The Moon in Virgo aligns with upbeat Jupiter and ethereal Neptune which could cause us to space out as we try to navigate through the day.
To stop ourselves floating away grounding activities such as exercise, tending our gardens or plants or being in nature might help. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 14th April 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 14th April 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
If you get an idea in your head, you won't give up on it easily, Aries. The Sun's tie with asteroid Pallas, suggests you could take it very seriously and be ready to do something about it. If you don't act immediately, you might begin to doubt yourself, and before long, you'll be ready to drop it. If it speaks to your heart and you know it will be beneficial, then dive right in and have a go.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Although you can be contented with the status quo Taurus, the way that new ideas are being presented to you could take away that nervous edge. Rather than diving into the unknown, the current setup encourages small daily steps in the direction of your goals. Yes, there may be some discomfort, but a steady approach can minimize this, while maximizing the advantages.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Someone in your social circle could be very persuasive, encouraging you to go along with a scheme or plan. Their pep talk means that you'll likely be as enthusiastic as they are, until you are alone and start thinking about it. Feedback from others who aren't involved, might help you decide. Even so, there's a chance it may provide exciting opportunities if you go for it.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The Moon's link to jovial Jupiter, can see you following an intuitive nudge which may lead to a new friendship. Plus, you could have a head start on a golden opportunity, if you want it. Getting organized is key though, especially if you are busy. Clearing away any backlog and attending to admin could give you a clear run to accomplish your biggest goals with zero distractions, Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With a focus on worldly and material zones, there are opportunities for you, if you're willing to research them and look out for the best deal. The chance of a workable collaboration, can see you initiating schemes that could prove lucrative. Don't be in too much of a hurry, as the more you look, the more you might find. You will intuitively know which is the right one for you, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The Moon's face-off with Jupiter and Neptune, suggests the boundary lines that exist between you and another may seem to dissolve. This means you'll be able to pick up on each other's thoughts and feelings with ease. What you discover as a result, could impact your relationship more than you realize. Plus, are you an authority on something, Virgo? Time to let others know!
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Everyone needs a chance to unwind, so there is energy available for the next tasks. You may be able to relate to this Libra, as with the pearly Moon in Virgo and a private zone, this is your chance to mentally recharge. Less screen time and more walks in nature or chances to meditate, can leave you more upbeat. Need to find closure on something? Be prepared to talk it over.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Solo? Romantic options may dazzle, as lively energies can see the chemistry between you and another shimmering with promise. Your horoscope reveals could be an excellent time for light-hearted dates, without a need for commitment. In addition, the coming days might see you making friends with others who love to chat, and who may share your passion for certain interests, making them more fun.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With fiery Mars in the last degree of your sector of talk and thought, you may want to finish something you started. Tomorrow, the red planet will move into Pisces and your home zone, and other ideas and plans could override those of today. Doing it now means you'll be ready to initiate a new batch of ideas and projects, and there'll be nothing to stop you moving forward.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Things can tick along much as usual, unless you take advantage of the opportunities that are all around you. A desire to get a qualification or learn a new skill might soon increase, encouraging you to absorb information and explore areas that you may know little about. Embracing options that fill you with enthusiasm and passion may help shift your life onto a more fulfilling track.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Money is energy, and energy needs space to flow in and out of your life. So, if you have a lot of clutter, whether in a physical or metaphorical sense, the current blend of influences encourages you to have a clear up. Tie up loose ends regarding long overdue situations, and seek closure if you can. And fling away those space eating paper piles that may stifle creativity and abundance.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Devouring books? You may be if you're the kind of Pisces that likes reading. Mercury in your sector of communication, could find you doing a lot more than usual, and enjoying it. Plus, there are many learning opportunities open to you over the coming weeks, inspiring you to learn more about a subject of interest. Going on a date? You might have more in common than you realize.