Horoscopes Saturday 27th March 2021

The Moon in Virgo faces off with aquatic Neptune in Pisces which can mean we are very sensitive to impressions.

Subconscious complexes may be amplified so it is best not to give too much credence to our thinking today. Creativity acitivities can be therapeutic though.  For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 27th March 2021 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 27th March 2021

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Should you hang on or let go, Aries? If something really isn't going the way you hoped, then it could be time to realize this, and drop it. This can be easier said than done though, especially if you have put a lot of effort in. But continuing might lead to further frustration, and perhaps heartbreak. It may not be easy, but releasing it could pave the way for something much better.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

As the Moon opposes Mercury and hazy Neptune, something could get lost in translation. What you meant to say might not come out in the way you intended, and the result may be a mix-up. Make clarity your mantra today, and you can avoid the embarrassment of someone getting things completely wrong. Spell it out if you need to, then there will be no mistakes, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Don't second guess yourself, Gemini. If you have a bold idea that seems just out of reach, this is no reason to give up on the spot. This vision could be the making of you, if you employ a little faith and are less critical of it from the outset. You might already be aware of everything that can go wrong, but what about if it did better than you imagined, and really was a success.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

If you've wondered about bringing up a tricky issue with someone, then today's line-up encourages you to take a sensitive approach. There is potential for tempers to get frayed, or for someone to take your words to heart if spoken in the wrong way. You can make your point, you just need to do it in such a way that it leaves the other person feeling glad they talked to you.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

To give, or not to give? Is someone expecting more from you, and haven't you been generous enough already, Leo? Today's lunar ties suggest it could seem you are being taken advantage of. Perhaps it's time for this person to stand on their own feet, no matter how much you care about them. You may feel bad now, but it will be better for them to be more independent in general.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Need assistance with something, Virgo? After being so supportive of others, there's no reason to feel bad about asking them for a helping hand. Don't think twice, just do it. On another note, you may be keen to get a goal or ambition off the ground, and if so, feisty Mars continues to encourage you. There are people you could connect with who can be a mine of information.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Been juggling all kinds of commitments? If it's getting too much for you, then call a halt. See if you can delegate any tasks and simplify your to-do list. You can't expect to go flat out all the time, which is why today's lunar ties might be a call to take it easy. If you haven't been giving yourself a chance to recharge, then think about it. Regular self-care is a must, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If you're confident about something, then generally nothing can shake it. Under today's hypercritical Moon, you may doubt yourself when there is no need to, Scorpio. A feeling of imposter syndrome could overtake you, but don't give in to it. If you are involved in a creative project or keen for a romance or friendship to take off, just be your natural, brilliant self.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Let your intuition guide you as you move forward, and trust your gut when strutting your stuff. You have an inbuilt guidance system that can be relied upon to save you time, help you make the best decisions, and assist you on your journey to happiness and success. All you have to do is trust it. Don't bypass your sixth sense today, as it could save you time and money, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The Moon's angle with Mars, suggests that you may be overthinking something that should be relatively simple. With a surge of brain power causing a potential short, this is one time when less is more. Try the opposite approach, and relax your grip. You might even want to walk away and forget about it for a while. And guess what? If you do, the answers could reveal themselves.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You know what you're good at, so don't beat about the bush, and be too modest about your accomplishments, Aquarius. Except that today you might! Your horoscope actively encourages you to toot your own horn and be your own cheerleader, as you could then flourish. If you've got it flaunt it, and you certainly do, so what are you waiting for? Time to make a move.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Your mind may be spinning, but a major focus on private sectors encourages you to slow down, and allow yourself to unwind. If you take on too much, you could end up dissipating your energy and perhaps getting very little done at all. The healing that comes from quiet reflection can help recharge your batteries, and see you being more productive, especially over this weekend.

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