As Venus in Scorpio aligns with ethereal Neptune in Pisces this can be a dreamy day when we may yearn for romantic or mystical experiences.
It's also an opportunity to get creative as our imagination may be very much to the fore. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 6th December 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 6th December 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Much as you might want to hurry things along when it comes to matters of the heart, you may have no option but to go with the flow. Mars in your sign hints at impatience, and a desire to have what you want now. But with Venus aligning with ethereal Neptune, the key to making a great impression is to show your sensitive side, and be aware of the subtleties in your interactions.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With lovely Venus your personal planet, lining up with dreamy Neptune, it's easy to be caught up in unrealistic feelings for someone. Even if you didn't have much to do with them in the past, this aspect could inspire you to see them in a new and more attractive light. Will this work out though? In a few days, your thoughts about them can shift again, so tread with care Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Your caring and compassionate side may be to the fore, so you might be ready to give a helping hand to anyone who needs it. If you are in business, this can include a competitor, or in your work place, someone you might not have seen eye-to-eye with. Still, it helps to be practical too, and to make sure that any new commitments or negotiations work out well for you, as well as others.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
A fiery focus might encourage you to get to grips with issues that have been holding you back for some time. If you need to talk to certain people, you'll have the courage to face them, and discuss matters that have been at the heart of any conflicts. Even so, you may find yourself yearning for the ideal life, and one in which there are fewer difficulties and more happiness.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Your resolve to get things done may be strong, and you'll have the energy to accomplish much, especially regarding any new projects that require vision and creativity. If you're at the starting point, the coming weeks can see you making great strides. However, a more subtle aspect could find you drawn to things or people that might make your life complete, if only they were yours.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your down-to-earth focus may give way to more spiritual thoughts, so you might be inclined to see the best in others and to excuse their faults and failings. If you've had issues with another, a soothing Venus/Neptune link can encourage you to forgive and forget, and you could experience a sense of relief from doing so. In a romantic mood? An encounter can seem so very inviting.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Forging new relationships and connections can be very fruitful, and a good investment of time and energy Libra. Networking, whether online or off, could assist you in finding new opportunities, and you'll benefit from liaising with those on your wavelength. Still, your horoscope suggests that with a very caring influence peaking today, you may feel like giving and giving, and find it hard to stop.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Looking to enhance your income or perhaps find a new job? Dynamic energies in your money and lifestyle zones, can encourage a new way of thinking and acting that might net you specific results. Your confidence may be higher than usual, and this in itself could make it easier to get the outcome you are after. Ready for a meeting of minds and hearts Scorpio? It might well happen.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With a dynamic focus ongoing, you may be ready to explore new options and take the world by storm. Plans and projects can take on a new urgency, and yet you will enjoy bringing them to a successful conclusion. Interested to know more about your roots and ancestry? Fresh discoveries might reveal how they have contributed in a profound and subtle way to the person you are today.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Sometimes the way to feel better about life can be to spend some time recharging your batteries, and considering ways to resolve issues that might be a drain on your energy. If you need time to yourself to do this, then do take it. You could also find that practices such as yoga or tai chi, help you feel more self-contained, enabling you to say no when necessary, and mean it.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Mercury and the Sun in your social zone, can enhance your desire to connect with people who are on your wavelength. You may be drawn by someone's intellect and lively wit, and their ability to talk about things that really interest you. You have a great sense of fun, so if a new friend makes you laugh, then so much the better. Indeed, this bond could develop in strength over time.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may be all fired up by an idea, which might be the reason you impress someone who is in a position to help you, or who is an authority on this subject. Ideas can percolate, and you might be drawn to collaborate on a project that could put you in the spotlight. Mind, a very soulful and romantic aspect may also find you and another gaining a deeper understanding of each other.