The Sun aligns with Pluto in Capricorn which suggests that our focus may be intense and laser-like, ensuring things get done.
Ready for change? If we want to make a difference this is a day to take a bold step forward. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 14th January 2021 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 14th January 2021
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The coming days bring a chance for a fresh beginning. Whether this applies to an ambition or a personal goal, the act of turning a new page can be empowering to you. In addition, with electric Uranus turning direct in your money zone, you may get satisfaction from showcasing unique skills, and applying them to your current job or other important areas where they will be noticed. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If recent days have seen you overwhelmed by an issue and feeling emotional, then a potent solar tie might inspire you to look beneath the surface, and so benefit from any insights. What seemed so important more recently, may soon appear less so. Nevertheless, don't feel bad for jettisoning a situation that has been a burden for too long. A dynamic influence suggests it's time to let it go.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Get ready to finalise a decision, as by doing so, you may find the coming days to be lighter and brighter. Even today, you can begin to feel better about an issue that might have brought out your emotional side only yesterday. This could be a good time to re-focus, and to put your attention on other matters, such as connecting with friends and enjoying some very novel encounters, Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With the Sun's tie to Pluto in your sector of relating, the coming days could see you letting go of an aspect of the past, to embrace a better future. This might mean re-writing the script concerning a key relationship in a way that leaves you feeling stronger. There is also the potential for further change that can see you forging ahead with a bold and innovative idea, and finally finding your feet.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With rebellious Uranus turning direct in your sector goals, you may be more than ready for a break, and it could come at a time when you seem to have more responsibilities than ever. Too much work is not sustainable Leo, and if yesterday's New Moon taught you anything. it might be that life is a balance. Planning your getaway now, with or without company, may be just the tonic you need.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
No matter how busy your schedule, making time to sit quietly and see the bigger picture can be helpful. Due to the potent New Moon and other unsettled energies, there's a likelihood that your perception of events and people may need adjusting. You could find that a few minutes to indulge a creative hobby or to unwind might be therapeutic, and help you see things with greater clarity.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If feelings have built to a crescendo concerning family matters, then you may seek solace from friends rather than those in your clan. If you need a break to think things through, then a coffee and a heart-to-heart could help you get your bearings. When you feel ready, you can return to the fold with fresh suggestions, and a sense that you know what to do and why you need to do it.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The coming weeks might see you taking stock of what you own, and making decisions as to what to do with key items. This may not be easy, especially if you feel an attachment to certain items, even those you have never used or worn. However, the current line-up could see you being more ruthless in this regard, especially if you can sell key pieces for a good price and recoup the cash, Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With fiery Mars powering through your lifestyle sector, you may be ready to set your world to rights. As unpredictable Uranus moves forward from today too, its influence can encourage you to think out of the box and to embrace edgier ideas and solutions. You could feel it's your duty to follow a trusted method. But what if a completely new formula or plan worked even better?
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The sense of power you may have registered yesterday around the New Moon, can still be felt today, as an urge could compel you to stand up for something you believe in or for a matter important to you. Been too restless to let your creative juices flow? Your horoscope suggests things might shift for you, as rebellious Uranus turns direct. You may find it easier to pursue a project or stick with a promising romance.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The Sun/Pluto merger suggests there may be more going on behind the scenes than you realize. Bearing this in mind, you might find that a more serene approach enables you to grasp opportunities that you could miss if you anxiously seek them out. Coincidences can show up too, that seem to nudge you in a new direction or that encourage you to link with key people to your benefit.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Your heart may melt at someone's predicament Pisces, which could mean that you agree to do something for them that isn't of any benefit to you. Still, as innovative Uranus turns direct from today, its forward motion might be the push you need to disentangle yourself, and use your precious time for ideas and goals that are important to you. It's time to care for yourself as well as others.