Today's Quarter Moon in Taurus can find us celebrating a milestone, especially if we have recently started a project that is going well.
This lunar phase encourages us to take stock and if we are happy to continue on. If not, it may be time to stop. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 8th February 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 8th February 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Have a desire to aim high or explore the potential that is out there? With Mars and rebellious Uranus aligning, it could take some effort to be consistent. You'll be keen to experiment, but your attention can flit from one thing to the next. A strong Capricorn focus might be a call to choose one goal or project, and bring it to life with some brilliant and imaginative ideas, Aries.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Wondering whether you've made a mistake? If you've been wavering, then today could be a milestone. Feelings about your progress can register deeply, and you'll soon know whether it was a good move or not. It's still not too late to change your mind, or conversely to push forward to a happy conclusion, if you are pleased with the way things are panning out and want to continue.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Your instincts may kick in, alerting you to issues that require attention. The Moon's links suggest you'll need to unravel the truth, which might not be such an easy task. Even so, some quiet reflection could help you see what's going on, and it may not be what you think. Once you see your part in all of this, you'll find it easier to accept your feelings and move on, Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Today's Quarter Moon in grounded Taurus, can coincide with an opportunity to let your friends in on something you have so far kept to yourself. You might hesitate, but it could be the first step in gauging the popularity of an idea, and perhaps gaining support. If someone offers a practical perspective, it's worth considering it. With one or two tweaks, you'll be ready for take-off.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
While a side of you may be willing to work hard to accomplish something, a more impulsive quality could see you looking for a short cut, so you can get back to more exciting activities. Perhaps the answer lies in maintaining a healthier work/life balance, Leo. Plus, today's potent lunar phase hints that if you make an announcement now, you will get everyone's attention.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Keeping your focus could become a full-time job, Virgo. You do have cosmic help though, with today's lunation in Taurus and other influences, making you aware of your responsibilities. It may not be as easy as it should be though, with fiery Mars aligned with freedom-seeking Uranus. Change is in the air, and a sense of growing excitement might easily override everything else.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The very thing you feel like hiding could become public over coming days, unless you are careful of what you say and to whom. A focus on a sensitive sector, hints that even if you do trust close ones, issues around this matter might be too personal to share. Yet others may read the signs or you yourself can let something slip. If it happens, your horoscope suggests you could feel a sense of relief, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
This is not the best time to make promises, even though you may be very sincere, as the coming day or so can bring events that make it difficult to fulfil them. It might even be better to simplify your life as much as possible, as this way you won't let anyone down. And with a focus on a private sector, some pampering or a healing massage could help you deeply relax, if needed.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The Taurus Quarter Moon puts the emphasis on your habits and abilities, and could find you ready to make a few changes to smooth the way ahead. Perhaps there's something you're doing that is stopping you from enjoying as much as you would like. You may see this very clearly, and understand what you need to do to clear the way for greater happiness and progress, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Don't ignore a creative urge if it shows up today, as it could be a turning point. Have a brilliant idea for a small business or want to develop new ideas related to your art or craft? The Quarter Moon suggests you'll go from strength to strength if you act on your impulse to move forward. A compliment or coincidence might leave you upbeat and certain this is meant to be, Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If you feel anxious or are a little touchy on the home front, then it might be down to more subtle factors, Aquarius. With the Moon in a secluded sector making powerful links, feelings could be closer to the surface, meaning you'll be more likely to express them. Talking to a trusted confidant may help unsettling emotions to dissipate well before it gets to this stage though.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The urge may be to rush through your to-do list. But the Sun in a private sector, encourages you to try the opposite, by slowing down and allowing yourself to unwind. If you take on too much you might end up dissipating your energy and getting very little done. The healing that comes from quiet reflection could help recharge your batteries, and make the most of the coming days.