The Moon in Cancer opposes powerbroker Pluto in Capricorn exposing the sensitive underbelly of a situation and perhaps leaving us vulnerable.
Our instinct may be to shield ourselves, but by fully embracing our feelings we can emerge stronger and wiser. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 23rd March 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
This isn't the time to hesitate Aries, even if you do have doubts about your course of action. These may not be based on information as much as on baseless fears. As Mercury in a dreamy zone squares off with Mars, your emotions could lead you astray unless you override them. Look at the facts, as doing so might boost confidence and give hope that you can do really well. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Edgy influences are at work, so it might be wise to slow down and take things in your stride. You likely won't want to though Taurus, as the excitement around an idea that may make you money, can be urging you onward. Don't jump in too quickly, as other factors could come into play that enrich it, and make it better. How might you save more? Focus on this for now.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You seem to enjoy being around other people, with coming days encouraging you to connect with those whose company you thoroughly enjoy. If there have been issues with a friend or group, the current star map suggests such matters will be forgotten. Need to make a decision concerning a goal or your job? Don't hesitate for too long Gemini, as your horoscope reveals you could miss out.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With Mercury in Pisces, your mind may be on faraway places, and opportunities that can seem a little out of reach. Are they though? Today brings a positive fount of energy that encourages you to take a leap of faith, and to be bold about going after a dream of yours. Don't let a fear of failure stop you in your tracks, as once you get going, you'll realize how perfect this is for you.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Are you perplexed by someone, Leo? If what they say and what they do don't match up, you may wonder about their motives. With Mercury in an intense zone angling towards Mars, your thoughts about this person could take on a life of their own, and have you imagining all kinds of things. You might find that reaching out and talking to them resolves this matter very easily.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your instincts about a situation are worth paying attention to, especially if someone is giving you confusing advice. With an edgy Mercury/Mars aspect at a peak, they could persuade you to go against your own better judgement. If something is important to you Virgo, then don't let other people put you off. You know what you want and what you hope to accomplish, so go for it.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If a special opportunity opens up for you, then don't immediately dismiss it. With feisty Mars continuing its journey through your sector of new experiences, saying yes could be so good for you. Even if you haven't had that much experience Libra, it's worth taking the risk and moving out of your comfort zone. There may be a learning curve involved, but you'll easily cope.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
It's no good beating about the bush, especially if there's something that you want. With dynamic Mars continuing in your sector of desire, it could get more and more difficult to pretend that you really don't need it. You might try to talk yourself out of it, but this won't make it go away. If you go for it, you'll have the satisfaction you've been craving, even if it doesn't last for long.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may resent it if someone seems to be prying into your family business a little too much, and be inclined to give away as little as possible. But as Mercury angles towards Mars in Gemini, it is possible that they have your best interests at heart, even if you can't immediately see it. A more direct approach could clear the air, and if they are trying to help, then consider working together.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Crossed wires are possible Capricorn, especially if you're discussing something that needs attention to detail. Over coming days, it helps to clarify things so that you can power ahead and make your mark. Concerning family matters, you could find yourself acting as mediator in a tricky situation. Your grounded and practical approach to life might so easily resolve this.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You are at a creative peak Aquarius, making this a great time to showcase your unique skills in new ways. If you have a special talent, then don't hide it away, make sure everyone knows about it. If you have to spend a little on ways to advertise yourself, then go for it. Wondering about a budding romance? Keep the conversation going as you gradually get to know them.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Although you may have a lot of fascinating projects on the go and a keen interest in various others, the presence of key planets in a quiet sector, encourages you to make time for yourself as well. The reason for doing so is that you can have a chance to connect with those deeper currents of feeling, and to perceive aspects of your life in way that could change things.