The Cancer Moon aligns positively with assertive Mars in Virgo which can be a call to take action rather than dwell on things.
If we have an idea to call someone then doing could result in an interesting conversation and perhaps an offer we can't refuse. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 5th August 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 5th August 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
What do you do when you want to have fun, but you have to work? This is the dilemma you might face over coming weeks. With adventures to be had, and plenty of reasons to indulge your favourite activities, dealing with everyday responsibilities could be a real chore. It has to be done though Aries, so balance your time between being productive and enjoying new experiences.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With summery fruits and produce available, you may be spending time in the kitchen cooking fresh dishes, making jam or pickles, and relishing the chance to try out new recipes. If you have a business idea in mind, then Mars in your entrepreneurial zone encourages you to look into it further. With your creative talents to the fore, something you enjoy may earn you extra income.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Devouring books? You may be, if you're the kind of Gemini that likes reading. If you have the chance of a break or vacation, then be sure to have enough to keep you going. Plus, there are many learning opportunities open to you, with your horoscope inspiring you to get more deeply involved in an interest. Remember to shower yourself with loving self-care as well.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The Moon in your sign can highlight your sensitive side, so you may prefer to spend today with those you are closest to, as this will leave you less vulnerable. With a focus on your shopping zone though, you might be tempted by various bargains and treats, especially if there are certain items you really want. Just one from your wish list could be enough to boost your mood.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Your natural warm, friendly and buoyant nature continues to shine, sending sunny rays to those around you. And if you feel in a generous mood, then you may think nothing of splashing out on a meal for your friends or family. But the focus on wholesome Virgo, also encourages you to consider the healthy option, with fresh foods from the local market cooked by your fair hand.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As someone who has a natural leaning towards nutritious foods and a holistic lifestyle, you may be ready to explore the benefits of yoga or meditation. If you already practice these as part of your daily schedule, this is a good time to go deeper and see where it takes you. If you spend each day being fairly busy Virgo, these activities might balance you out in a positive way.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The benefits of getting help for a difficult issue could become obvious, once you've connected with them a few times. With feisty Mars and sweet Venus your personal planet, in analytical Virgo, use this chance to get difficult issues off your chest, and discuss them in such a way that you feel relief and a sense of closure. Good things can happen just by sharing any concerns.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Your friends can count for a lot. If you're busy with your business, career or taking steps to reach important goals, then you could do with some support. There are times when you might feel lonely in your journey to a bigger and better life. With the emphasis on your social sector this is very much a time to connect and spend time in great company. It will boost your morale.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
As you broaden your mind and embrace new experiences, you'll have more to give to your job, business or other goals, Archer. This is a prime time for learning and exploring, as it could assist you in getting a new career or perhaps branching out on your own. But with Mars in a very practical place, you'll be aware of what works and what doesn't, and this can be very helpful.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Someone may act as a catalyst, by encouraging you to try something new that they think you'll enjoy. If you're prepared to keep an open mind and go for it, you might discover something to your advantage, Capricorn. And you could develop an interest that lasts for life. Solo? Any opportunity to try new things can lead to positive friendships and perhaps a romance.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Keen to get to know someone better, Aquarius? The current star map can encourage a deeper walk, as you cross the line from superficial conversation to more personal exchanges. You may have a lot of shared experiences, and being able to discuss them with each other could leave you feeling fairly positive. This is an opportunity to spend quality time with those you are close to.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Breaking the ice could lead to a relationship that is better than expected. Today's Moon/Mars line-up, can inspire you to make that move and see how it goes. If you've been fascinated by a certain person for some time, you may be fired up with the courage to strike up a conversation. Go for it Pisces, as interesting developments might take you along a fascinating new path.