The Leo Moon angles towards skittish Uranus which can put us in a restless and unpredictable mood.
If we are unhappy, we, or someone we know, could cause a scene to get a reaction or to create an interesting diversion. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 15th February 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 15th February 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Much as you might want to break out of a dreary routine and do something more exciting, the Moon's links can inspire you to put responsibility first. While the Leo Moon may incline you to focus on the pleasures of life, you won't be able to kick back until your conscience is clear. Even so, there is potential to indulge, and even to plan a dreamy date night, if you desire one, Aries.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A get-together or other event could be good for your soul, Taurus. The chance to chat, and the topics discussed, may gift you with several ideas of your own. But you'll also draw great comfort from being able to talk about anything and everything. Plus, you'll be motivated to try out new recipes or decorating tips at home, as a positive influence inspires your creative side.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Although it may seem wise to micro-manage a project, going with the flow could turn out to be much more productive. Too much nit-picking can cause analysis paralysis, Gemini. Plus, an unexpected encounter might open up a whole new world to you. If you have patience and aren't too busy, getting to know this person seems a good move. You'll appreciate their take on life.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The Moon in your money zone and its tie to Saturn, could put the brakes on a spending spree or encourage caution if considering a new purchase. You'll fare best if you research your options first, especially if it's an expensive item. Plus, as Mars and Venus prepare to merge tomorrow, an attraction can intensify. You may find it hard to resist this person's charms any longer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
While there are opportunities to enjoy yourself Leo, you might prefer to deal with an issue and work towards a constructive outcome. The more you work to tackle it, the happier you'll be, as you revel in the challenge of finally getting it done. According to your horoscope this can be a rewarding time, when a successful outcome is likely. The result of this may be that your priorities change dramatically.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Being in good company could be a restorative, and might encourage you to do more socializing than you have. The idea of widening your circle of friends or joining groups of interest, can connect you with others who share your ideas and goals. A meeting may be fortuitous, and you'll sense immediately that this is one connection which could develop into a strong bond, Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If you're after instant results, then you may feel it's not worth taking up an opportunity if you need to wait for the outcome. You might have to be patient though Libra, but you could find that like matured wine, an idea that requires careful nurturing can turn out to be one of your best successes. Taking the long view may see you enjoy other spin-offs from this as you go along.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Keen to get a home project finished? Adopting the right mindset could be key to completing it on time. If you've despaired of ever getting it done, a change in your thinking from might-do to can-do, could make all the difference. Plus, with the Moon powering through your sector of goals and ambitions, you would benefit from keeping your focus on all that is great about you, Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Ready to seize an opportunity that needs some courage? It may be down to a positive aspect that you are considering it in the first place. It might require you to learn new skills, but this is something you often quite enjoy. Need a solution to an awkward issue? It may be found by reducing the situation to its basics. Forget about anything too complex, as simple is best, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You may have a lot to contend with, but there is no need to push yourself to the limit. Is a decision required? If so, some feedback might help make light work of it. Plus, a delightful Venus aspect suggests someone's company could be just the ticket to feeling much happier. Looking for romance? You can feel ready to break the ice or ask a special someone on a date.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
A developing friendship could be something special, as this person may be a breath of fresh air, and a fabulous listener. Something about them might inspire confidence, and you'll sense that if you ever have any issues, this is someone you can share them with. Ready to get more done? Mercury in your sign could help you zip through your to-do list and enhance mental energy too.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Getting along with someone really well? Perhaps you can't get enough of them, Pisces. As Jupiter forges a lovely aspect with Uranus, this can be a sign of positive developments that you'll naturally warm to. If you have romantic feelings, be prepared to take your time. You may start out as friends then progress from there. Want to collaborate? It could be a success for both of you.