Horoscopes Tuesday 29th June 2021

The Moon in Pisces forges a positive aspect with energizing Uranus in Taurus which could provide some brilliant ideas and insights.

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Horoscopes Tuesday 29th June 2021

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You might lack your usual get-up-and-go Aries, and this can be down to the Sun in your home zone aligning with the Pisces Moon in a more private sector. Your energy can be diverted towards more soulful activities such as meditation or yoga, or perhaps watching an inspiring movie. It's just as well to preserve it, as with Mars opposing Saturn, you could well need it.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With the Moon nicely positioned in your social zone and making some lively links, there may be opportunities to make a dream a reality. Friends might have ideas and insights, but it can be down to you to make the first move Taurus. Even so, it could be far easier to chat about the many options open to you and how good it will feel, rather than take that initial step into the unknown.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

While you prefer to be on the ball, it may not be so easy to get a grip on business or career matters, even if you do have decisions to make. Perhaps your best bet is to simplify matters as much as you can, and wait until next week to hold any crucial conversations and reach agreements. With misunderstandings possible over coming days, it's better to hold back.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may feel a yearning to escape from too much routine, and perhaps from certain relationships that can seem a tad overwhelming. Deep down you could desire a chance to travel somewhere peaceful, healing and inspiring. You might not need to go to the ends of the earth though Cancer, as you may find what you seek closer to hand in nature, or other soothing places of beauty.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With the Moon in Pisces linking to the Sun in a private zone, your focus may be on more subtle matters. Perhaps a vivid dream has a powerful effect on you, and you might be eager to find out what it means. Watch out for any intuitive nudges too, as they could assist you with an issue that can find you at loggerheads with someone. Putting yourself in their shoes may really help, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You could be attracted to someone for their kindness and caring personality, and because they seem so forgiving and non-judgmental. You might even consider them to be just about perfect, Virgo. Resist the urge to put them on a pedestal though, as your horoscope reveals they likely have flaws like everyone else. This is not to put you off, but to let you know that your perspective of them can change.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The Moon makes some positive links to the Sun and Uranus, which might bring exciting new developments your way, Libra. You'll know an opportunity when you see one, and may be excited by what is revealed. Romance wise though, you could hit a roadblock with a relationship that might not pan out as you hoped. Want things to move fast? You'll need to be very patient.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Thoughts of a vacation or short break can leave you with the urge to get away from it all. And if you have the chance, this could be a restorative. If you do happen to be on your travels already, then your time away might see you dropping your usual disciplines and opting for a good time. If this doesn't appeal to you though, you may find solace at a spiritual workshop or retreat, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You can be tempted to push yourself much harder than usual, but doing so might leave you feeling tired and perhaps more emotional. Try not to force things, and give yourself a reduced schedule if possible. Feel moved to revolutionize your lifestyle, Archer. This could become urgent the more you have on your plate. Remember, balancing work and relaxation is key.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may feel optimistic regarding plans that involve friends or working as part of a team. However, you might be more inclined to think in an idealistic way, rather than a practical one. You could want this project to work out so badly, that you resist looking into the details. You will need to face facts at some point though, and it's best to do so, sooner rather than later.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

An awkward tie between feisty Mars and sobering Saturn, can coincide with feelings of frustration or irritability, yet you may prefer not to show it. And there might be a tendency to hold back rather than talk about this, especially those emotions that are awkward or edgy. If you don't feel comfortable just yet, then a peaceful walk could relax you enough so that you do, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With the Sun in a creative sector aligning with the Moon in your sign, this ethereal aspect can bring a desire to understand a deeper and more spiritual reality. It may be a great opportunity to spend some time alone to reflect on key issues, and on life in general. This aspect might increase your overall sensitivity too, so enjoying some alone time could make life easier today, Pisces.

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