Sign Rat

This is literally the year that you have been waiting for, with everything about 2020 holding just the right mix of everything you could want and nothing you don’t. For you, the year doesn’t begin on New Year’s Day but 24 days later, on 24th January. This is when the Chinese New Year opens the door to the Year of the Rat and the year when you literally come home and into your own.

This is a year for major new beginnings, to reconnect with your personal truth and with that your personal power and also a chance to push the ‘reset’ button. You have spent close to a year cooling your heels during the nostalgic and reflective Year of the Pig, the final year in a personal 12 year lunar cycle. Where the Year of the Pig was a year of endings, the Year of the Rat is a year of new beginnings. This is the energy you were born into and is an energy you know and relate to. Where in 2019 you were trying to live a Rat life in a Pig world, in 2020 you are able to live a Rat life in a Rat world, with the energy of the year matching your personal truth. This will make all this year’s opportunities a lot more powerful because no matter what you are doing, there is a chance to take ownership.

During the month of the Hare, which from 23rd February to 24th March will put the focus on home and family matters, you will want your home, in terms of both how and where you live to express your personal truth. It will also be the case during the month of the Dragon, which will follow on from 24th March through to 23rd April, when the focus shifts to matters of the heart and all things fun, playful, romantic and creative. Whatever you embrace, it needs to be authentic. This could see some changes on the job front, especially if you are not in a job that matches your personal truth or is something you have outgrown. Especially as there is a lot more time this year to explore those options.

For the Rat, it is the month of the Snake that puts the focus on work and job matters and this year, this runs from 23rd April to 22nd May. However, this year this is a leap month, with a second month of the Snake running from 22nd May to 21st June. It is after that, that your relationships will encounter the Rat, with a greater need for balance between your personal and relationship needs.

Sign Ox

2020 is an important year, but it is one that will make some unusual demands on you, especially once the Year of the Rat begins, on 24th January. Until then, the year begins with the final weeks of the social and serendipitous Year of the Pig playing out and for you more than anyone, the shift in focus from one lunar year to the next will be pronounced. For as the very socially charged and interactive Year of the Pig ends, the more nostalgic and reflective Year of the Rat begins.

This doesn’t mean that you will spend the next 12 months navel gazing but with the Year of the Rat in play through to February 2021, it is the dominant energy in 2020. The Year of the Rat is the final year in a personal 12 year lunar cycle, a year that began during the last Year of the Ox in 2009. This is when you last got to push the ‘reset’ button, starting out on the new quests and beginnings that have made up the journey ever since.

On 11th February 2021 the Year of the Rat will end and the next Year of the Ox will begin, making this the final year in a 12 year journey. Life will go on and you can’t or don’t need to spend the rest of 2020 navel gazing, but this is a year of completion, of looking back and of closing old doors, ready for a fresh start next year. It is also a year when you do have a chance to spend more time in life’s slow lane and for the Ox, this is important and probably just what the doctor has ordered. This gives you more time to embrace life and that includes a rare opportunity to make matters of the heart and all things fun, playful, romantic and creative a priority. You will always get an opportunity to do that during the month of the Snake, but this is four weeks that in the middle of a busy life, is often over by the time you can get around to embracing it.

The Rat’s slower pace will not only allow for more time, this year the month of the Snake is a leap month, which means that instead of just four weeks you have eight. The first month of the Snake will run from 23rd April to 22nd May, with a chance for a do over from 22nd May to 21st June. This year has just the right amount of professional influence, with enough opportunities to seize but not so much that it will over burden you. June and July will be the best months of the year for work and job matters, especially once the month of the Snake ends on 21st June, while October and November will be the best for career and professional matters in general. 

Sign Tiger

This year starts on a professional wave that has been building for close to a year by the time you move into the New Year, with the tail end of the Year of the Pig still playing out. For the Tiger, the Year of the Pig is the most competitive and professionally charged year in a 12 year cycle and while it will come to an end on 24th January, it will have created enough momentum by then to carry you through the rest of 2020. This could have lucrative implications fairly early in the year. For the Tiger, the most lucrative month of any year is the month of the Hare, which this year runs from 23rd February to 24th March. Beginning just after the Year of the Pig ends, there will be a lot more professional momentum than you would normally expect at this time of year.

In the meantime, any new lunar year always begins with the month of the Tiger, so when the Year of the Rat begins on 24th January, this is something you will get an early feel for and most likely, will like what you see.

For the Tiger, the Rat is a social and serendipitous energy and while the month of the Rat comes around once a year and is the most socially active and charged month of any year, this will be in effect for the rest of the year. This makes 2020 and important year for friendship, teamwork and for personal, professional and social networking in general. By its very nature the Tiger is a social creature and the Rat speaks to your humanitarian and the community minded side of your nature.

While every year will go through its normal seasons, with work and job matters bringing a chance to pick up on where the Pig left off in July and August, while the latter part of June and the first three weeks of July are especially good for matters of the heart and all things fun, playful, romantic and creative. However, it is home, family and/or property matters that get an unexpected boost this year.

With 13 New Moons in 2020 there will be a leap month or a lunar month that is repeated. This time, the first leap month since 2017 is the month of the Snake, which for the Tiger puts the focus on home and family matters. The first month of the Snake runs from 23rd April to 22nd May, only to start again from 22nd May to 21st June. Where you will normally only have four weeks to focus on home and family matters, which apart from the Rat’s yearlong focus on your social life and matters all the other areas of your life will get, on the home front you will have eight weeks.

Sign Hare

While the adventurous Year of the Pig will come to an end on 24th January and this is one of the most exciting years in a 12 year period for you, this is often something you are ready to move on from.

The Pig and Hare are the best of friends, belonging to the same ‘triad of affinity’. This makes everything flow more smoothly and while you might not look back and see the last 12 months as particularly easy, it would have been a lot harder if you hadn’t had the Pig clearing a path for you.

As humans we don’t want it easy all the time and while the Pig will leave you with a quest for adventure that you can continue to embrace, you are ready for a challenge and that is what the Year of the Rat will bring. Not the kind of challenge that comes from facing adversity but from embracing your competitive spirit. For the Hare, the Year of the Rat is the most competitive and professionally charged year since the last Year of the Rat, which began in 2008 and ran into early 2009. You are ready for a challenge and whether professionally, with a personal project or your goals and ambitions in general, the Rat inspires you to aim high and achieve more.

This is traditionally a huge year professionally and this will have implications in other areas of your chart, in ways that are both opportune and challenging. The month of the Dragon, for instance, usually the most potentially lucrative month of any year for the Hare and which this year runs from 24th March to 23rd April, is likely to be even more lucrative. That is because you don’t usually have professional momentum at this time of year, but the Year of the Rat will have been underway for two months by then.

However, by the same token the month of the Horse, which puts the focus on home and family matters and this year runs from 21st June to 20th July, could be more challenging. Not only are the Horse and Rat opposing signs, but the Horse will insist that you focus on home and family matters, while the Rat will want to keep the focus on your professional game. This could create some work/life balance issues, but this is just four weeks out of the year and in the same way that you want to seize the income potential the Rat brings, you also need to heed the work/life balance reminders.

What will get a boost this year are the communication lines, right through from 23rd April to 21st June, when a leap month will give you eight weeks instead of the normal four.

Sign Dragon

For the Dragon, 2020 holds everything you could want in a year. It has excitement, adventure and the icing on the cake is that this could be a lucrative year, especially in the months immediately after the month of the Dragon, which runs from 24th March to 23rd April. The month of the Dragon is the point in any year when you get to check in, redefine your intentions and resolutions for the rest of the year and to push the ‘reset’ button.

It is in between the New Year and the beginning of the month of the Dragon that everything changes or at least it will do, on 24th January. This is the Chinese New Year, which brings the Year of the Pig to a close and welcomes in the Year of the Rat and for the Dragon, this changes everything.

While the Year of the Pig hasn’t been a challenging year and in fact it has been a good year for getting on top of money matters, it lacks the excitement that the Dragon craves and the Rat has this by the bucket load. This is also one time when, because the Chinese New Year falls at one of its earliest possible points in the year, you don’t have to wait long.

Just 24 days into 2020 and you will be walking into the Year of the Rat, a year full of adventure, travel, an opportunity to expand your horizons and embrace life full on. In addition, the Dragon and Rat belong to the same ‘triad of affinity’. In other words, the Rat and Dragon are the best of friends and he will be looking out for you, right through to February 2021.

It is during the month of the Rat, from 14th December 2020 to 13th January 2021, conveniently covering Christmas and the New Year, when this will be at its height. But this is something you can enjoy all year. What gives 2020 its income potential is that for the first time in three years we have a leap month. This happens when there are 13 New Moons in a calendar year and to accommodate for that, one lunar month will be repeated and this year, that will be the month of the Snake which, for the Dragon can be the most lucrative month of any year.

The month of the Snake will run from 23rd April to 22nd May, but as soon as it finishes it will begin again, with the second month of the Snake running from 22nd May to 21st June.

Sign Snake

Taken as a whole, 2020 doesn’t appear to be dramatic in any way but look a little deeper and this year has everything that you need and that includes a lot more stability.

The year begins with the final weeks of the Year of the Pig underway and by the time it ends, earlier than is usually the case on 24th January, as to what comes next your request will be ‘anything but the Pig’.

For the Snake, the Year of the Pig is the most challenging year in a 12 year lunar cycle, for this is your opposing sign and everything about its energy is opposite to who you are. By 1st January 2020, you have spent nearly 11 months trying to live the life of a Snake, in a Pig world and the two were never going to fit.

Yet, it is once the Year of the Pig ends that the rewards will start to flow in. Where the Pig has challenged you, you will find that you rose to those challenges in ways you didn’t appreciate at the time. What were challenges in 2019, will become opportunities in 2020. On 24th January, the Chinese New Year brings us all to the start of the Year of the Rat and while it won’t be as exciting as the Year of the Ox, which begins next February, this should be a good year for money matters and for following your passions, with June and July the most potentially lucrative months.

The year should get off to a good start professionally with February, in particular, a good month for new professional opportunities or even for launching new personal projects. What is really going to balance the scales this year and help you take your personal power back, especially after the Year of the Pig, is that there is not one month of the Snake this year, but two.

Because 2020 has 13 New Moons there is a leap month, which repeats the same lunar month twice and this time it is the month of the Snake being repeated. The first runs from 23rd April to 22nd May and the second from 22nd May to 21st June. The month of the Snake is the point in any year when you get to take your power back with two shots at that this year. This should be a confidence boost that you will continue to benefit from, for the rest of the year.

Sign Horse

If you never really got to take a break at the end of 2019 and begin 2020 on the same treadmill, you can blame/thank the Pig for that. For the Horse, the Year of the Pig is the busiest and most industrious year in a 12 year cycle and until it ends on 24th January, you are likely to remain busy, trying to keep up with the hectic pace this can set.

However, this is when the pace will ease back to a normal level, but the rewards and momentum will continue. You should notice a flow on effect from that in February and March, when new professional opportunities open up, with a flow on effect in July and August, the most potentially lucrative months of 2020.

It is the same New Moon that brings the Chinese New Year forward to an earlier date this year and brings the Year of the Pig to a close on 24th January, that will also usher in the Year of the Rat. For the Horse, the Year of the Rat can be a challenging year, especially if you don’t understand the opportunities it brings and in essence, how to work the system.

The Horse and Rat are opposing signs and everything about the Year of the Rat is opposite to who you are. If you try and convert the Year of the Rat to operate in a way that fits in with you there will be challenges, for it is the Rat that is in control this year. However, it is the very fact that the Rat challenges you, that you won’t be able to revert to old habits, patterns or to operate on autopilot.

The Rat also puts the focus on your relationships, so you may find that there are people that come into your life or who are already in your life, that challenge you. Whether through your personal or professional relationships, there will be people who challenge the way you look at and see the world and this is something you will ultimately benefit from. We have a leap month this year, when one month is repeated and for you this couldn’t be more perfect.

The month being repeated is the month of the Snake, with the first running from 23rd April to 22nd May and the second from 22nd May to 21st June. For the Horse this is a nostalgic and reflective month and after the busy year you had last year, this will be a chance to take a break from life’s fast lane, especially, as February and March are still likely to be busy, especially professionally.

Sign Sheep

The contrast between the Year of the Pig, which ends on 24th January and the Year of the Rat, which begins at the same time, couldn’t be more different but in a good way.

For the Sheep, the Year of the Pig has been a fun and playful year, with a focus on matters of the heart and all things fun, playful, romantic and creative. In addition, the Pig and the Sheep are the best of friends and he was never going to challenge you.

In reality, you are ready for a challenge, not the kind that creates problems or trials, but the kind that can get you excited about putting yourself forward and that’s what the Rat creates. For the Sheep, the Rat is going to be a busy year, especially on the job front, with plenty of opportunities for job growth, promotion and for proving yourself in whatever field you operate in. You will need to pace yourself, for this is the kind of year when there is a danger of ignoring the signs to slow down and pace yourself, with workaholic tendencies.

Hopefully the Pig’s playful influence has rubbed off on you, and you can maintain a balance between work and play. A particularly important time professionally will be during the month of the Dragon, which runs from 24th March to 23rd April and again during the month of the Rat, which runs from 14th December 2020 to 13th January 2021. This might mean keeping your work hat on over Christmas and the New Year, but it will be hard to prize off your head for much of the year anyway.

Meanwhile, August and September are likely to be the most lucrative months of 2020, with a chance to benefit financially from the hard work you will have put in by then. Meanwhile, there is a development that will guard against life becoming all work and no play and you can thank the Snake for that.

There are 13 New Moons in 2020 and that means there will be a leap month, the first since 2017. This time the month being repeated is the month of the Snake, which for the Sheep is the most social and serendipitous month of any year. The first month of the Snake runs from 23rd April to 22nd May, only to start over again from 22nd May to 21st June. As well as a special point in the year for your social life and for friendship, this will also be good for personal and professional networking in general.

Sign Monkey

To begin with, it is literally business as usual, with the Year of the Pig still playing out and the month of the Ox still underway. For the first three weeks of 2020 nothing will have changed.

The Ox is still likely to be keeping you busy, as he often does at this time of year and the Pig is still putting the focus on home and family matters, as he has been since the Year of the Pig began in February 2019. And then we reach 24th January and everything changes, with nothing the same after that and in a good way.

This is the Chinese New Year and is much earlier in the year than we would normally expect and that will have implications just a few months later.

In the meantime, the Chinese New Year ushers in the Year of the Rat, the year that you have been waiting for. The Monkey and the Rat belong to the same ‘triad of affinity’, so in other words they are the best of friends, with everything flowing more freely and easily during the Year of the Rat. The only downside is that the Rat can make things so easy that you become complacent, but if that is your biggest problem, you don’t really have a problem.

In addition, for the Monkey, the Year of the Rat is the most fun, playful and creative year in a 12 year lunar cycle, with its focus on matters of the heart and all things close to your heart. This could expand to include adventure, travel or learning opportunities during the month of the Dragon, from 24th March to 23rd April.

I mentioned that having the Chinese New Year fall earlier in the year than it normally does would have implications, for this makes room for 13 New Moons in 2020 and that means we have a leap month, where the same month is repeated twice. This year the leap month is the month of the Snake, which for the Monkey is the most competitive and professionally charged month of any lunar year.

The first month of the Snake will run from 23rd April to 22nd May, only to begin a complete do over from 22nd May to 21st June. This will give this year a professional advantage that the Rat was never going to bring, giving you the best of both worlds. The only problem you will face is that the Rat will insist that you maintain a balance between work and play. Meanwhile, this will set you up for lucrative implications later in the year, especially from mid September to mid October.

Sign Rooster

There are several factors that set this year apart and they fall in a way that gives you a year that is balanced, with everything you need and nothing you don’t.

The year begins with the final weeks of the Year of the Pig still playing out and for the Rooster, this is keeping the focus on communication and on all forms of being able to express yourself, whether professionally or personally.

For the Rooster being able to express yourself and to talk are central to who you are, so this is a good start to the year. The Chinese New Year falls early this year, bringing the Year of the Pig to a close and ushering in the Year of the Rat on 24th January. This shifts the focus onto your home, family and/or property matters and this will be the overall or unchanging theme for the rest of 2020 and right through to February 2021. This makes this an important year for putting down roots and for all things close to home.

Everything on the home, family and/or property fronts will feature strongly and will remain important all year. However, this year also offers enough variety to ensure it doesn’t become just about the home. As always, any new lunar year begins with the month of the Tiger and for you that puts the focus on work and job matters. This is the reason why January and February are often the busiest months of any year for you. This is a chance to get out in front and gain the kind of momentum you can benefit from for the rest of the year.

This year also holds some unexpected or surprise opportunities on the adventurous front, as you win the ‘leap month’ lottery. Because there are 13 New Moons this year we have a leap month, with the same month being repeated twice. Spare a thought for others that get to repeat the same challenging month twice. You, on the other hand get to repeat one of the most exciting months of any year, the adventurous month of the Snake.

The first month of the Snake runs from 23rd April to 22nd May and as always, for the Rooster this puts the focus on adventure, travel, learning and discovery. Usually once this is over it is over, but instead there is a chance to push the ‘reset’ button, with a do over or bonus month of the Snake beginning straight away and running from 22nd May to 21st June.

Sign Dog

By the time a lunar year ends you have been under its influence for close to a year and a lot of this not only rubs off on you, but its real impact is yet to be fully realised, even after it ends.

That is the case with the Year of the Pig, which ends on 24th January and for the Dog, can be the most lucrative year in a 12 year lunar cycle. Whatever this did or didn’t deliver, this has left you with a lot of untapped income potential and also a belief in yourself that will continue to attract opportunities. This should be evident when new work and job developments open up in February and March and again in July and August, which will host the most competitive and professionally charged weeks of 2020.

In the meantime, money matters will get an unexpected boost thanks to a leap month. A leap month falls when there are 13 New Moons in a year where there can only be 12 lunar months. This means one is repeated and this year the month being repeated is the month of the Snake, a month that for the Dog will always give you an edge when it comes to money matters. The first month of the Snake will run from 23rd April to 22nd May, with the second running straight after, from 22nd May to 21st June.

Meanwhile, when the Year of the Pig ends on 24th January this will usher in the Year of the Rat, a year that for the Dog will always give you an intellectually savvy edge and put the focus on communication.

This is a good year for all forms of expression and especially if writing or communication is part of your job or is something you put time to yourself.

This can be put to good use on the relationship front during the month of the Dragon, which runs from 24th March to 23rd April. This is a month that will always put the focus on your relationships and can create a clash between your personal and relationship needs. It will be good to have the Rat helping out during that time.

Sign Pig

As much as the Year of the Pig is an empowering year and a year when you get to revisit your native energy and push the reset button, it can be a challenging year. Not because of outside challenges but because this brings you back to your personal truth and if there are areas of your life where you are not being true to yourself, the Pig will call you out.

If you were on the wrong path you will have found yourself blocked and you no longer had the option not to show up in your own life.

Yet when the Year of the Pig ends on 24th January, you will feel the pressure drop, often realising for the first time that it was there, while you will then start to feel the benefits. This brings you to the Year of the Rat, which for the Pig can be a lucrative year.

However, this is not just about the money and the reason you attract more is that you know you deserve more. The Pig has spent close to a year helping you to find your personal truth and power and once it ends, this is when you step back into your own power and where the Rat can boost your confidence, this is when you really start to believe in yourself and in what you deserve. And yes, that does mean you are likely to attract more money during the Year of the Rat, which runs through to February 2021, but you are also likely to attract what you deserve across all the currencies in your life.

This makes the professionally charged months of 2020 even more important, for if this is to be a lucrative year then movement on the job and career fronts will help with that. March and April are set to be the most significant months of the year for work and job developments and just months into the Year of the Rat, there will be the kind of income potential that doesn’t usually come with this.

Meanwhile, August and September are the most significant months of the year for career and professional opportunities, development and growth, again with lucrative potential thanks to the Rat. In the meantime, a leap month is putting extra focus on your relationships this year. The month of the Snake, which for the Pig always puts the focus on your relationships will run from 23rd April to 22nd May, only to repeat from 22nd May to 21st June.

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