The Moon aligns with Mercury in Pisces enhancing memory. And this can be a time when we might enjoy reminiscing about the past.
We might also find it easier to talk about our feelings and to listen if others need to discuss personal issues. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 21st March 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 21st March 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The Sun newly in your sign, can find you ready to hit the road running, especially as there are exciting opportunities building in your sector of goals and career. These will require dedication though, and a concerted effort if you are to make the most of them. As you often prefer the excitement of starting things rather than completing them, willpower may be needed Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A softer and sociable influence can make itself known, as sultry Venus forges a harmonious angle with dreamy Neptune, and it also has romantic potential. Need a break? Then relax with friends and perhaps enjoy some pampering or go to see a show or art exhibition. At the same time, a surprise invite could leave you excited, especially if you have romantic designs on this person.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Need the answer to a problem? A lively Mercury/Uranus link can coincide with a genius idea that comes out-of-the-blue. It could even show up first thing in the morning, just as you are in the state between sleeping and waking or may appear in a dream. Don't second guess it, run with it. Deeply involved in a project? It could be very lucrative if you are prepared to work hard at it.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
There seems to be so many possibilities open to you, if you're willing to team up or collaborate with others. Someone may be very impressed by you and eager to pool resources if this would suit you. And you may be caught up in their enthusiasm, which might lead to you both accomplishing something wonderful. Eager for romance? A social encounter could pave the way this weekend.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may be thrilled by an idea, but also aware that what you are contemplating could have challenges. However, you may be more than ready to go the extra mile to reap rewards. Rather than keep thinking about it Leo, turn your attention elsewhere to something more playful or perhaps a trip. With your focus on other things, your horoscope reveals that creative ideas can bubble up and prove helpful.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may pick up on others' moods and feelings very easily, and if you sense that someone needs a listening ear you will likely be happy to play that role. As lovely Venus glances towards Neptune in your relationship zone, you might see the beauty in another, and this can inspire you to draw closer to them. Still, a down to earth aspect could help you keep your feet on the ground.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
What might seem like a simple get-together this weekend could become so much more, as you may accomplish more than expected. It can seem as though fate has brought you together so that you can hold key conversations that might lead to even bigger decisions. Whatever the cost in time and energy it can be worth it, as some exciting changes could be on the cards here Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Find it reassuring to stick with the tried and trusted? Not for long Scorpio. Doing so could hold you back, when the present focus can be about moving forward and exploring new terrain. Any resistance may be due to past habits, and yet you might also sense it is time to break them. If you do get involved in an exciting new project, then less interesting options could pale in comparison.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You now have an opportunity to tap into skills that you might never have fully explored Archer. The coming days and weeks can be an exciting time if you are willing to put yourself on the line and try something different. This could be a new job or contract, or an idea for expanding a current business. But whatever it is, you could do very well indeed if you commit to this.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
A relationship could show a livelier side, and one that you might find very exciting if you have the time to explore it. An outing or other activity can bring you closer to someone, and it may be because you discover that you share an unusual interest. Getting together could see you coming up with some very creative ideas. Plus, a budding romance can sparkle with promise too Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You may have the confidence Aquarius, but perhaps you are hesitant to unlock the door, even if you have been dreaming of doing so for some while. The Sun newly in your sector of communication makes this a great time to ask for advice, as this might be all you need to take that first step. Need a gadget for the home? A Mercury/Uranus tie suggests a bargain could be yours.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may find that a passing conversation or words on a website jump out at you, and speak to you in a way that is very meaningful and can resolve a pressing issue. As inquisitive Mercury aligns with Uranus, this sparkling aspect could bring bright ideas and fascinating encounters that boost spirits. One meeting might make a deep impression as though fate is playing its hand.