Mercury and Mars both relocate this week whilst Jupiter and Neptune come into an exact conjunction. The extra energy that Mars creates in the sign of the Fish, Pisces, suggests intuition is key, especially around close ties. All this becomes clearer still when the Full Moon in Libra clashes with power broker Pluto. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 11th March 2022 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Mercury's move into down-to-earth Taurus, can help offset the nebulous aspects of the coming week, bringing a sense of realism into your affairs. With Jupiter and Neptune in a dreamy alignment, it could be difficult to keep your feet on the ground. And as Mars moves into Pisces, you'll be tuned into more subtle vibes. Your intuition and dreams will speak loud and clear.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
As Mercury hikes into your sign, it brings a chance to express yourself and plan for the future. Despite your good intentions, you could be drawn into social activities that may be delightful, but that take you away from what you should be doing. You might be tempted by a bewitching romance too. This week, it helps to set your priorities as it may be very easy to lose track of them.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You may be aiming for something that is way out of reach, Gemini. And you might not see this until it's too late. If you have big plans on the go, then getting feedback is essential. And with fiery Mars moving into ethereal Pisces, it helps to write down the important things you need to do, as it can be easy to forget. Ready for romance? The weekend sparkles with promise.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Something could seem to offer answers to a worry, and you may be irresistibly drawn to it. As Jupiter merges with Neptune, anything that promises you the earth needs to be researched first, Cancer. Whether this is a mentor, new beliefs or something else, you might get hooked into an involvement that isn't good for you. A friend's advice can be well worth taking in this regard.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The emphasis on shared assets and finances is worth noting, as you'll need to keep your wits about you. You may be offered a golden opportunity, but get advice and do your research before you take advantage of it. It's possible that it will work out well for you, but it's also true that it could lose you money. Be alert, as one conversation might be crucial to gaining the upper hand.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
How well do you know those closest to you? You'll question this over the coming days, as the Jupiter/Neptune tie can make you aware of things you didn't know, and perhaps would have liked to. And with Mars moving into Pisces, feelings could be stirred up and nothing may be quite as it seems. The key in all of this Virgo, is to trust your instincts, as they will be your guide and ally.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If you're offered a job or opportunity that seems too good to be true Libra, then perhaps it is. You may be drawn by offers of a better salary or other perks, to have a go. But no matter how dazzling it seems, it's wise to enquire further. There's also a Full Moon in your sign that can highlight your feelings about a relationship, and might encourage you to make a decision.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With lovely Venus already gracing your romance zone and feisty Mars moving in this week, your love life could go through a rebirth. You'll find it easy to see the best in each other, and to overlook everything else. Romantic feelings are also possible, and you may be mesmerised by someone who seems perfect for you. Don't fall too deeply Scorpio, a little detachment is wise.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Your home could be a place of tranquillity, peace and healing, where friends and family may be drawn to visit and bask in this healing atmosphere. Equally, an issue might not be quite what it seems, and the more you delve into it, the more confused you can get. Mercury's move into Taurus could assist you in getting to the bottom of this by asking a few searching questions, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Thoughts and feelings could be distorted, so it pays not to take anything for granted, Capricorn. Conversations, texts and other forms of communication might be misunderstood. And unless you realize the potential for this to happen, you may wonder about someone's motives. In addition, the Full Moon can find you in the spotlight, so avoid doing or saying anything you'll regret.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With a potent Jupiter/Neptune tie in your financial sector, it's wise to avoid get rich quick schemes or anything that seems to promise more than it can deliver. The temptation to sign up for something that boosts your income could be strong, but look into this deeply and you'll quickly see through it. Ready to celebrate? The completion of a key project might give you a reason.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You'll be at your spiritual and mystical best, as expansive Jupiter and inspirational Neptune merge in your sign. With Mars moving in as well, your spiritual qualities can shine. Your ability to tune into other people will be strong, making it difficult at times to know your own mind. Although it's tempting to drift along, setting goals could keep you grounded and centred.