Charming Venus in Cancer aligns with trendsetter Uranus encouraging us to move in other circles and enjoy making new friends.
An encounter out of the blue could lead to a scintillating conversation and a desire to meet again. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 4th June 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 12th June 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
With so much that is positive going on, you may be more than happy to enjoy some quiet time and reflect on your plans for the future. Doing so could make you very aware of the inner and spiritual resources that you have at your disposal, and how much of a help they can be to you. You might discover a talent you never knew you had that could now come into its own, Aries.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Your social life may have extra sizzle, with friendly Venus encouraging you to mingle and do more networking. A meeting over coming days could inspire you to explore options that you might not have heard of before. If you feel encouraged to move in a new direction, it can promise much. Someone may give something away by mistake that might be to your advantage.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A small gift may be just the thing to make amends with someone you feel you have offended. If this person is special to you, you have done the right thing, even if the issue is nothing really. And you might discover you have a talent for something in demand. Perhaps this never occurred to you, but a chance event could find you swinging into action and showcasing your skills.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Ready to go further afield? The coming weeks can bring opportunities for a romantic break, or a vacation that's just what you need. It's also possible that someone could invite you on a spur-of-the-moment trip, and that you might just take them up on it. If you do decide to go Cancer, you may love the experience and the chance to sample new sights and sounds, and to relax.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Have an opportunity to do business with someone? It could result in a chance to learn more about ideas that are different from anything you have tried before. This can leave you excited at what the future holds. To make the most of this might require some dedicated effort. Be assured Leo, that the extra hours will be worth it, and that the experience you gain will be valuable.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Sweet Venus's link to lively Uranus can see you making the most of a friendship with someone who is fascinating to be with. They may seem to have the knack of bringing out the best in you, and making you happy. Plus, the Moon's face-off with dwarf planet Chiron, could find you emotional about a financial issue that might be easily resolved with some in-depth research.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Things can work to your benefit, as a someone's surprising offer could be worth taking up. Don't take too long to make up your mind, as it might go to someone else. If you do say yes, it may help cement your reputation. A Venus angle could encourage you not to take someone's words too personally if they seem on edge. It will blow over Libra, and they may just be having an off day.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Just because things have been done a certain way in the past, does not mean they should be done that way in the future. The current Venus/Uranus link can make you very aware of this, and the positives that come from trying out a new experience. Thinking of getting away from it all? It's time to travel to a new place, rather than somewhere you know like the back of your hand.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Something that you're good at, could turn out to be a money spinner for you. If you're wracking your brains trying to think what this might be, it can become clear over the days ahead. Plus, as Mars moves deeper into Leo, your horoscope suggest that the feeling of wanderlust may increase. Been dreaming of getting away? Soon enough you'll work towards making this a reality, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
With delightful Venus now in your sector of relating, your everyday encounters can be pleasant and agreeable. And even the people you are mildly associated with may be more upbeat than usual. Someone could catch your eye Capricorn, and there might be an almost instant spark of attraction. Ready to get into a creative collaboration? Working together could be a winner.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Buying something for the home? With creative Venus linking to innovative Uranus, items that are tasteful and unique may be top of the list. And if they ease the burden of housework or make life fun, they will be even more welcome. But you might also feel moved to give your place a makeover that is different, but perfect for you, and it could spark envy amongst friends.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
There's something interesting about this weekend that's worth enjoying. Planning a get-together? The mix of people could make it a delightful occasion, and everyone might enjoy your efforts at creative cooking. You may want to move beyond the same old dishes, and browse the Internet for something a little different that can wow tastebuds. It looks like you'll find it, Pisces.