With the Sun in the last degree of Pisces and linking to sobering Saturn this can be an opportunity to pause for thought.
If there is a situation that needs closure it may show up as a call to tie up those loose ends so we can finally be free of it. We just need to make a start. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 19th March 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 19th March 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The realization that this is the time to let something go may intensify today, and over coming days. With the Sun linking to Saturn and both about to change signs, this could be the start of a whole new phase. But first, it helps to consciously release whatever it is that is an issue by turning your attention to new ideas and opportunities. If you need to process this, do so now.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Is someone urging you to take on a challenge? If so, you may feel justified in saying no. The question is not so much whether you can do it, but why you don't want to? A powerful line-up between Mars and Jupiter suggests that accepting this challenge could be very good for you, as it will encourage personal growth and even if daunting, might soon see you aiming higher.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
What you discover today could give you a deeper understanding into someone's nature. With the Sun linking to Saturn in a perceptive zone, there may be more to a key person than meets the eye. It can be that you find them very likeable, even if they do have a few obvious flaws. In fact, as you get to know them or even to work with them, such traits could become quite endearing.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Who do you believe most? Two key aspects connecting to your sector of relating, could tie in with two people you know whose opinions vary greatly. One may downplay your chances of success and tell you to take things slowly, while the other could whip up levels of excitement into a frenzy, leaving you eager to jump into a project and have a go. Your horoscope suggests that perhaps a compromise is best.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
This can be an opportunity to show your support for an idea that you would like to be involved with. And although it can seem serious for now, you may feel considerably brighter over coming days as you realize that there is more to this than meets the eye. It might involve travel, new adventures and liaising with people who you find very interesting. Is it time to get on-board?
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may feel empowered, and this might lead you to get started on a project that until now, you have only thought about. However, with such compelling energies at work, you may be tempted to go too fast rather than set it all up properly. While you might be excited about an idea, this is a good time to do the groundwork so that you can build easily upon a strong foundation.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may sense that certain responsibilities, especially those connected to domestic life, are lessening and that you might have more leeway. A key aspect between the Sun and Saturn might see you ready to delegate or coincide with events that remove certain tasks from you for good. This can leave you with options to make some bold transformations on the home front.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With Mars linking to Jupiter and Pluto in your sector of talk and thought, you may be dwelling on something too much. This intense aspect can see you becoming obsessed with a person or an idea to the extent that it's hard to focus on other matters. And yet there is huge potential for good things to happen if you go slowly. With a thoughtful approach, so much can be accomplished.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With the Moon in your communication zone angling towards Uranus, your schedule may not go as planned and there could be one or two disruptions along the way. And yet you might enjoy a break in routine. There is always the possibility that something positive could come out of this. Keen to splurge? A big-ticket item could tempt, even if it is rather too expensive Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
A solar tie can put pressure on you to acknowledge another's feelings, even if you are reluctant. If you sense that someone needs to talk, then you might feel duty bound to explain yourself or admit to any errors of judgement. The best way forward is often to be the one to open a discussion, and you might well be pleasantly surprised and relieved at the outcome Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You may not understand how you arrived at a certain conclusion, but then you don't need to. In fact, the current planetary backdrop encourages you to trust your instincts. This can be especially so concerning an association you could be keen to take further. Again, you might not know why this feels so right, only that as far as you are concerned, it does. Try not to second guess yourself.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
It helps to focus on a goal that is important to you and stick with it. This is because there can be so many conflicting demands on your time, that you might get very little done if you spread yourself too thin. If you know what you want Pisces, then put everything else to one side and start working at it. Once your dream has gathered momentum it will be safe for you to relax.