The Sun in Libra harmoniously aspects the Moon in Aquarius which encourages qualities of fairness, friendliness and some idealism.
It's also a very sociable tie that might inspire us to connect with others whether online or off and perhaps to explore new clubs and groups. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 26th September 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 26th September 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Much as you might want to succeed, planetary energies can interfere, and accepting this could be difficult. As an Aries, with Mars currently in your sign this may feel like defeat. Remember though, as it is in its retro phase, this might be a time of reckoning, when understanding your true motives for wanting anything puts things in perspective, and this in itself is healing.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Venus in your home zone encourages you not to feel upset with yourself if you aren't ready to attempt something. While it is great to take a leap of faith and explore the unknown, doing it half-heartedly won't get you anywhere. Perhaps what you need more than anything is a chance to nurture yourself, to reflect and refuel. Then you may be in a much better place to move forward.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The Sun in your leisure zone puts the emphasis on relaxation and good times, Gemini. Even though you may be busy with the ins and outs of a key situation, a break and a chance to indulge other activities can leave you refreshed. If you do have art or craft skills that others might appreciate, this is one of the better times to put your work on display and create a following.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If you've put your best foot forward and yet seem to be moving backwards, don't fret Cancer. This isn't so much a time to build your reputation as to consolidate current gains. If you do have big plans, use this time to research your options. A focus on a more private zone hints at relishing homely activities. A new recipe might beckon, or a chance to sit back and unwind.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
This may be the day to invest in some downtime, perhaps by enjoying an available spa treatment that soothes and leaves you more relaxed. You might particularly relish this if you are in the middle of something that has proved very demanding, even if you did initiate the idea yourself. A break could allow you to detach and realize you can take things at a slower pace if necessary.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Someone's words could leave you feeling less anxious the more you are in their company. As you listen to them, you might wonder why you have put so much pressure on yourself, and whether this will get you what you want in the end. Mind, with a lovely Sun Moon aspect on the go, your horoscope suggests that taking a detour from your normal weekend routine can find you relishing a new experience.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
As expansive Jupiter ties with the dreamy energy of Neptune, this can be a call to be kind to yourself and set firmer boundaries. You may have made certain sacrifices to help others, but there is also the chance that you are tired of putting yourself last in the queue. What could you do to rectify this matter? If you are feeling drained, it's a sign that your needs must come first Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With thoughtful Mercury opposing Mars, an encounter could have more to it than meets the eye. A deeper current can encourage further conversations, and lead to a potential friendship based on mutual respect. Even so, don't be too quick to dismiss another possible friendship, as this could also have a hidden yet jewelled side to it that you'll appreciate, even if it takes time to mature.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may be in a no-nonsense frame of mind, which means you'll likely be able to handle any challenge in a cool and proficient manner. However, when it comes to holding a conversation on a delicate issue, you might need to exercise great tact and diplomacy, as the person or people involved could hold sensitive views, and it can be important to keep them firmly on your side.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Others may begin to see your talents in a new and positive light over coming days, and this can result in a big boost to your reputation. Whether this ties into your business or career, or it's linked to more personal goals, progress could be made, and perhaps others will turn to you for advice. Keen to do business? As Venus combines with asteroid Vesta, the potential is there.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With convivial Venus lighting up your relationship zone, her soothing presence continues to be excellent for resolving difficulties and encouraging diplomacy. The added social benefits could motivate you to mingle. In need of some uplifting vibes Aquarius? The Moon in your sign and its expansive aspect, inspires you to move in other circles and enjoy new encounters.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
As the Moon moves into a spiritual sector, you may be naturally attuned to your feelings, and this can bring helpful insights over coming days. It might be an opportunity to tie up loose ends, especially concerning areas of your life that need closure. The Sun in a transformative sector also hints that letting go of something that is weighing on you, may relieve of a lot of tension Pisces.