embracing fresh ideas could seem audacious Capricorn, and yet be very freeing. This is the situation that you might find yourself in. And if so, it can help to be flexible and to consider other possibilities. Something new may be ready to blossom, but first the old needs to be released.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The present blend of energies can be both intense and pleasantly engaging, and it all depends on where they are directed. You might be being far too hard on yourself regarding one matter though, and this could divert attention away from more uplifting activities. Give yourself a break, and perhaps be a little gentler with yourself. Sparkling company can help in this regard, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The angle between Mars and Pluto can certainly shake things up, and you may find that even the most innocent remarks or incidents turn into a drama. All this might seem unnecessary, but with such intense energies on the go, minor incidents could become major conflicts. Involved in something that threatens to boil over? By being quietly disarming and charming, it can subside.