Jazzy Jupiter moves into Aquarius sign of airwaves, technology and humanitarian qualities where is can brighten our hopes for a better future.
It's presence here can find us eager to work together with others for a common cause and to make use of cutting-edge techniques to do so. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 19th December 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 19th December 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Jupiter's presence in Aquarius from today might positively influence your social life, and help you to bring your dreams and wishes to pass. Over the coming year, the events you attend and the people you meet can guide you towards fresh opportunities, and ways to bring your best ideas into reality. Whether online or off, new contacts could be conduits of useful information and fun.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You are capable of big things, and over the coming weeks and months, you might find yourself accomplishing some of them. With wisdom-orientated Jupiter moving through your sector of goals and career from today for just over a year, you may have chances of a promotion, success with key goals or progress with your best plans, and you'll have confidence as well Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Expansive Jupiter enters your travel and adventure sector from today, for a stay of just over a year. With Saturn currently moving alongside this jubilant planet, you may feel both elated about new prospects and yet aware of the seriousness of new plans, and how they can impact your future. Yet there is a real sense of new possibilities that could take you into new territory.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With the planetary focus shifting to psychological and subtle areas of your chart, thoughts and emotions could be stirred up, yet you might find it easier to become more accepting of them. A more positive influence moving into an intense sector, can counteract the energies of Saturn and inspire you to embrace all spectrums of feeling more at ease with yourself and life.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Relationships and partnerships may have extra sparkle from today as cheerful Jupiter moves into your sector of relating, bringing opportunities through interactions with others. As it will remain here for just over twelve months, it could coincide with positive change in key bonds and a desire to take things further. It can also leave you restless if a present association seems too limiting.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Dynamic energies can encourage you to be more proactive when it comes to getting ahead at work, or regarding goals and personal ambitions. The coming weeks and months might see you being bolder too Virgo, and perhaps setting your sights higher than before. The combination of discipline and vision may find you accomplishing much, with productivity higher than usual.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Your horoscope reveals that your attention may be taken up by opportunities to do those things you enjoy. Whether it's sport, outdoor activities, creative hobbies or you are an entrepreneur at heart, you might feel inclined to explore and experiment over coming months, and can gain new friends as a result. Jupiter's presence in your leisure zone from today, connects you with romantic opportunities too, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Home and family life can become an adventure, as growth-orientated Jupiter moves into your domestic sector for a long stay. Its lively presence could bring on feelings of restlessness that might inspire you to move to a new area with better amenities, or perhaps expand your present home. It is also possible you may want to add to your family, or perhaps welcome a pet.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Your circle of friends and contacts may be about to get bigger, as a very positive energy begins to influence your sector of communication, networking and socializing. From today, you could be fascinated by new interests, especially those linked to technology and science. This emphasis might also bring you into contact with people who may be links in a golden chain of positive events.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The movement of abundant Jupiter into your money zone shortly after Saturn's arrival, can help you make the most of the coming year or so. While this upbeat planet could bring small sums out of the blue, it could pave the way for bigger opportunities. If you are willing to work hard and to think out of the box, this lucky influence might help you to improve your income, Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
As expansive Jupiter enters your sign for a stay of around a year, and joins Saturn which moved in only a day or so ago, the focus is on you and your plans and goals. This can be an exciting time when you are ambitious and confident, although not overly so. You may be more willing to experiment, but also eager to bring your visions to life, so they benefit you and others too.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Working on the inside to resolve difficulties and clear away emotional baggage, may become something you want to do more of. From today, a benevolent and helpful energy might encourage you to increase your efforts regarding self-awareness. This can include exploring spiritual beliefs and trying out new practices like meditation, or anything that helps you feel at peace, Pisces.