Lovely Venus in Aries forges a positive angle with sobering Saturn in Aquarius which is a very businesslike and efficient aspect.
We may not be in a bubbly mood, but we will be aware of our responsibilities to others and ready to do our bit. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 30th March 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 30th March 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The qualities of enthusiasm and determination are ones that can bring the biggest prize, as they may help you get beyond the desire to put something off. Have doubts about moving ahead with a plan? A strong alignment could help you overcome a lack of confidence. A potent tie suggests you might feel nervous about this, but by going for it anyway, you could surprise yourself. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If a sense of frustration takes hold, try not to be deterred, as your outlook could brighten as the day progresses. A Venus/Saturn tie, suggests allowing your interest in new ideas to lead the way. Make a call or two, or extend the hand of friendship to someone with a fresh perspective. Interesting opportunities may be on their way, and it is time to encourage them along.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
It's a lively yet potentially fulfilling day, in which friends and new encounters may play a part. You might be ready for excitement or new experiences, and a call to someone could forge a nice connection, especially if it's regarding business or social affairs. One matter can show signs of coming to a head though, so tread with care around edgy issues and keep things sweet, Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
It's time to make a bold move, if you feel ready and are determined to forge ahead. There may be challenges associated with an ambition, but with savvy, you can work around these. As the Sun and Saturn align, you could be on the verge of forging a business-like partnership that might be a force for good in your life. Commitment and persistence bring the potential for success, Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
There is a lot of positive energy showing, so don't let a niggling issue spoil the day's potential. Still, unless you make a point of doing your best to resolve it, or can drop it, it could play on your mind and leave you with less energy and focus for other things. Need assistance with something? Others are unlikely to refuse you, and may be eager to play their part to get things moving.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A surprise could come your way today, as the Moon opposes electric Uranus across your communication axis. Someone may have news you hadn't expected, or there might be a disconnect. Don't jump to conclusions Virgo, as this temporary aspect suggests that although you might experience some disruption, something quite exciting can emerge because of it.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
As lovely Venus forges a harmonious tie to sobering Saturn, it's time to take an idea or opportunity seriously. An encounter might not be the most fun you've had in a while, but it could be perfect for cementing a business proposition or collaborating on a brilliant idea. Someone can take you and your skills very seriously, and seems keen to move things forward.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Does a situation seem ready to bubble over? This can involve a minor clash with someone, unless you nip it in the bud, sooner rather than later. With the Moon in your sign, your horoscope reveals you could give this more focus than it warrants. By letting it wash over you, positive solutions might readily show up. Thinking of starting a home business, Scorpio? If so, a great idea may get you going.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If you've reached a dead end regarding a key project, then consider teaming up with a friend, as their high-energy may be contagious. What you really need is fresh ideas, and these might be possible with a good brainstorming session. Plus, with dynamic Mars stirring up your love of knowledge, it's worth reaching out to others who could have some expertise in this area, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
There is no point in resisting the inevitable. Clinging to the past may keep you stuck, whereas embracing fresh ideas can seem a tad risky, and yet be so freeing. Something new might be waiting in the wings, and it just needs an invitation from you to set it in motion. Thinking of making a few changes to your home? Research prices, as you could cut the cost of plans considerably.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Recent days may have kept you busy, with a dynamic focus on a social zone encouraging you to reach out. Equally, this can be an opportunity to bring a dream into reality, and one that you might have been thinking about for a while. Something could stir in you that inspires you to get going. Require assistance? Ask Aquarius, as by pooling resources you'll get a lot done fast.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Ready for something fresh? As the Moon faces off with Uranus, a conversation could leave you excited about something you'd never considered, Pisces. If it has the potential to make a big difference to your life, then explore further. You might also be keen to invest in your spiritual development by taking up a course or class that reduces anxiety and enhances inner calm.