Mindful Mercury angles towards impressionable Neptune, which can skew our perceptions and confuse our plans.
It's best not to sign or commit to anything that involves a lot of money. If we have no option we should keep receipts and paperwork. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 6th July 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 6th July 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
There's a complex blend of energies on the go that could put you on the spot. Plus, a hazy Mercury/Neptune angle can also cast an elusive cloud over events, making it difficult to know what's going on and what you believe. You might want to make a stand, but feel conflicted about doing so. Rather than overthink things Aries, step back and observe, as this may be so revealing.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A chat about something that you find hard to deal with, could help you get to grips with it. If your head is reeling from your inability to make sense of a situation, then you're likely not the only one, Taurus. Your horoscope reveals that this issue might involve a plan or idea that seems to promise more than it can deliver. It may also cause you to think deeply about your values and what is right for you.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Are you doing what is best for you, or what is expected of you, Gemini? Mercury's third and final angle with Neptune in recent weeks, can resolve an issue or puzzle that has confounded you. If you've changed your mind often and are getting nowhere, you might now see a way forward. After weeks of uncertainty, things could shape up and the path you should take may become clear.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Something you need to find out could continue to evade you, Cancer. If you've felt like you were going around in circles trying to get to the heart of this mystery, things may be about to shift. Over coming days you'll gradually get to the truth of the matter. Mind, this might lead to other questions and further explorations, but at least you'll have the satisfaction of making progress.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
A financial opportunity may seem like the best thing ever, but it could turn out to be a bad investment. Even if it comes recommended by a good friend, take it with a pinch of salt. Scrutinize it in detail, especially the small print, and be sure you know what you're getting into first. Getting ready to commit to something, Leo? Double check all is okay before you agree.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
No matter how many people tell you a thing can't be done, this might only make you more determined to prove them wrong. As eager as you may be Virgo, don't launch into your big plan right away, but allow some quiet time for preparation first. This is important now, as you could be in the spotlight more than usual, and the right approach can perhaps nail it for you.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
New ideas can provide much food for thought. Some may offer genuine inspiration, while others could muddy the waters. If you're looking for an opportunity or want to learn something new, don't jump at the first thing that comes along, as it might not be all it seems. If you wait a few days, you'll get a better idea of what's best for you now and over the long-term, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Have feelings for someone? They could change very quickly, Scorpio. If you've put someone on a pedestal, they may appear to shimmer with a special light. But be warned that they will have flaws, and you might be about to find out about them soon. In fact, the coming days can bring you down to earth fairly fast, if they do or say something that you truly hadn't expected.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Someone may sound convincing, but if your instincts tell you otherwise, then trust this. As Mercury your relationship planet is at odds with Neptune for the third time in recent weeks, be ready to act on your intuition rather than be too accepting. If you've been undecided about this matter, the coming days can be a turning point, inspiring you to speak out and clear things up.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If you want things to run efficiently, this is the time to make it happen. Streamline your work practices and routines, so that you can get more done to your high standards. At a time when you may need to get something exactly right, a flurry of confusion could cause delays. You don't need to tolerate this Capricorn, as with forethought and planning you can sidestep such issues.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With Mercury angling towards hazy Neptune for the third time in recent weeks, you may realise the true cost of something. Even if money seemed a minor issue at the time, you might now wonder why you didn't put two and two together. But there is still time to make things right. It could be that a few tweaks can inspire changes that will help you to flourish regardless.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Feel that someone is keeping something from you? If so, the coming days could be a turning point. With Mercury linking to hazy Neptune in your sign, you may be ready to address this matter and sort it out. An in-depth conversation might reveal all, Pisces. But consider if they are innocent and were perhaps hiding a special surprise from you, as this too can be a possibility.