Mercury in Gemini aligns with Venus in Aries, which can find us in a convivial mood and keen to mix and mingle.
Encounters with others might act as a catalyst for new opportunites, friendships and perhaps a romance. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 6th May 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 6th May 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You may become more introspective, as Mars moves deeper into your spiritual sector. This isn't your usual style, as you are often known for being the life and soul of the party, and the one who gets the action going. For now, you might feel the urge to evaluate your progress and reflect on areas where you could do better. Be kind to yourself, and don't pressure yourself to succeed.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
From working hard to playing hard, the cosmos encourages you out and about, as the emphasis on your social zone continues. The weeks ahead look promising, and bring options for interesting encounters and uplifting events. Another delightful aspect encourages healing through discussion. Whatever is bothering you could be eased by a chat with someone who cares.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The weeks ahead can be your time to shine, and hold your space in the spotlight, Gemini. With key planets in a prominent sector, you're heading onwards and upwards. It's time to link with others on your wavelength who share your goals. A timely Mercury/Venus link could encourage you to get moving on a personal dream. With help from your friends, you might make it a reality.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
A conversation could inspire you to try something new, and it might be the best thing you do for yourself. If a friend is already involved, you'll have someone who can walk you through the initial stages. No matter what else you have on your plate, it's worth having a go. On the job front, your horoscope suggests you don't ignore your instincts if they tell you to pursue an opportunity. Dare to go for it!
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With valiant Mars in a secretive sector, you may feel like keeping a matter to yourself. And why not? And yet if something is really bugging you, a coffee and a chat with a friend could be very comforting. Plus, if you have an event to attend, you'll warm to someone you meet, and might be keen to see them again. A lively and convivial vibe will make outings a lot of fun, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As Mars in Pisces encourages co-operation and companionship, its influence hints at a balanced view of life and other people. This trend can be good for relationships and your social life. Plus, with the planet of talk and thought aligning with Venus, a conversation could lead to a business opportunity or a chance to further your goals. You'll be delighted at how this works out.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Feel an urge to get organized and streamline your affairs, so you can be more productive? Gathering your thoughts could be a good place to start. You'll get a lot more done if you know what your priorities are in the first place. Yet whatever you have planned, you may easily be distracted, as someone might tempt you away on an outing. Don't feel guilty, just enjoy it!
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The cosmos encourages you to be playful, creative and expressive. And relationship options may be on the cards too. Mercury's tie with Venus, suggests you could get along with someone so well, you'll feel instantly at home with them. This can be someone you meet at work or see on a regular basis. This aspect suggests a potential romantic bond or supportive friendship.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Life has a personal and homely quality, which can see you spending more time with family, working on domestic projects and enjoying some relaxation when possible. Keen to give your place a stylish makeover? Be practical. Cost it out first, rather than be too ambitious for your own good. Mercury aspects Venus too, so outings and get-togethers could be a buoyant occasion.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The coming days usher in a positive phase, as Mars moves deeper into your communication zone. You may be more eager to network, engage with friends and family members, and become acquainted with developments in your local area. Have ideas to launch a blog or enhance your presence on social media? The coming weeks can see you making a big splash and doing well.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
In the mood to declutter? You could unearth a treasure that is worth much more than you think. If you have the slightest doubt, then it may be worthwhile getting it valued. You might get a pleasant surprise. There's also a lovely Mercury/Venus tie that can add an upbeat and friendly vibe to any outing. Whether you're going on a date or hanging out with friends, you'll enjoy it.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Purchasing items for a gathering or other home project? The positive Mercury/Venus link suggests shopping around, as you could get deals that you'll be very happy with. The continued presence of Mars in your sign, can give you the courage to do something that you've been putting off. You might suddenly leap into action Pisces, which may surprise those who know you.