Today's New Moon in Libra and its angle with Pluto can encourage us to make a clean break from something that has outlived its purpose or no longer serves.
This can represent a fresh start for us and perhaps one that cannot come soon enough. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 16th October 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 16th October 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Today's New Moon in Libra angles towards persistent Pluto and prudent Saturn, which can leave you wondering whether you should take the initiative and start something new. Are there just too many obstacles to be bothered, Aries? Yet someone who may have a different and more inquisitive perspective could have a go and succeed at it. What would you lose if you did try?
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Want to improve your lifestyle and make a move towards greater happiness? Today's potent lunar phase could entice you to think about it. If previous efforts have been a disappointment, there is something about today's line-up that can encourage you to try again. You may be inspired by someone's example or by a philosophy, and because of this, a challenge might begin to appeal.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Is it time to let go of something that is getting in the way of progress? Today's line-up can bring the promise of a fresh opportunity, if you are willing to release anything that is no longer working for you. Is it a fear of the unknown that is holding you back? Tackling this in baby steps could be the answer. Don't let the promise of a new beginning be marred by too much indecision Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Ready for a fresh start at home? Today's New Moon can push you to explore a bold idea, even if your family disagree. Whatever it is you want to do, be aware that others could put the damper on your project unless you know how to deal with them. Rather than openly argue, understanding their motives might be key. Perhaps a compromise is not such a bad idea after all Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Keen to launch a new idea or project? If so, you may be more aware of the obstacles than the potential for success. Today's powerful blend of energies encourages you to have a go anyway. This might mean rearranging your schedule, so you have enough time for it. If something seems a concern right now Leo, don't skip the in-depth research, as it can be crucial to peace of mind.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As lively Mercury continues to rewind in your sector of communication, avoid making snap decisions without doing your homework first. With a precarious blend of energies showing up, you will need to plan for unexpected disruptions and be ready to improvise when necessary. At the same time, with Venus facing off with Neptune, it's best not to believe everything you hear.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
While today's New Moon in your sign is an important turning point, you may feel that you are being unnecessarily stymied by other people's expectations. How important is this to you? If it is, you might have to step out on your own regardless of what others think, and do what you have to do. While not easy, you'll feel so much better for making a start, whatever their attitude.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Are you trying to come to terms with the pros and cons of a situation? If so, today brings renewed hope. A potent lunar phase in your psychological sector, encourages you to view this issue from a different perspective, and one that could bring about a healing. For now, let your thinking subside and relax into a peaceful state, as your deeper wisdom can then lead the way.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Is your attitude standing in the way of a team project or community initiative? While you may be keen to get on board, there could be a tendency to look for problems rather than benefits. Today's lunation can coincide with a need for a decision, which you might hesitate to make. If you don't try, you won't know? It may be worth joining in for the opportunities this brings.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The opportunity to do something that makes a difference to your career and reputation, may be affected by complex emotions that stop you in your tracks. Yet if you want to move further up the ladder, this might be your chance to do so. If you can detach from such feelings, things could begin to move in the direction of your dreams. Let them get to you, and they may not.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Today's powerful lunar phase can put you in something of a quandary, Aquarius. Yet doing nothing might not be an option either. With a New Moon encouraging you to take a step into the unknown, you may think of all the reasons why it's wiser to stay as you are. Your horoscope suggests it certainly would prove less threatening, but what if this is the gateway to something bigger and better?
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Ready for a breakthrough? Today's lunar phase in your sector of transformation, can inspire you to make a move, even if your friends and associates don't agree. If deep down, you feel this is right for you, then follow through Pisces. It's true that certain people in your social circle may be upset by your actions, but this is your life and not theirs, and you know what is best for you.