The Sun in Cancer makes a positive angle with trendsetter Uranus which might encourage us to seek out novel ideas and experiences.
A new twist on a familiar recipe or an original touch to the home decor can be very satisfying. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 2nd July 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 2nd July 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Not all instant buys are necessarily bad, as you may find out over coming days. Sometimes you see something that you can't resist, and experience later proves that you were right. A lively link between the Sun and electric Uranus could coincide with an intuitive nudge that perhaps you shouldn't ignore. If you are prepared to wrangle over the price, you might get a bargain Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If an opportunity presents itself to explore a new interest, consider taking it, as it might not come around again for a while. A buoyant blend of energies can see you light up at the thought of pursuing something so enjoyable. It is often from such small beginnings that fresh skills are acquired, new friends are made and that you could enter an exciting phase of discovery Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Friends can be keen for you to connect with them, and you could be in demand. Yet you might have other ideas. You may prefer to spend time reflecting on an idea that looks promising and earns you extra cash. If it means moving out of your comfort zone, then you might be even more inspired to have a go. Some peace to think things through can help seal the deal.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You might make a new friend over coming days, whose company you find deeply engaging. There may be something about this person that leaves you feeling you could tell them anything and they wouldn't be shocked, and for you this is a big deal. You don't often get to meet others you warm to almost immediately and with whom you sense a feeling of real kinship.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may feel it is time to stand up for something you believe in by making your feelings known. Even if this does mark you out in some ways Leo, it can also bring you closer to those who share your perspective. A dynamic tie between the Moon and fiery Mars suggests a desire to get away from it all. If you can't, then new discoveries in your local area could be a substitute.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Should you play it safe or take a risk? Such decisions can be difficult for you Virgo, as a sign that prefers to calculate the odds before making a move. If you decide to take that leap of faith, there is a chance it might not work out as you hope. However, a positive tie between the Sun and Uranus suggests that it is still worth having a go, as there could be other advantages to be had.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The presence of the Moon in your communication zone can be one reason you are moved to share your feelings. If you have been holding back, then lunar ties encourage you to say what is on your mind, even if it does mean admitting you are annoyed or frustrated by events. Don't feel guilty for bringing things into the open, instead feel good, as it was time to do so anyway.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With Mars your co-ruler newly in Aries and remaining here for some months to come, energy levels may be stepped up and you might be ready to tackle challenges that you haven't felt like handling until now. But you could still need to be patient as with a number of retrogrades on the go, there will be delays. If you can't go any further with a plan, your horoscope suggests working on something else Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
An encounter could boost your resolve to celebrate all that is unique about you, rather than keep it under wraps. If you have tried your best to fit in with others by glossing over what makes you different, then current influences might bring about a change of heart. Being natural Archer and celebrating your quirks and peccadilloes, could make you even more likeable and popular.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
With the Moon linking to Mars in secluded zones, your energy may be directed into more personal issues and domestic matters. You could put a lot of effort into resolving something that might not show on the surface, but that clears the air or leaves you feeling better about life. Need to discuss something sensitive? Let your intuition guide you as to what to say and when.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Your attention may be drawn by a novel item that might be useful around the home. If it does its job, looks good and if the price is right, then you could be quite delighted. Regarding your lifestyle, you might be introduced to ideas that can make a positive difference. Some of these may involve altering your diet or your habits, and have the potential for positive change.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With the Moon in Sagittarius and the topmost sector of your chart, you may feel an intuitive nudge to inquire into an offer or opportunity Pisces. Even if it does cost money, it looks to be a wise investment. While this might not make a major impact on your job, career or ambitions, it could move things forward sufficiently by giving you some experience and useful knowledge.