Convivial Mercury in Libra angles towards powerhouse Pluto in Capricorn which could put us in a contentious mood.
If we feel feisty it could be easy to get involved in spats or arguments that can clear the air, but might also cause a disconnect. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 5th November 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 2nd November 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Can you trust others to tell you the truth? A potent Mercury influence suggests that perhaps you can't. Facts may have been distorted to fit in with an agenda, and this might be what you're sensing. With Pluto in the mix, this is a day you'll leave no stone unturned to get to the bottom of a mystery, Aries. Mind, they may not mean any harm. But their needs come first in their eyes.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
It might be hard to feel any enthusiasm for something, especially if your energy is directed elsewhere. But with prominent planets working on your behalf, you'll benefit from making the effort. The Moon's angle with Saturn suggests that an offer may not seem the best, but it could lead to positive gains. Don't let someone's drama prevent you from doing what's best for you.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Everyone may seem to have advice for you, but is it worth taking, Gemini? Mercury's edgy angle hints that it might not be as innocent or helpful as it first seems. With manipulative energies on the go, they could be trying to steer you in the direction they want you to go. Listen to what they have to say, but consider doing what feels best for you. There are too many reasons not to.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With a focus on your romance zone, the pull to connect with someone may be strong. But how can you be sure they feel the same about you? You'll know if they do Cancer, but in this instance, someone could be friendly and not feel a deeper attraction at all. Take the hint and stay within the boundaries, otherwise you might not see them again, which may be a real shame.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Something that was important to you, may no longer seem like such a great idea. The enthusiasm with which you approached it might have withered away. And now you want out. It will be easy to cut your losses and run, but is it wise, Leo? There could be a few bumps in the road now, but with some savvy handling, you can soon sort these out. The rewards will be waiting for you.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The Mercury/Pluto angle suggests that your emotions could overpower you, especially if you're unhappy about a financial matter. Whatever happens keep your cool, and it will be easier for everything to be sorted out. Mind, with a strong focus on the sign of Scorpio, you'll be in the mood to drive a hard bargain. If you really want something, you can get it if you push for it.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may have a chance to rectify something that went badly wrong, Libra. As chatty Mercury angles towards Pluto for the third time in as many weeks, you can set the record straight. If you were blamed for something you didn't do, now is your chance to prove your innocence. You'll need evidence. But the way you feel right now, you'll be able to find plenty to back your cause.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You have a lot of get up and go now that Mars is moving through your sign, but using it wisely could be crucial to progress. You may be drawn into situations where it's easier for you to solve someone else's difficulties than to see them struggling alone. Your horoscope reveals it might be better to give advice and let them get on with it, than to wade in and rob them of the ability to learn something new.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You could find people to be very emotional, and too intense for your liking, Archer. They may have a lot to say about anything they disagree with, so be prepared for some stick. The key is not to let it get to you. In a few days they'll have forgotten all about this, so just get on with what you need to do and ignore them. Life is too short to let others dictate to you. Do your own thing.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Mercury has spent quite some time in a highflying zone, backtracking and then retracing its steps. This may have coincided with a change of plan that certain people might not be keen on. Ultimately, the final decision lies with you Capricorn. You could be unhappy and please everyone else, or you can be happy and please yourself. Dare to follow your heart this time.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The rewards for your hard work may be showing up, Aquarius. But without meaning, any victory could seem hollow. You need more than material goods to feel content, and this is what the current aspects can be driving home. A sense of fulfilment is crucial if you are to continue along your present path. If you have this, great. If not, consider changing tack and following your heart.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
It may be wise to smooth over any cracks in a relationship, by telling someone what they want to hear. If you tell them the truth, they might not believe it anyway, and this could cause further angst. They'll find out soon enough, but this way you don't have to be the bearer of bad news. Plus, uplifting and spiritual influences encourage self-development as a way to enhance confidence.