Horoscopes Saturday 25th July 2020

The Sun in Leo makes a positive aspect to the Moon in Libra which adds a pleasant and sociable quality to the day ahead.

This can be a great time for a get-together or other social event or simply for indulging hobbies and generally enjoying life. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 25th July 2020 please see below… 

Horoscopes Saturday 25th July 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With Mars in your sign it is natural to put the emphasis on yourself and your own priorities. But this weekend, it might not be possible. As inquisitive Mercury faces-off with the red planet, you may be stopped in your tracks by having to explain yourself to someone Aries. Tempting though it can be to ignore them and carry on, a courteous and helpful response might keep things sweet. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You may want to vent and let someone know how you feel, yet with Mercury in the sensitive sign of Cancer, it might not seem appropriate. But what if you opened a discussion with the intention of hearing their side of the story Taurus? Understanding their perspective can put a different face on this matter, as well as enabling you to carve a solution that works for you both.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You likely won't lack opportunities to make your mark, but it might help if you have a definite plan. While it could be easier to leave things to chance, you may find that you accomplish so much more if you have key tasks written down and can work through them step-by-step. Another developing aspect might encourage you to cut a few corners, but this is best avoided Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Your job or certain responsibilities might require you to give a public speech or to do something which you feel ill-equipped for Cancer. Over coming days, the thought of being at the forefront of the action and having others judge you, could leave you anxious. Deep down though you may be glad of the challenge to prove yourself. Prepare in advance and it can go better than planned.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Beliefs that have shaped the course of your life for many years, may now seem to be holding you back. Recent events can be responsible for the feeling that there is so much more out there if you only dare seek it out. The coming days might see you doing some soul-searching and thinking deeply about what you really do want. If it nurtures you creatively Leo, so much the better.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

An experience that may have caused hurt in the past, could be the reason you feel reluctant to take a step forward with a relationship or a creative venture. While this might have been the case for some time, you could notice a strong resistance that seems to prevent you from following through with a new relationship or project. Acknowledging this can allow for gentle progress.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As roving Mercury forges an awkward angle to fiery Mars, there may be some discomfort around discussing an important issue with someone close. It can seem that they have closed off all avenues to a sensible conversation. There could be a reason for their stubborness though Libra. Wait a few days, as a lessening of tension might make it easier to find out what is really going on.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You may feel like dropping an incident and forgetting all about it. But if the person involved refuses to let it go, then it certainly won't be so easy. An edgy blend of energies can make the coming days uncomfortable in this regard. Even so, Venus in an intense zone could see you bringing this up, but this time with the desire to finish it once and for all so it's never mentioned again.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The issue of managing your resources may be something you are very aware of, and could be the reason that you're in two minds about an invite that might cost more than usual. Before you turn anything down though, think about the possible benefits, especially if it offers a chance to network and connect with key people. The potential opportunities here can be golden Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may sense that change is on its way, and that something needs to shift for you to feel more at ease with life. This can involve deeply personal issues though, and ones that you don't feel easy discussing with others. Yet if you could talk to someone you trust it might help Capricorn, as you may begin to see things differently and to realize that you are certainly not alone in this.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

It may be time to alter habits that have been a part of your life for some while, and it could be an unexpected change to your routine that acts as a catalyst in this regard. Some schedules can be so ingrained that the idea of doing things a different way might be unthinkable. However, each time you break the pattern, as can happen now, your horoscope suggests that doing things a new way gets so much easier.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You could feel revitalized by the idea of tackling lifestyle issues with a view to being more productive. This is an excellent time to jettison any bad habits and enjoy the many benefits that show up because of your hard work. Keen to beautify your home? Try not to get too carried away Pisces, as a glitzy aspect suggests you might choose a look that loses its appeal fairly fast.

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