Weekly Horoscopes 8th February 2021

The New Moon links to the transformational energies of Pluto, asking us to embrace the best of past traditions, with how we create a new and better future. That may seem a long shot just now, but hope will bubble up. Why? Well, not least that the lesser and greater benefics of Venus and Jupiter combine superbly, as does Mars and Neptune. Any kind of cooperative or community enterprise is the key. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 8th February 2021 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Your taste in things can swing from traditional to very unique, as Venus leaves Capricorn and enters innovative Aquarius. Been thinking of a change of image? If so, you might go for something radical that encourages your wild side. Feeling restless? Let your curiosity lead the way, as you could learn something that changes your life for the better, and soon Aries. {copytag:[599]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

As well as shining like the star you are, Venus's move into your sector of goals may enhance your charm, which can come in useful if you need to impress certain people. This could be a week of decisions too, with a Quarter Moon inspiring you to liaise with others to finish up a project. If you are all on the same page, go ahead. Want to stand out from the crowd? Be true to yourself.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may want to increase your reach by networking further afield, and connecting with people whose lives might be very different from yours. Doing so can be rewarding. You could pick up some exciting opportunities that would never have come your way otherwise. The current influences are gearing you up to make choices that are a big departure from the norm.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Mercury continues its retro phase, which could put a spanner in the works regarding financial and business matters. Take extra care when dealing with anything important, as there is potential for mistakes and delays. At the same time, lovely Venus newly in an intense zone, can ramp-up the passion in a key bond. If you feel that a small treat is richly deserved, then go for it.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Relationships can be helped by the presence of sultry Venus newly in Aquarius. With so much activity in this zone, you may be dealing with a variety of people with all kinds of temperaments, and Venus's diplomatic qualities could assist you in making a superb job of key discussions and negotiations. Need to get a household project completed? A family chat can tie up loose ends.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may be wondering how to deal with the new information and ideas that are calling out to you. So much seems to be changing that you might long for stability. This is something you will need to work at though. There are some activities that you could no longer relish, and this can include a job. Perhaps it's time to gravitate towards a more fulfilling lifestyle, Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Harmonious Venus moves into your leisure and romance zone, encouraging you to kick back and get involved in those things you love to do. Whatever your relationship status, this is the time to relax and enjoy some down time together. Keen to discover more about a hobby or learn a skill. The Quarter Moon suggests that if you have a natural inclination, it could be very lucrative.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Ready to beautify your home? As Venus moves in this week, you may get the decorating bug and be ready to give your place a makeover. You might prefer something unique to anything too mundane. This is your chance to brighten things up by choosing shades that give you an instant boost. Need some DIY work done. Getting professional advice could save you hassle, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Some things matter and others may not. Which is why the Jupiter in Aquarius tie amplifies the bigger picture, and can leave you with a better idea of where your priorities lie. There could be events and situations to attend to simultaneously, so knowing what to focus on first might leave your head spinning. Think about the long-term and the short-term, and find a balance Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If you've never spoken about a key issue, then it could make a positive difference and be quite a relief to do so. You may start out by venting, but might soon find that letting it all out seems to release blocks within you, and that ideas and solutions become more available. On a romantic note, a lively blend of energies can find you attracted to someone very refreshing.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

There may be a lot going on that you can't or don't want to discuss. Don't feel you have to Aquarius, as some issues require time. If others want to know what is happening, don't feel obliged to tell them until you are ready. Even so, the days ahead might bring one matter to a head, and if you discuss this with someone you trust, this could leave you a lot more hopeful.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Knowing your true worth can prevent others from siphoning away your time over coming days, Pisces. Yet it's also possible that you might make yourself too available, even though you likely have other things to attend to. It may be wise to put your own plans first as a way to maintain greater control over your life. Ready to embrace a new opportunity? Don't hold back!