Horoscopes Sunday 12th April 2020

With the Sun in Aries forging a positive tie with the Moon in Sagittarius our head and heart can work together to bring results more quickly.

With less resistance to certain tasks we might find that we can get so much more done than usual. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 12th April 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 12th April 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

As the Sun aligns with the Moon in your sector of far horizons, you may be ready for pastures new. Any opportunity to move out of your comfort zone can be a chance to discover something fresh. With a very positive influence giving you a nudge in a new direction, you have nothing to lose Aries. And if you want to team up with someone else a friend could be pleased to join you.  

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Should you take a developing relationship to the next level? The cosmos encourages you to make that leap of faith and see it as a new adventure, rather than something to be anxious about. Your intuition might also be very much to the fore, and could be a valuable asset. Paying attention to it might alert you to the best way forward concerning any plans or issues you may have Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With the Moon in your sector of relating, it may be difficult to remain annoyed with someone for too long. Regarding a situation that seems uncomfortable, it could be time to see the lighter side. And under the present set-up, this could be easier than it seems. Still, other factors suggest that if you do need to be taken seriously Gemini, a few choice words could genuinely impress others.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may think there is nothing exciting about getting your life organized and ordered, but if it means you have less to worry about, then it can be a very good move. This is a task that it's good to focus on over the coming day or so, as the more you take care of the present, the more time you will have for other options. You could have more space for self-care and pampering too.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

There are times when sharing your feelings can be a good thing, even if it seems awkward to do so. It may be necessary now Leo, to melt the ice regarding a friendship or budding romance that seems to have stalled. Although it might be easier to play it cool and pretend that you aren't bothered, a call to catch up and chat or a note to say you miss them, can certainly help.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

A lively influence in your family sector hints that you might want to make changes that allow you more space at home. You don't have to give a whole room over to this, as small section or even a corner could be enough, especially if you want to start a hobby Virgo, or even a home-based business. On a financial note, your horoscope suggests a brilliant idea might yield some extra cash if you need it.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As sweet Venus your ruler aligns with dynamic Mars, you could connect with someone you haven't seen in some time Libra. While you might be temporarily short of words, once you do get talking, you could discover new information or an opportunity that you might never have known about otherwise. This may lead to a collaboration and to liaising a lot more in general Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The current Mercury Saturn tie can inspire you to be canny with your cash, and perhaps find a way to make your money go further. While the Moon in your money zone could encourage you to splurge, you may feel a lot more secure if you invest rather than spend. There is also a strong focus on getting organized, which relates to your job and lifestyle as well as to your home.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

If ever there was a time to promote yourself online, this is it. You can blow your own trumpet as the more you are noticed, the better for you. This could be a great time to get involved in a project that requires you to use a certain skill, especially one you have a natural talent for. Once others appreciate how good you are at what you do, you may find yourself in demand more often.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With the Moon in a private zone linking to the Sun in your family sector, you might prefer a quiet day when you can relax and recharge. Yet anticipation may be building regarding an issue that requires a decision. As the Sun angles towards Pluto and Jupiter, it may be an opportunity to ring in the changes. Make sure others are on board before you do though, and that everyone agrees.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

With the Moon in a social sector, the coming day can be animated, and you may find yourself busier than ever in an enjoyable way. This can be a good time to start getting organized regarding any new projects, especially those that have been in the planning stage Aquarius. As Saturn gains traction in your sign, it's time to be taken seriously for something you are naturally good at.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Feelings can run deep, as you may find out over coming days. With Venus aligning with dynamic Mars in a private zone, you might be surprised at the attraction between you and another, and how compelling it is. Whether this is a friendship or potential romance, you may feel that it is not the time to do anything but to let things unfold naturally. You will know when to make a move.

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