Horoscopes Tuesday 24th August 2021

Charming Venus aligns harmoniously with prudent Saturn, making this a good time for business, formal matters and events.

We may not be at our most outgoing, but we will handle things quietly and efficiently and take our responsibilities to others very seriously. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 4th August 2021 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 24th August 2021

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Have big things in the pipeline? With the Moon in Pisces and Mercury forging an ethereal link, you might be less inclined to try so hard. And yet this blend of energies can be helpful, as it could encourage decisions from a more intuitive perspective rather than based on urgent need. The result may then be more satisfying, and perhaps more fruitful if you can overcome impatience.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You have a natural creative ability that can be impressive, if you decide to develop it. The coming weeks encourage you to hone a skill or talent to the point where you feel confident or begin to attain mastery over it. Don't listen to others who might try to put you off, as this is a peak time to showcase your work and get people interested. You never know where it might lead, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

While opportunities show up for social events and creative projects that sparkle with promise, an emotional issue may continue to influence your decisions, unless you can stop thinking about it. Doing so might leave you with more energy and focus to give to other matters. And if you can give your mind a break, you could get a sense of how best to respond to resolve it for good.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Taking a philosophical approach to a relationship that might be very intense, may be one way to deal with feelings that could be rather compulsive. If recent days have seen you becoming more and more emotional, then present lunar ties can encourage you to see the bigger picture, and this might give you a few ideas as to how this connection fits into the grand scheme of things.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

It might seem like a great idea to do more, or to try to pack another project into your schedule so you can reach deadlines or meet your own expectations. If you do though, it could mean that by the end of the week you'll notice a dip in energy. Consider why you may feel obliged to operate this way, when a more balanced and forgiving plan might see you enjoying life much more, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The words of another can have a soothing and healing effect on you, and may be the reason that you feel more at ease with a situation that has brought deep feelings to the surface. You could try to rationalize or gloss over them, but acknowledging them might be better, Virgo. Once they are out in the open, you'll get a sense of how they have contributed to any unease and what to do next.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Something you believed for some a while could be shattered the more you think about it. Perhaps an event causes you to reconsider your views in some depth, and the more you do, the more the truth may be obvious. Now you just need to do something before these insights get buried by general busyness, and things swiftly return to how they were. The time for action is now.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You may find that exploring your own creative potential is very rewarding, and a good way to channel intense energies. Whether you have an inclination towards arts, crafts, music, dance or anything else, being able to express yourself can be very healing, Scorpio. At the same time, your horoscope suggests that activities that allow you to experience peace, such as a walk in nature, might also boost your mood.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

This can be a positive time, when an opportunity could seem to offer you a way to accomplish a dream of yours. You may be putting a lot of effort into a goal and feeling really pleased that things are now coming together. However, to avoid overwhelm Archer, you might need to pare down other less productive activities so that you have more time to give to your exciting plans.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If your attention has been taken up by issues that are all-consuming, then allowing your focus to soften could help. Give yourself a chance to unwind and put your attention on less taxing matters, otherwise you may need to refuel by the weekend. Read a good novel or lose yourself in a movie that takes you into another world. A short break can assist your thinking processes.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

With the Point of Destiny in a creative zone, you may feel compelled to develop a skill that could serve you well. As an Aquarius, you often enjoy connecting with others, so joining a related group or club might be a high point, bringing you together with like-minded people and enabling you to learn more in the process. Ready for change? Tackling a key issue can make a difference.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If it seems you've lost your way regarding a friendship or relationship and are uncertain of your next move, then the stellar backdrop encourages you to be patient. The urge to make sense of it all could be strong, and yet going with the flow may be the least stressful option for now. Anything you can get involved with that takes your mind off it, will help you feel more settled.

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