Luscious Venus aligns with Jupiter and Pluto, which suggests that if we push for something we may just get it.
We'll find it easier to go with the flow rather than force things and this attitude can bring it to us all the sooner. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 1st May 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 1st May 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
A desire for something can find you ready to pull all the strings to get it. With harmonious ties between Venus, Jupiter and powerbroker Pluto, you likely won't take no for an answer. Timing may be an issue though, Aries. Just because you want it now, doesn't mean you can have it immediately. You may find it comes to you more easily if you are prepared to be patient.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A superb blend of aspects bodes well for you Taurus, with luck on your side. As Venus aligns with Jupiter and both tie to Pluto, you'll attract the attention of those with influence. And they may be ready to support you and your plans. You couldn't ask for a better time to initiate something important. And you'll get off to a great start, and enjoy the success you deserve.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The current line-up enhances your authority, and can work to your advantage. Diplomatic Venus and her tie to Pluto, enhances communication skills when it comes to financial or business situations. This is a time when a relationship may become more involved. It could be a formal partnership or romantic bond, but good things can come from it, if you play your cards right.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Need to hold a key conversation? Intense aspects suggest now is the time. If you have an outcome in mind, you'll be keen to steer things in the direction of your choice. Things could go your way, especially if you don't try to force matters, but are willing to allow some concessions. With Venus, Jupiter and Pluto on the field, combining sensitivity and strength can work well.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Keen to solve a mystery, Leo? Getting to the heart of the matter may be crucial to your peace of mind. Get the facts, and everything else will fall into place. You'll be able to connect the dots and know exactly what to do next. And with Venus and Jupiter linking to Pluto, an opportunity to close a lucrative deal could be yours, and it might be worth so much more than you think.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With positive planets forging some powerful aspects, a desire of yours could be fulfilled. If this is something you've always wanted, then getting it can leave you in a good place, Virgo. Keen to take a relationship to the next level? It may seem like you've known this person for a while. A feeling of deja vu can show up the more you talk and as you realize how good you are together.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
High-powered, yet fortunate aspects, could find you contemplating a lifestyle change that looks to be beneficial. It's possible this can include a move, especially if you're looking for a location that offers many benefits, including better work and health options. You're ready for something to shift, and a set of wonderful aspects makes this possible. You just need to make use of them.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Overthinking may dominate at a time when less is more. Despite your best intentions, a tinge of performance anxiety could get in the way. The more you attempt to get on with things, the less you might achieve. Step back from your everyday tasks, and take some time out if you can. Immersing yourself in some peace and quiet first could make it easier to do your very best.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The idea of letting go of a bothersome issue, can leave you with a sense of relief. Even so, as harmonious Venus moves to align with fervent Pluto, releasing it may not be as easy as it should be. Even though clinging on could put you at a disadvantage, there might be elements of this situation that you don't want to lose. This is not a time for half measures though, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
A world of opportunity may be on your doorstep, leaving you excited by the possibilities that are out there. Yet you could feel the pressure due to your current schedule, and the ongoing demands on your time. If a project appeals to you Capricorn, making a few changes to your priorities can give you the leeway you need to explore fresh options, and sail into new waters.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You are wide open to new possibilities, and over coming days something may show up that interests you deeply. It could leave you more excited than you've felt in a while. This is one time when trusting your instincts can pay big dividends. If you get an intuitive nudge to go somewhere or call someone, follow through, as this opportunity might lead to even better ones.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
If someone seems more intense than usual, your horoscope reveals that it may be down to the effects of potent Pluto. If you're none the wiser regarding the reasons, then it might be time to gently ask them. Something could be causing them to clam up, and with a careful heart-to-heart conversation, you can help them feel better. New levels of closeness and understanding may result from this, Pisces.