The Moon in Leo opposes prudent Saturn which could leave us feeling disappointed with life and aloof from others.
This is a temporary aspect and may coincide with a fleeting mood, but it is wise to wait until it passes before making any key decisions. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 4th September 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 4th September 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Although the focus on the sign of Libra can make you very considerate, the coming days may see you exhibiting stronger emotions if you want something. And with Venus angling towards Pluto, you'll suss out what others are really thinking, which could give you a key advantage. If an opportunity is up for grabs, trust your instincts and you'll be a winner in more ways than one. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Need to take action regarding money or a work-related issue? Mercury in Libra aligned with noble Saturn, can see you doing some savvy thinking to find a way through. If you were confused about an offer earlier on, things should fall into place now, and can reach a positive conclusion. Energy levels may pick up too, so the coming days could find you on the ball and ready to roll.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A sparkling blend of energies is great for your social life. Looking for something new? A commitment to learn might be a gamechanger, and introduce you to people who can be good for you. An encounter may seem out of the ordinary, and it could seem that you were meant to meet. This might be a very romantic time, but don't push to get that date. Go with the flow, Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With planets in private and emotional sectors, you'll get in touch with insights that are not usually accessible. If something has caused conflict for a while, you may soon see the light. Wondering whether to listen to your head or your heart? When it comes down to it, trusting your gut can be the best decision you make. Listen to that inner nudge, as it could save you trouble.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Is something jamming up the works? Mercury's positive tie with sobering Saturn, encourages you to look at the situation calmly and logically, and get a fresh perspective. What is blocking you from taking that crucial step, Leo? Could you override this and just go for it? There's a lot to be said for not overthinking something. Diving in and doing it can wipe away the fear of the unknown.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A powerful aspect can see you assessing a friendship or a new romantic bond, and deciding what to do next. This connection may have started out on an upbeat and sociable note, but will it last if you move into more intimate waters, Virgo? And what will the true cost of this be? The coming days could reveal confused feelings, but out of this a picture of what you really want might emerge.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Filled with curiosity, Libra? A constructive aspect suggests you'll feel a push to pursue something seriously. Whether this is a business enterprise or a hobby, your determination could help you go far. And if you wanted to earn money from it later, it can work out well. Having an issue with someone close? There might be buried resentment that needs some healing.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Are you and another keeping things from each other? You could both be sabotaging the health of the relationship by keeping certain matters hidden. Would it be so bad if you were honest? Being the one to open up the discussion by bearing your soul to another, can leave you vulnerable, butyour horoscope suggests it might be the only way to resolve this, and bring about the peace and understanding you crave.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
An awkward blend of energies could stir up competition with others, regarding life experiences or material goods. If a friend has had a wonderful experience, you may want to try it out too. If someone you know has acquired a shiny new gadget, you might be keen to buy the latest upgrade. Don't fall into this trap Archer, as who you are more than makes up for what you own.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If you find yourself vying with others for an opportunity or a career related move, then things could get quite intense over coming days. The temptation to push forward regardless might be strong, and it may cause stress if you go down this route. A generous approach that allows for the best outcome all round, even if you don't get what you want, can find you less anxious.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Is a reunion in the air? A strong emphasis on relationships suggests you may feel moved to reconnect with friends, because it would be wonderful to see them again. If someone lives far away, then a chat or online call can rekindle that fondness for each other. Have a more serious reason to talk to someone? If you are conducting any business, it could go very well, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may wonder why you don't feel motivated to get to grips with a dream that might have been on your mind lately. The likelihood is that the lingering Mars/Neptune tie has taken the wind out of your sails. While your imagination can come into play, a down-to-earth link could help you make solid plans. The combination of vision and practical focus may bring a perfect outcome.